Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 817: Konoha Saburo

Seal world.

To be honest, this was the first time Chosaburo has entered his own seal world, because when he became Jinchuriki, his Chakra and the seal world in his abdomen were completely sealed, and communication between him and Sanbi was basically done through roaring.

But at this moment, he had no mood to appreciate the scenery of the seal world. He watched as Shisui using those strange Sharingan to deal with Sanbi, seething with anger.

“Uchiha Shisui, stop it!”

“What did you do to Sanbi?”

“Unforgivable! Our Kirigakure will never let you get away with this!”

Chosaburo raged helplessly on the side, shouting again and again in anger.

What can he do?

Rushing forward and fight desperately against Shisui of the Body Flicker?

No, this is the seal world. Both he and Shisui are just spiritual bodies, and he is not good at mental combat.

The most important thing is that, he needed to stay alive and tell the village everything that happened to him!

After a while, the giant windmill pattern in Sanbi’s lone eye gradually dissipated.

Sanbi looked back as if in a daze, staring at Shisu, then suddenly tightened his hooves and shouted angrily: “What have you done to me? Uchiha Clan’s little brat!”

Chosaburo’s heart relaxed a bit: ‘Great, Sanbi is not controlled by Shisui of the Body Flicker’s Genjutsu. As expected of Sanbi!’

‘You are awesome!’

Chosaburo cheered for Sanbi like crazy.

“I mean no harm.” Shisui spread his arms, and said with a smile, “You should be able to feel that, right?”

Isobu blinked his lone eye twice, and the wariness in its eye quickly dissipated: ‘Indeed, I've been in Konoha for so long, and I haven't seen them lay a hand on me. It seems that Konoha’s Shinobi have a great conscience!’

In silence, Isobu’s perception of Konoha has changed 180 degrees, but Isobu himself was unaware of it.

Shisui said with a smile: “I came here just to see if you're living well, nothing else.”

‘When I was in Kirigakure, everyone only cared about whether I could be useful to them. Only in Konoha, do people care about whether I'm living well, whether I'm eating enough…’ Isobu felt his heart enveloped in warmth, and he comfortably squatted down. His three large mountain-sized tails hanging down gently without any sense of vigilance.

Chosaburo, who had just relaxed, suddenly became alarmed again. He looked at Isobu, who squatted down like a pet turtle, trembling with cold anger: “Isobu! What are you doing? Shisui of the Body Flicker is our enemy!!”

‘You actually showed such action in front of the enemy. Do you really think of yourself as a pet turtle?’

‘Where is your dignity?’

‘Where did that cold, ruthless, rebellious Isobu that makes me kneel and lick him, go?’

Isobu turned to look at him, his single eye full of disdain: “I want to change to another Jinchuriki. I don’t like this Kirigakure’s Shinobi.”

‘You're still the same turtle as before, without the slightest change…’ Chosaburo breathed a sigh of relief, then became angry: ‘Bastard, you're aloof and unruly in front of me, but bowing and scraping in front of Shisui of the Body Flicker, I, I, I…’


Chosaburo was Kirigakure’s Anbu no matter what, so when he thought of Shisui’s strange Sharingan from before, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

‘Isobu has been controlled by Shisui of the Body Flicker’s Genjutsu…’

‘And it’s the kind of subconscious control, as even Isobu himself isn't aware of it…’

‘Damn it!’

‘Isobu, you stupid pig!’

Chosaburo’s mind was in turmoil, but at this moment, he could only pretend to be ignorant, pretend not to know anything. Only in this way could he avoid being silenced, survive with the truth, and tell the village what happened here.

“Isobu-dono doesn’t like this Kirigakure’s Shinobi?” Shisui ignored Chosaburo’s psychological drama and continued to talk to Isobu with a smile on his face.

Isobu nodded repeatedly: “Yeah, yeah, this guy is annoying and ugly, his voice is unpleasant. I'm so annoyed by him.”

‘Isobu, remember what you said today…’ Chosaburo’s whole body was trembling with anger.

“So…” Shisui said thoughtfully, “If Isobu-dono doesn’t mind, I can ask Hokage-sama to use Fuinjutsu to erase his memory, so that he won’t bother you anymore.”

‘Erase my memory?’

‘Is that kind of thing something Fuinjutsu can do?’

‘Don’t lie to me, hey! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ’

Chosaburo turn pale with fright.

“That's great!” Isobu excitedly shook his tails twice, joyfully exclaimed, “Then please ask Yondaime Hokage to do it. It really helps me solve a big trouble.”

‘You actually sold me so simply…’ Chosaburo’s trembling intensified.

“Shut up!”

Chosaburo knew he couldn't let them continue talking, so he shouted angrily, “Shisui of the Body Flicker, Isobu is innocent. If you have the guts, come at me!”

At this, Shisui just smiled and said: “Hokage-sama has almost finished setting up the sealing array. Well then, Isobu, I'll take my leave first.”

“Goodbye. “Isobu nodded.

Shisui’s spiritual body instantly dissipated.

Chosaburo’s eyes flickered, and he immediately said to Isobu: “Isobu, snap out of it. Shisui of the Body Flicker is not a good person, he deceived you with Genjutsu, you…”


Isobu swung his huge tail, directly bursting Chosaburo’s spiritual body in mid-air: ‘So annoying.’

Isobu closed his eyes, feeling comfortable and at ease, falling into a peaceful sleep.

In his heart, only in Konoha could he sleep peacefully.

Chosaburo’s consciousness returned, and he saw the blond Minato walking out of the iron gate with his back facing him.

He subconsciously took a step forward, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed that the ground beneath his feet was covered with densely packed sealing runes. He looked down and found that most of the prison was already filled with sealing runes!

Chosaburo suddenly remembered the conversation between Shisui and Isobu in the seal world, and his face immediately changed color.

“Stop, don’t, Yameteee!~”


Minato turned around, then formed hand seals and slapped the ground, “Fuin!”


A hazy light poured out from the sealing array on the ground, wrapping Chosaburo like a cocoon.

Kanpū squeezed outside the iron gate, dripping with anticipation.

This sealing array’s ability to erase memory is a good thing, but unfortunately, he had already used all three collections today to the ancestors of Toneri, which is a pity.

After a while, the light dissipated.

Chosaburo stood there blankly. He was in his thirties, but his eyes were as clear as those of a three-year-old idiot.

‘Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?’

Chosaburo blinked his eyes a few times, at a loss.

“Your name is Konoha Saburo, you're Konoha’s Shinobi.” Minato stood up and said with a smile.

‘I'm Konoha’s Shinobi?’

“I can’t remember.” Chosaburo… Konoha Saburo looked at Minato with some confusion.

“You were a spy in Kirigakure before, but unfortunately, they found out about you. Then, in order to prevent information leakage, they erased your memory.”

Minato said, “But don't be afraid. You're back now, Konoha will always be your home.”

“My home… Konoha… My name is Konoha Saburo.” Konoha Saburo’s eyes glimmered slightly.

“But Kirigakure’s Shinobi are still chasing you, so for your safety, we need to perform plastic surgery on you.” Minato said seriously.

Konoha Saburo nodded: “Okay, I understand.”

“Eagle.” Minato cast a look at Eagle.

“I know what to do.” Eagle said with a smile, “Come with me, Cho… Konoha Saburo!”

Eagle kindly held Konoha Saburo’s hand and left.

Hiruzen looked at their backs, put down his pipe in melancholy, then said with a sigh: “Yondaime, Konoha will definitely become better and better under your leadership.”

Minato chuckled and said: “Let’s leave this place too.”

After everyone left, only Roshi remained in the empty and quiet underground.

He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes are full of uncontrollable panic.

Although he kept his eyes closed the whole time, he listened to the conversation outside with his ears.

‘Using Shisui of the Body Flicker’s Genjutsu to control the Biju, and then use the seal array to get rid of the Jinchuriki’s memories… Konoha wants to gather the nine Biju again, they want to unify the Shinobi World!!

Roshi’s heart was filled with fear and trepidation. He is not shocked by Konoha’s ambition, but is worried about his own safety.

From the conversation between Minato and Hiruzen, he knew that the order of capture between him and Chosaburo was a matter of who was first and who was next.

‘It's my turn next!’

‘What should I do?’

‘Roshi is drenched in cold sweat.’

‘Should I surrender to Konoha?’

‘At least I won't lose my memory this way…’

‘No, even if I die, I, Roshi, will never compromise to anyone!’

‘But if I don't compromise, my memories will be erased. Would I still be me at that time?’

Roshi let the imagination run wild, and his whole body didn’t feel good.

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