Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 49: Uzumaki Mito

Orochimaru's perception ability, was something he had only recently begun to study, using the unique characteristics of snakes to detect chakra in his surroundings. Though the range wasn't as extensive as the chakra perception of the canon Orochimaru, the accuracy was still quite remarkable for someone at his level.

As such, he was able to sense the figures inside the hut and quickly piece together who they might be.

Sure enough, the ANBU opened the door.

A middle-aged woman in a white kimono, her hair styled in a double bun, appeared before Orochimaru. Despite being referred to as middle-aged, her appearance was more weathered, with the unmistakable signs of countless years etched into her face.

The ANBU, without a word, gestured for Orochimaru to enter. He complied, stepping into the room. The ANBU then silently retreated and closed the door, leaving the two alone.

As Orochimaru took in the sight before him, his suspicions were immediately confirmed. The emblem of the Senju clan embroidered on the woman's robe, paired with her vibrant red hair, made her identity unmistakable.

"You wanted to see me?" Orochimaru asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes," the woman replied calmly.

"And you are…?" Orochimaru feigned uncertainty, though he had already figured out who she was.

"Uzumaki Mito," she said, her voice soft but firm.

The name "Uzumaki Mito" carried a weight far beyond its mere four syllables. As soon as it was uttered, even the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, would have to show respect. It was no wonder she wielded such influence and had so many ANBU watching over her.

Uzumaki Mito the current Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, the wife of Senju Hashirama, the God of Shinobi, and the true matriarch of the Senju clan.

Any one of these titles alone would be enough to shake the shinobi world.

Orochimaru was genuinely surprised to be in her presence, but he didn't let that show. Adhering to proper decorum, he adjusted his robes and gave a slight bow. 

"It is an honor to meet you, Mito-sama. Please forgive my rudeness," he said, his tone respectful.

"Ah, such a polite young man," Mito remarked, her demeanor warm and gentle. There was something about her a natural affinity that made her presence feel soothing, like a spring breeze. It was an inherent quality that some people simply possessed.

"Please, have a seat," she said, motioning to the chair beside her with a kind smile.

Orochimaru nodded and took a seat, his mind already whirling with possibilities about why she had called him here. Though she had lived in Konoha for a long time, someone of her stature rarely made direct contact with others. Why him, of all people?

Could it be that she was here on behalf of Tsunade?

After all, beyond being the wife of the First Hokage, Uzumaki Mito was also Tsunade's grandmother. If she had sought him out for matters concerning Tsunade, it would make some sense.

However, if the issue was related to Tsunade, surely Mito wouldn't need to intervene directly, right?

Just as Orochimaru was lost in thought, Mito spoke again, interrupting his mental speculations.

"I've heard that you were the one who developed that powerful recovery potion," she said, her voice gentle but inquisitive.

Orochimaru snapped out of his reverie and nodded. "Yes, Mito-sama, I was involved in its development."

Mito chuckled lightly. "You don't have to be so formal. You're Tsunade's classmate, aren't you? You may call me Grandma Mito, just as she does."

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, internally conflicted. In his two lifetimes, he had never experienced the concept of having a grandmother. It felt strange, almost unnatural, to be asked to address someone this way. But after a moment's pause, he relented.

"Yes… Grandma Mito," Orochimaru finally managed, though the words felt foreign on his tongue.

Mito smiled warmly. "Orochimaru, you're a remarkable young man. Despite not coming from a great clan or having any significant family backing, you've become Hiruzen's disciple entirely on your own merits. I have high hopes for your future."

Orochimaru remained silent, sensing that this conversation was about to delve into deeper waters.

Sure enough, Mito paused briefly before continuing. "Tsunade speaks highly of you, you know. She often mentions your talent and strength. After meeting you today, I can see that you're even more impressive than the rumors suggest."

Her words hung in the air for a moment before she added, "I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here, aren't you?"

"To be honest, yes," Orochimaru replied. "I am curious."

Mito smiled softly, her demeanor still calm. "That's understandable. Anyone would be curious if they were summoned like this without explanation. But don't worry, it's nothing too serious. As I get older, I tend to ramble a bit, so I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Orochimaru said, though he remained on guard.

Mito's expression grew thoughtful. "I've brought you here today for one reason, really. I wanted to hear your thoughts on the future."

"My thoughts on the future?" Orochimaru asked, puzzled. "What exactly do you mean?"

"I'm asking about your ideals… your dreams," Mito clarified, her tone slow and deliberate.

She straightened her robe slightly as she spoke, keeping her gaze fixed on Orochimaru.

"My dreams?" Orochimaru repeated, his eyes narrowing slightly. After a moment of contemplation, he replied, "I wonder if bringing peace to the shinobi world counts?"

"Peace in the shinobi world?" Mito raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by his response. But she didn't dismiss the notion. "That's quite a lofty dream. And how do you plan to achieve that?"

Orochimaru remained composed, though internally he was treading carefully. "I haven't fully figured that out yet," he lied, his voice smooth. "But I intend to work toward that goal, step by step."

In truth, Orochimaru was wary of why Uzumaki Mito had asked him such a question. He felt an instinctive need to be cautious in his responses.

Deep down, though, he already had a plan.

The 'unified theory' he had mentioned to Tsunade wasn't just idle talk. As a reincarnator who had experienced a world without war, Orochimaru had little patience for the constant fighting that plagued the shinobi world. Endless battles, life constantly hanging in the balance what was the point of such a world?

To him, the fleeting satisfaction of victory in combat could never compare to the peace and pleasures of a stable, unified world. In a time of peace, a person with strength or wealth could live a life full of meaning and color.

But this world was different. This world was one of war.

Orochimaru knew he couldn't change that not yet, at least. The only option was to become stronger, powerful enough to shape the world according to his desires.

And unifying the shinobi world was one of the few ambitions that truly drove him.

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