Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 44: Poor Guy

The two rooms were quite spacious, with only the bare essentials tables and chairs leaving plenty of open space. It was perfect for Orochimaru to set up his work.

Satisfied with the arrangement, Orochimaru instructed the ANBU to place the experimental equipment in the designated spots. He began to familiarize himself with the environment.

The basement had about eight or nine rooms, but there weren't many staff members just four or five researchers. When they saw Orochimaru, their reactions were predictable. 

They stared at the young boy standing before them, clearly surprised.

"The one arriving today... is just a child?"


"Hey, kid, what's your name?" one of the researchers asked, raising his chin at Orochimaru dismissively.

"Orochimaru," he replied, his tone calm and unbothered.

The researcher didn't seem to care much and waved him off. "Alright then, take a look around if you want."

Seeing that the researchers were preoccupied, Orochimaru didn't bother them further. He stood back and quietly observed their work.

The researchers appeared to be dissecting a corpse. Judging by the forehead protector they had removed and placed nearby, the body belonged to a Kumo ninja.

Orochimaru watched the procedure carefully, taking note of the precision with which the researchers handled the corpse. Despite being minor players in the field, these researchers clearly had a strong grasp of anatomy such professional dissection techniques could only come from years of clinical experience.

Though Orochimaru had become adept at creating enhancement serum and other chemical compounds, his understanding of anatomy and surgery was still largely theoretical. If he wanted to become a truly great scientist, he would need to master the scalpel.


He made up his mind on the spot.

He already possessed numerous high-tech tools that allowed him to control experiments with great precision. But before he delved deeper into them, he needed to develop a solid understanding of biological dissection.

With a clear goal and direction, Orochimaru turned away after observing for a few minutes, ready to embark on this next phase of his research.


The night passed without incident.

Early the next morning, Orochimaru got to work. Since most of his experimental equipment had been transferred from his old house, all that remained were a few essential items and daily necessities.

However, to his surprise, Tsunade and Jiraiya had shown up early to help him pack. They'd overheard him mentioning the move during dinner the previous evening, and despite their usual antics, they had come to assist him.

What was even more surprising was Jiraiya's presence.

Given how Tsunade and Orochimaru had constantly beaten him in sparring matches and the way they teased him, it was almost amusing that Jiraiya still showed up to help. He was like an indestructible cockroach no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get rid of him.

"Hey, Jiraiya," Tsunade said as she sat cross-legged on the tatami like a big sister giving advice, "you should learn from Orochimaru. Look at him he's already bought his own house at such a young age. And you? You're still..."

"How can I even compare?" Jiraiya replied, brushing off her comment. "Besides, if I manage to save that much money, will you be my girlfriend?"

This guy... not only was he thick-skinned, but he also had no filter when he spoke.

"I don't care what you say about me, but I'm into beautiful girls. That's just the way I am. Deal with it," Jiraiya added, grinning shamelessly. "If you don't like it, feel free to beat me up!"

Tsunade scoffed, looking at him with utter disdain. "Be your girlfriend? Keep dreaming!"

"Then why do you care so much about me, huh?" Jiraiya shot back, his tone playful. "You're always going on about Orochimaru this, Orochimaru that. It's so annoying!"

"Oh, so that's how it is?" Tsunade's smile turned dark as she cracked her knuckles. "You think I care, huh? Orochimaru!"

"Hmm?" Orochimaru raised an eyebrow, already sensing what was about to happen.

"You're not planning to come back to this old house, right?" Tsunade asked sweetly.

"No," Orochimaru replied with a hint of amusement, "this place is too old and cramped. I won't be back here."

"Good!" Tsunade's expression changed instantly as she loomed over Jiraiya. "In that case, I won't have to hold back!"

"W-wait! What are you going to do?" Jiraiya stammered, suddenly realizing the grave mistake he'd made.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead as he instinctively took a step back.

"Go to hell!" Tsunade's figure blurred as she disappeared from her spot and reappeared directly in front of Jiraiya, her fist already cocked back.


Tsunade's punch sent Jiraiya flying with such force that he smashed through the wooden wall of Orochimaru's old house, crashing through it with a loud crack. His screams echoed in the distance as he disappeared into the air, his voice growing fainter and fainter.

Tsunade dusted off her hands, completely unbothered by the destruction. She turned to Orochimaru with a bright, innocent smile. "Oops, sorry! I didn't mean to break your house. But since you're not planning to keep it, you don't mind, right?"

Orochimaru stared at the gaping hole Jiraiya had left in his wall, then at Tsunade's cheerful face. A small, rare smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement.

"Not at all," he replied, casting a quick glance at the distant sky where Jiraiya had vanished. "I'll just consider it an early farewell to this place."

Still, in his mind, Orochimaru silently mourned for Jiraiya. That poor guy. He never learned when to keep his mouth shut.

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