Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 2: Embracing Science in a World of Chakra

Orochimaru felt a wave of disappointment wash over him.

What kind of system is this? A system that expects him to delve into science? Was this some kind of joke?

He thought back to his incomplete college education. Now, this system wanted him to embark on complex scientific research? Did it really believe science could change the world of Naruto? Even the original Orochimaru hadn't achieved that level of influence through science alone.

In this world, even if I were to invent something as powerful as a bazooka, someone like Pain could easily swat it away with a flick of his finger! What's the future in that? Orochimaru thought grimly. It would be better if the system just gave me the body of an immortal instead!

"Host, as the owner of the Mad Scientist System, you should firmly believe that science is the foundation of all life. It's like a key that opens the doors to progress. Science is a force capable of changing the world. You should have faith in science, and love science!"

"Love science?" Orochimaru sneered, his irritation growing. "I'm just a poor college dropout. Now I'm practically on my way to becoming a future criminal, and you're talking to me about science? Do you even understand that in this world, the strongest force is the Otsutsuki bloodline?" Orochimaru's voice turned sarcastic. "Can science allow me to fly through the sky or burrow through the earth? Can science create a moon, like the Sage of Six Paths? Stop kidding yourself! I'm on my own here, and I have no interest in doing scientific research. Just give me the body of an immortal or, better yet, hand me a Sharingan already!"

The system remained calm. "What you've mentioned falls under the field of genetics. If the host dedicates time to studying genetics, all those feats can be achieved easily."

"Genetics? Are you telling me that studying genetics can give me the body of an immortal?"

"Certainly," the system confirmed without hesitation.

"You're not lying to me, right?" Orochimaru raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"The system does not possess the capacity to lie," it replied mechanically.

Orochimaru paused, contemplating the idea. If genetics truly held such potential in this world of chakra, perhaps this system wasn't entirely useless. "Alright then, tell me how to operate it!"

Inwardly, Orochimaru began to adjust to his new reality, settling into his identity as the Orochimaru of this world. His life in the previous world wasn't something he particularly missed.

In his former life, he had been nothing special a college student without a degree, someone decent and kind-hearted. Though he had lost his father early, he had a mother who loved him, and they depended on each other. He had lived a simple life, enjoying video games, reading novels, and watching anime. Even his girlfriend, while average in appearance, had made him happy.

He had been ordinary. Completely ordinary.

Then, fate had taken a cruel turn.

One night, while out buying daily necessities, he was knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant.

When he awoke, he found himself in a hotel room, lying next to a dead girl. Blood soaked the sheets, and in his hand was a bloody dagger. The girl had been murdered, and every piece of evidence pointed to him as the killer.

It had been a meticulous setup.

Before he could process the horror of the situation, the police barged in, arresting him on the spot.

The trial had been swift and unforgiving. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

His mother, convinced of his innocence, did everything in her power to clear his name. She visited lawyers, appealed the case, and never stopped fighting for him.

But tragedy struck again. One night, his mother was killed in a car accident. Though the driver and the insurance company provided a large settlement, it was cold comfort for a grieving son behind bars.

The money meant nothing to him. His mother was gone.

When the news reached him, something inside him snapped. Rage consumed him. He swore that if he ever got another chance, he would live without mercy. He would be ruthless, cutting down anyone who stood in his way. 

In that dark moment, he realized that power and status were everything. Being framed had taught him that kindness meant nothing without strength. His years in prison, filled with constant conflict and violence, solidified this belief.

But then, as if by some divine intervention, he had been transported into the world of Naruto, reincarnated as Orochimaru.

This is my second chance, he thought, his lips curling into a dark smile. There couldn't be a better turn of events than this. Orochimaru, one of the most powerful and feared figures in the Naruto world, had been a genius in his own right.

The only downside?

This damn Mad Scientist System... Orochimaru sighed.

Interrupting his thoughts, the system chimed in: "The system has prepared a starter gift package for the host. Would you like to open it?"

Of course, there's always a starter gift package... Orochimaru thought, rolling his eyes. "Go ahead, open it."

"Congratulations, host, you've received: 6 Invisible Flies!"  

"Congratulations, host, you've received: 1 matching pair of Invisible Fly contact lenses!"  

"Congratulations, host, you've received: 1 vial of Basic Genetic Enhancement Serum!"

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow as the items appeared in the system's inventory, ready to be used.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do with these?" he muttered, frowning. Advanced technology wasn't something he had ever been exposed to, neither in his previous life nor in this one.

In his past life, he was just an ordinary student with no experience in high-tech gadgets. And now, as the young Orochimaru, he was only six years old and hadn't yet delved into the kind of forbidden science and experimentation that would later define him.

"Please check the items yourself," the system said in its usual monotone.

Orochimaru sighed and began reviewing the items.

The Invisible Flies were reconnaissance tools, similar to the insects used by the Aburame clan for tracking and gathering information. However, these flies had one crucial advantage they were invisible. When used in tandem with the contact lenses, they became almost undetectable, even to someone with sensory abilities.

Not bad, Orochimaru thought. The range of the flies was impressive, too they could scout up to five kilometers away. He could already see the value of such a tool in the future.

Next, he examined the Basic Gene Enhancement Serum.

"This serum… does it strengthen the body?" Orochimaru mused. A grin spread across his face as he realized what this meant. "Haha, does this mean it can increase a ninja's chakra reserves?"

The system confirmed his thoughts. "Yes, host. The Basic Gene Enhancement Serum enhances physical capabilities, including chakra reserves."

Now this is something useful! Orochimaru's mind raced. He was still only six years old, and while he had a natural talent for ninjutsu, his chakra reserves were limited. But if this serum could enhance him further, it would give him a significant edge in his training.

The disappointment he had initially felt toward the system was beginning to fade. Maybe science isn't so bad after all...


Didn't see that backstory coming, did you? Neither did I hahahaha!

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