Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 75: Why?

The one who spoke was a Jonin named Yusha, standing next to the Third Hokage.

"Do we really need them to take the subsequent exams? Can't we just promote them directly?"

Indeed, what Orochimaru and his teammates accomplished was beyond impressive. Even someone of his own caliber couldn't have done better.

So, he believed there was no harm in promoting them directly.

"It's truly incredible they managed to achieve such feats. I agree with Yusha!" said another examiner, nodding in approval.

As an examiner, he was fully aware that Orochimaru and his team were not just ordinary participants they were disciples of the Hokage. Whether it was because of their extraordinary performance or their special status, he had no reason to object.

The Third Hokage looked around at the other Jonin. "What about the rest of you?"

They exchanged glances, then nodded in agreement.



No one had any objections to Orochimaru and his teammates' direct promotion. The Jonin, the examiners, and even their fellow participants like Sakumo all felt the same. Their performance was so extraordinary that no one could muster any resistance or dissatisfaction.

Thus, with unanimous agreement, the Chunin exams ended for Orochimaru and his two teammates. They had successfully advanced to Chunin rank.

However, the trio wasn't in any rush to leave. Instead, they went to the second floor of the central tower to rest and watch the remaining matches.

"Aah..." Tsunade stretched lazily after reaching the second floor. "I can't believe we're getting treated like this after such a tough fight. It's a bit surprising, honestly."

"Heh, it just shows how unbeatable the great Jiraiya-sama is. I'm simply too strong!" Jiraiya boasted, grinning.

"Please, if we're talking about who contributed the most, it's obviously Orochimaru. What did you even do?" Tsunade shot back, not holding back in her mockery. "To be honest, with Orochimaru's skills and my beauty, we could've won even with a pig on our team."

"What?! Are you calling me a pig!?"

"You said it yourself, not me."

"Dammit, you flat-chested woman!"

"Jiraiya! You're asking for it! Let's see how you like my fists!"


Before Jiraiya could react, Tsunade had already knocked him flat with a powerful punch.

Seeing the familiar scene unfold, Orochimaru could only shake his head, a faint smile playing on his lips.

These two never seemed to run out of energy, even after spending four days straight in the Forest of Death. Somehow, they still had the stamina to argue and fight like this.

"Alright, Tsunade, enough. Let's sit down and rest," Orochimaru said calmly.

"Okay, Orochimaru!" Tsunade immediately dropped her aggressive demeanor, her expression softening into a smile as she obediently took Orochimaru's arm.

The sight of them together resembled that of a young couple. Though Tsunade had always been known for her violent tendencies, it seemed Orochimaru was an exception. Now, she seemed to truly regard him as her boyfriend, her eyes filled with affection and tenderness whenever she looked at him.

It was quite amusing, given that they were only ten years old...

Meanwhile, due to the commotion caused by Orochimaru and his teammates, the entire Chunin Exam was affected. 

After they settled in the rest area on the second floor, other teams began arriving as well. The Third Hokage and the examiners were still discussing how to proceed with the remaining candidates.

Most of the scrolls had ended up in the hands of Orochimaru and his team, so only twelve teams had managed to advance. The debate was whether or not to hold the next round of selections for these twelve teams.

After all, surviving and collecting scrolls from seventy competing teams was a clear testament to their combat abilities.

However, after much discussion, the consensus was that the role of a Chunin was no trivial matter. These candidates would soon be leading missions on the battlefield, so their personal combat skills needed to be evaluated thoroughly.

Thus, the decision was made to proceed with a 1v1 elimination battle for the remaining twelve teams.

As for Orochimaru and his teammates, they had no concerns about the exam anymore. They had already completed their portion. The only thing that caught Orochimaru's interest was a particular candidate Uchiha Dan.

The Uchiha clan, despite their dangerous reputation, were undoubtedly a clan of geniuses. Their natural mental strength allowed them to learn and execute ninjutsu faster than most of their peers.

Among the Uchiha participants were Uchiha Dan, Uchiha Aki, Uchiha Retsu, and Uchiha Shu, Although Uchiha Shu was too young and had failed to pass the Forest of Death, the others had successfully advanced.

Surprisingly, Uchiha Dan also managed to advance. Despite Orochimaru having taken his scroll on the very first day, Dan had still found a way to succeed. Even with his teammates injured, he had managed to recover and stand out from the seventy teams.

That alone spoke volumes about his talent.

But Uchiha Dan would never forget the shadow Orochimaru cast over him during the exam. Not only had Orochimaru injured his teammates in an instant, but he had also tortured him even with his Sharingan during their fight.

For someone as proud and arrogant as Dan, that battle had been a devastating blow to his ego…

As the remaining participants continued to compete, the Chunin Exams slowly drew to a close.

However, due to the overwhelming dominance of Orochimaru's team, very few candidates ended up being promoted this time around. Aside from Hatake Sakumo and a few members of prominent clans, most of the civilian ninja had been eliminated.

In the end, it could be said that this Chunin Selection Exam was something of a failure.


Inside the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage, dressed in his ceremonial robes, sat behind his desk with a calm expression, his hands resting under his chin. He looked at his three disciples intently.

"Tell me, whose idea was this?"

Though he was undeniably proud of their accomplishments, the Third Hokage couldn't help but feel that their actions had been a bit reckless. One of them had to have been the mastermind behind this outrageous stunt.

"It was my idea," Orochimaru admitted without hesitation.


The Third Hokage had expected this answer, yet he was still slightly surprised. In his mind, Orochimaru had always been the most composed and strategic of the three. If anything, he thought Jiraiya would've been the one to come up with something so impulsive, followed by Tsunade.

But on closer reflection, he realized his initial judgment was wrong. With Jiraiya and Tsunade's current skill levels, they wouldn't have been able to pull off something this extreme without Orochimaru's leadership.

However, that led to another question: why would someone as calculated as Orochimaru propose such a bold move?

It didn't make sense.

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and looked directly at his disciple.

"Explain your reasons, Orochimaru." 

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