Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 31: Gene Repair Fluid

Bang, bang, bang!

As the last Kumo ninja hit the ground, the four summoned beasts disappeared in clouds of white smoke, leaving the battlefield eerily silent once again. The once tranquil forest was now a chaotic mess, the earth torn and scarred, trees uprooted, and the ground littered with debris an all-too-familiar scene in the aftermath of a battle.

The Konoha ANBU quickly moved in to assess the battlefield, checking for any signs of lingering danger.

"You kids did an amazing job!" one of the ANBU members approached the trio, his voice filled with admiration.

To think that these were just children, children who had shown such combat proficiency and teamwork on their first real battlefield experience. It was simply unbelievable.

"Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade you really are something special."

"W-where... no way!!" Jiraiya stammered awkwardly, his face flushed with embarrassment. Tsunade and Orochimaru handled the compliment calmly, but Jiraiya couldn't help feeling ashamed. He had panicked the most during the battle. If Orochimaru hadn't been there to pull him out of danger, he likely would have been seriously injured or worse.

Still, Jiraiya was no coward. He had managed to hold his ground after that initial panic, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was still lagging behind his teammates.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru ignored the praise and the small talk. His gaze shifted to the Kumo ninjas who had been incapacitated but were still alive, groaning on the ground. A strange, inexplicable feeling surged within him.

He gripped his kunai tightly and began walking toward the injured Kumo ninjas.

"Hey, Orochimaru! What are you doing?" Jiraiya shouted, his voice laced with concern.


Without answering, Orochimaru slashed one of the downed Kumo ninjas across the neck, blood spilling out as the enemy ninja's life quickly faded away. Jiraiya's eyes widened in shock.

Tsunade also flinched, a trace of unease flickering across her face. 

This... this was different.

Although they were enemies, these Kumo ninjas had already lost the ability to fight. Was there really a need to kill them in cold blood?

Hiruzen, watching from a distance, noticed Orochimaru's actions. He raised an eyebrow, momentarily surprised, but quickly returned to his usual expression. This was war, after all. Such actions weren't uncommon.

Only the ANBU captain, Eagle, showed a more pronounced reaction. Behind his mask, a cold smirk formed. This kid... he's perfect for ANBU.

Shaking his head, Eagle called over one of his uninjured subordinates. Together, they moved across the battlefield, mercilessly finishing off the rest of the incapacitated Kumo ninjas. It was ANBU's job to clean up loose ends, and this was no different.

Hiruzen didn't stop them. He wasn't soft-hearted as the future might suggest. During his prime, Hiruzen was an elite jōnin, having killed countless enemies. Sparing incapacitated foes? That was simply not an option in war. They couldn't afford to let any enemies escape or report back.

However, for Tsunade and Jiraiya, witnessing ANBU's clinical efficiency and cold execution was a sobering moment. It was as if the reality of what it truly meant to be a ninja had finally sunk in.

"So... this is what it means to be a real ninja...," Jiraiya muttered to himself.


Once the battlefield was cleared, Eagle approached Hiruzen to report, "What are the casualties?"

"One seriously injured, two slightly injured," Eagle replied crisply. "No deaths."

Hiruzen frowned slightly. "A serious injury? Tsunade!"

"Yes, sensei!" Tsunade immediately stepped forward, understanding what Sarutobi wanted without needing further instruction.

"Check the injured!" Hiruzen ordered.

"Understood!" Tsunade nodded before quickly moving to where the seriously injured ANBU member, Fox, lay.


The last two and a half years had been a period of intense growth for the three young ninjas. After graduating, they spent the first half of that time mastering fundamental skills, but the next two years had been different. Each of them had begun developing specialized talents: Orochimaru delved deep into scientific research and experiments, Jiraiya trained in senjutsu, and Tsunade honed her skills in medical ninjutsu.

Success wasn't just about talent it was about hard work and dedication. And the three of them embodied this perfectly. That's why they had already begun to rise above their peers.


Fox's injury was severe his chest had been slashed by a Kumo ninja, and the cut was so deep that his ribs were visible. Blood poured from the wound, and it was clear that his condition was critical.

Eagle watched Tsunade work with efficient precision, his admiration for the young kunoichi growing with every passing moment. "She... she's a medical ninja?"

"And she's also this strong in combat?" another ANBU murmured in disbelief. It was incredibly rare, almost unheard of, for a medical ninja to be so proficient in battle. Medical ninjutsu was still a relatively underdeveloped field in most villages, and Tsunade was clearly breaking new ground with her skillset.

Tsunade ignored their comments, focusing entirely on her task. She quickly assessed Fox's condition and frowned. "His wound is extremely deep. He needs surgery right away."

"Surgery? Can you do it here?" Eagle asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"It's difficult, but I'll do my best," Tsunade replied, her voice steady.

"Then hurry! We don't have much time!" Hiruzen urged.

As Tsunade readied her tools for surgery, Hiruzen ordered the uninjured ANBU to spread out and secure the area. Now, in the middle of the forest clearing, it was just Tsunade, the wounded, and Orochimaru.

Jiraiya, standing nearby, watched Orochimaru's calm demeanor and Tsunade's skillful movements. He couldn't help but feel out of place. Both of them had such defined skills Orochimaru with his cunning intellect and experiments, and Tsunade with her medical expertise.


As Tsunade adjusted her breathing and prepared for surgery, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Tsunade, give him this it'll make the operation easier," Orochimaru said, holding a small vial of clear liquid.

"... Orochimaru? What is this?" Tsunade asked, momentarily startled.

"It's a formula that accelerates wound recovery," Orochimaru replied casually, handing her the vial.

Tsunade looked at the liquid, unsure for a moment. She trusted Orochimaru, but this wasn't a normal medical item. Still, there was no time to hesitate the wounded ANBU's life was on the line.

"Alright," Tsunade said, handing the vial to Fox. "Drink this. It should help."

Trusting Orochimaru was second nature to her, just as trusting Hiruzen was. And she had faith that this would work.

"Bear with it!" she warned Fox as he drank the liquid, her hands immediately returning to her surgical tools, pulling out disinfectants, gauze, and sutures to begin the procedure.


While Tsunade worked, Orochimaru observed Fox's wound with keen interest. The gene repair fluid he had given the ANBU member was a product of his experiments, designed to rapidly heal or regenerate damaged cells. It wasn't an expensive concoction at least, not for Orochimaru. He could even purchase the raw materials separately from his system, depending on the points he accumulated from his research.

The fluid wasn't something Orochimaru used often, but this was the perfect chance to test its effects on a seriously injured human subject.


As Tsunade prepared to operate, Orochimaru's eyes glinted with scientific curiosity. He watched closely, eager to see how the gene repair fluid would work. This was the first time he had tested it on a live subject.

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