Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 62: Cheating

Invisible flies have two main functions: scanning and projection.

Orochimaru utilized these two functions with remarkable precision. One fly was responsible for scanning Jiraiya's test paper, transmitting the data to Orochimaru, while the second fly projected the answers back onto Jiraiya's paper. 

This might seem like common technology in modern times, but in this world, it was an invaluable and near-untraceable tool.

As the faint light from the fly projected answers onto Jiraiya's test paper, he couldn't help but let out a startled yelp, nearly falling off his chair.

"Wh-What the hell is that?!"

Bang bang!

The examiner smacked his desk with a pointer, glaring at Jiraiya.

"You there! Quiet down, or you'll be disqualified!"

Jiraiya, still wide-eyed and flustered, tried to explain, "But just now there was something on my paper..."

"What's going on with you?" Another examiner came over, looking puzzled.

Realizing that every student in the room was now staring at him, Jiraiya quickly waved his hands and stammered, "N-Nothing! It's fine! Haha, just, uh, had a moment."

Though often clueless, Jiraiya wasn't completely dense. He realized that whatever had happened, drawing attention to it would only make things worse. After a brief moment of panic, he gathered himself.

The examiner gave him one last suspicious look before walking away, and Jiraiya exhaled in relief. Whoever was helping him, they clearly had a plan in mind.

As Jiraiya calmed down, the faint light from the invisible fly once again shone on his paper. This time, Jiraiya remained composed, realizing that this was his chance to pass the exam.

The light was so dim that it went unnoticed by anyone else in the room, and Orochimaru had been careful to position it outside the examiners' line of sight. Jiraiya, despite his earlier confusion, now copied the answers with surprising speed and efficiency.


Once they left the exam room, Jiraiya was still deep in thought, puzzling over what had happened. During the written test, someone had definitely been helping him, but who?

He couldn't just let this go. As a young and curious ninja, he had to figure it out. But given the time constraints and the exam environment, he hadn't had the chance to investigate further.

"Orochimaru… was that you back there?" Jiraiya asked, looking skeptical.

"Hm? What are you talking about?" Orochimaru replied, his expression blank.

"Never mind…" Jiraiya muttered, even more confused. He was sure that the only people capable of helping him were his two teammates: Orochimaru and Tsunade. Tsunade was a medical-ninjutsu specialist, and her skills weren't particularly suited to something like this. But Orochimaru? He was always experimenting with strange techniques and abilities. It had to be him. 

But the more he looked at Orochimaru's calm demeanor, the more confused he became. Was it really him? 

"Seriously, was it you?" Jiraiya pressed on.

Orochimaru, seeing no point in continuing the charade, finally said, "Are you talking about giving you the answers?"

The bluntness of Orochimaru's statement caught Jiraiya off guard. His eyes widened in shock.

"So, it was you! How did you do it?!" Jiraiya exclaimed, utterly astonished. "You just transmitted the answers onto my paper! What kind of ninjutsu is that?!"

Before Orochimaru could answer, Tsunade appeared beside them, having overheard part of the conversation. "What are you two whispering about?" she asked suspiciously.

Unable to contain his excitement, Jiraiya immediately filled Tsunade in on everything that had happened during the test, going into great detail about the mysterious answers appearing on his paper.

Tsunade, equally astonished, turned to Orochimaru. "That's incredible! I was worried Jiraiya would fail, but now… Orochimaru, how did you pull it off?"

Orochimaru, calm as ever, replied, "It's just a little gadget I've been working on."

"Gadget? What kind of gadget?" Tsunade asked, her curiosity piqued. "How can something like that transmit answers?"

"Yeah, Orochimaru! Show us how it works!" Jiraiya added, his excitement growing.

They were still kids, after all. Their curiosity was boundless. The idea of some new invention that could project answers during an exam was too tempting for them to ignore.

Orochimaru smirked. "Alright, I'll show you, but you need to keep this a secret."

Both Tsunade and Jiraiya nodded eagerly, promising to keep their mouths shut.

Without hesitation, Orochimaru held out his hand, and there it wasba small, seemingly ordinary fly perched on his palm. "Here. This is the 'gadget'."

"Ew! That's just a fly! How gross!" Tsunade recoiled, taking a step back.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, squinted in disbelief. "Come on, there's no way an ordinary fly could do that. This isn't just a normal fly, right?"

Orochimaru nodded. "You're right. It's a new species I discovered. It can record what it sees and project it elsewhere."

This, of course, was a half-truth. The invisible fly was a highly sophisticated mechanical device, but to any onlooker, it appeared completely natural. Orochimaru had planned for this scenario from the beginning. The fly was indistinguishable from a real insect unless examined up close.

"It can do that?!" Jiraiya asked, thoroughly impressed. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah, seriously, Orochimaru. You always come up with the weirdest, coolest things," Tsunade added, though she still kept her distance from the fly.

"How does it work?" Jiraiya asked, still fascinated.

Orochimaru casually explained the basics, demonstrating how the fly scanned the environment and projected images. He had crafted the story carefully. In a world filled with strange and unique abilities, such as the Yamanaka clan's mind control or the Aburame clan's insect manipulation, something like this could easily be passed off as a newly discovered creature.

Both Jiraiya and Tsunade were fully convinced. Even seasoned ninjas had come across countless species of bugs, many with bizarre powers. A fly that could scan and project didn't seem out of the ordinary at all. 

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