Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 64: Good To Go

The three participants entering the field now were around the same age as the previous group, about twelve or thirteen years old. One had two sharp canine teeth and wore face paint, crouching low to the ground with one hand pressed against it. The other two, standing behind him, were easily identifiable: one wore sunglasses, while the other had pale, pupil-less eyes.

There was no need for Orochimaru to wonder which clans they came from. It was obvious from their appearance that they were from the Inuzuka, Hyuga, and Aburame clans.

These were members of some of the most prestigious families in Konoha, and seeing them enter the competition as a team didn't surprise Orochimaru in the least. After all, ever since the village was established, the larger clans had always maintained strong connections through teamwork.

As the three of them entered the field, the opposing team, led by a boy named Toranosuke, visibly faltered. They glanced at each other, clearly nervous.

"Damn it, why did we have to run into them?" one muttered, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Maybe we should just quit and come back for the next exam," another suggested, sounding defeated.

"I don't see another option. We're way outmatched here," the third chimed in.

Finally, they resigned themselves to their fate. "Teacher, we forfeit."

"Team Toranosuke forfeits. The winners are Inuzuka's team from Group A," the examiner announced.

Inuzuka, who had been gearing up to show off his skills, was taken aback. "What? They gave up?"

"We're probably just too strong," the boy in sunglasses, Shingo, said calmly.

Inuzuka grinned. "Haha, guess you're right…"

The matches moved quickly, with team after team entering the battlefield. Soon, it was Uchiha's turn, and as they prepared, it became clear that they hadn't noticed Orochimaru and his teammates in the crowd. All of Uchiha's focus was on their upcoming battle.

Unlike the Uchiha, who came from a prestigious clan, his teammates were two civilian ninjas. One was a classmate named Tenzo, and the other was a slightly older girl.

Their opponents were clearly more experienced and older, but that didn't matter. The fight was one-sided from the start. The Uchiha's team dominated their opponents with superior strength, easily overpowering them.

Watching the match, Orochimaru couldn't help but reflect on how much of an advantage ninjas from prestigious clans had over civilians. They had access to superior training resources, guidance from family members, and the inheritance of powerful techniques. For a civilian ninja, even the strongest effort often paled in comparison to these advantages.

It was even more apparent with clans like Aburame, Hyuga, and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, whose members were already stronger than average and often teamed up. A civilian ninja facing them in battle would simply have to chalk it up to bad luck.

"The winners are Uchiha's team from Group A!" the examiner announced.

"The next match will be between Team C from Group A and Team D from Group B…"


In Konoha Village, high above the training grounds, Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, stood on the rooftop of the academy, gazing toward the matches with a quiet intensity. From his vantage point, he could see the entire training area.

Despite knowing his disciples' abilities well, Hiruzen still felt the need to be present. As their teacher, he wanted to witness their progress firsthand. If they succeeded, he could be proud of their accomplishments. If they faltered, he could pinpoint the areas they needed to work on for the future.

Standing behind him were three other elders of Konoha, observing alongside him.

"Hiruzen, your disciples are up next," said one elder with a chuckle. "You seem a bit tense."

"You worried about them, old friend?" teased another elder, this one named Mito, who stood beside him with a smile.

Hiruzen laughed heartily in response. "I'm not worried, just excited. I know what they're capable of."

He had every reason to be confident. Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya were among the most promising young ninjas in the village. Even if they went up against the best from the other clans, he was certain they wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Danzo, who stood off to the side, remained quiet. While Sarutobi was looking forward to the performance of all three, Danzo's interest was solely focused on Orochimaru.


Back at the training grounds, the next match was announced with the familiar sound of the examiner's whistle.

"Winner, Team D from Group B!"

"And now, for the next match… Team Orochimaru from Group A versus Team Saosuke from Group B. Please prepare yourselves!"

"Finally, it's our turn!" Jiraiya exclaimed, pumping his fists with excitement. His whole body practically buzzed with energy.

Tsunade, rolling her shoulders in preparation, seemed just as eager but with more control. "One opponent each, let's wrap this up quickly," she said confidently, as Orochimaru led the way onto the battlefield.


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