Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 81: Different Effects

Danzo, as a high-ranking official in Konoha, was no stranger to secret medicines that could temporarily enhance a ninja's combat abilities. For instance, the Akimichi clan's famed three-color pills could dramatically boost strength but at great personal cost, often leaving users incapacitated or worse. These pills, despite their power, had extremely short durations and severe side effects, limiting their usefulness in all but the most desperate situations.

What made Orochimaru's new drug particularly fascinating to Danzo and the other village leaders was its promise of lasting effects with minimal risks. Increasing chakra capacity permanently without immediate drawbacks could revolutionize Konoha's strength on a scale that the village had never seen before.

After hearing Danzo's probing question about side effects, the ANBU operative, Fox, who had volunteered for the experiment, shifted slightly, testing his body's condition. "Danzo-sama, I don't feel any discomfort at the moment," he reported with a tone of surprise.

Danzo, narrowing his eyes, pressed further, "And on the contrary?"

Fox, still moving his limbs and sensing his chakra flow, responded, "On the contrary, I feel more energized. My body feels much stronger… as though the medicine has revitalized me."

Hiruzen, watching the exchange with interest, elaborated, "According to Orochimaru, the medicine increases both physical strength and mental fortitude. It works quickly, and so far, it has shown no signs of side effects."

"At least none have appeared on him," He added, glancing at Fox, who appeared more surprised by his newfound strength than concerned.

"This is simply… incredible," Danzo murmured, unable to hide his amazement.

Koharu, one of Konoha's council elders, nodded in agreement. "Yes, even though we were informed of this beforehand, seeing the results still feels unbelievable. A child, developing two entirely different but equally revolutionary medicines within just a few years? His talent is… remarkable."

Homura, the third elder, who had been silent until now, chimed in, "Perhaps, as Sarutobi suggested earlier, it was the loss of his parents that drove him to develop at such an unprecedented pace."

Hiruzen sighed softly. "That may be true, but even so, we must observe this serum's effects over time. If no side effects appear after extended use…"

He didn't finish the sentence, but everyone in the room knew what he meant.

If the serum was truly free of dangerous consequences, the possibilities were limitless. They would mass-produce it, enhancing as many ninjas as possible, permanently boosting Konoha's combat capabilities.

Permanent chakra enhancement was nothing short of a miracle in their eyes.

The elders exchanged a few knowing glances, all coming to the same conclusion. However, Danzo's gaze lingered on the direction where Orochimaru had left. His thoughts were more complex than those of his peers. He trusted Orochimaru's abilities but was always wary of how immense talent could lead to ambition. Orochimaru could become more than a mere asset to Konoha—he could become a threat. Danzo's mind began to spin with plans of his own, thinking of how this development might shift the balance of power.


Meanwhile, at the Senju compound, a different scene was unfolding.

"Sister, sister, don't be sad!" A small, three-year-old boy with soft brown hair and bright eyes tugged at the sleeve of the girl in front of him, trying to comfort her with his sweet, innocent voice.

Tsunade, still dressed in white mourning clothes, slowly lifted her tear-streaked face to look at her younger brother, Nawaki. Her heart tightened, not knowing how to respond. Her little brother was too young to fully understand the weight of their parents' deaths, and she hadn't yet found the courage to explain it to him.

Although Tsunade had always embraced the idea that a ninja should be prepared for death, the loss of her parents had shattered her inner strength. For a brief moment, she had felt as though her entire world had collapsed. The once strong and vibrant Tsunade had become a fragile reflection of herself, struggling to maintain composure for her brother's sake.

Now, as she looked into Nawaki's wide, innocent eyes, Tsunade's resolve softened. She rubbed his head affectionately, forcing a small smile to hide her inner turmoil. "Nawaki… Sister will be fine. You go play by yourself, okay?"

"Can you play with me, sister?" Nawaki pleaded, his tiny hand gripping the hem of her clothes with childlike insistence.

Tsunade hesitated. Her heart was still heavy with grief, and the thought of playing games seemed out of place. But seeing the hope in Nawaki's eyes, she couldn't bring herself to refuse.

"Please, sister, let's play hide and seek! You count, and I'll go hide!" Nawaki insisted, his voice full of excitement.

"Hide and seek?" Tsunade murmured, feeling a pang of nostalgia. It was such a simple, innocent request in the face of all the pain and loss they had endured.

Nawaki nodded eagerly, his face lighting up with anticipation. "Yes, yes! You just turn around and count to ten! Then come find me!"

Tsunade felt conflicted but didn't want to disappoint him. "Alright… I'll play."

"Yay!" Nawaki cheered and quickly ran off as soon as Tsunade turned her back, counting softly under her breath.

But moments after running, Nawaki accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground, letting out a small cry of pain.

"Ouch… it hurts…"

Hearing her brother's cry, Tsunade's heart skipped a beat. She turned around quickly, her eyes scanning for him. "Nawaki! Are you alright?" But as her gaze found him, her eyes widened. Standing before them was a familiar figure.

"Grandmother?" Tsunade whispered in surprise.

Uzumaki Mito, the widow of the First Hokage, stood before them, her expression both calm and compassionate. The moment Tsunade saw her grandmother, the dam holding back her tears broke, and she rushed forward, collapsing into Mito's arms.

"Grandmother…!" Tsunade sobbed, her grief overwhelming her once more.

Uzumaki Mito, now one of the few remaining members of the Senju and Uzumaki clans, embraced her granddaughter tightly, offering quiet comfort. Mito, though old and wizened, had been through far more loss than most. She had lived through the Warring States Period, witnessed countless deaths, and long ago hardened her heart to the tragedies of life.

But even Mito could not hide the sadness that lingered in her heart. She, too, had lost family—Tsunade's parents were her children. Still, having lived through so much death and destruction, she had long learned to brace herself for the inevitable. It was a skill she wished Tsunade would never need, but now, here they were.

"Alright, Tsunade," Mito said softly, patting her granddaughter's back. "Don't cry anymore, child… We'll get through this together."


The next morning, Orochimaru found himself back in the Hokage's office. Hiruzen had called him to discuss the results of the experiment.

After listening to the Hokage's report, Orochimaru raised an eyebrow, surprised by the information. The primary gene enhancement serum had been designed to increase chakra by 50%, but this was the weakened version. Orochimaru had diluted the original formula by 80%, so the expected increase should have been no more than 20%. Yet, somehow, Fox had experienced the full 50% boost.

"Chakra capacity increased by 50% even with the diluted formula?" Orochimaru muttered to himself, his mind racing to figure out the anomaly.

"Yes," Hiruzen confirmed. "And so far, no side effects have been observed."

Orochimaru's analytical mind quickly ran through possible explanations. Could it be that each person's reaction to the serum is influenced by their genetic makeup? It would make sense. Those with inherently superior genetics like members of the Uzumaki or Senju clans might experience a diminished effect. But for someone like Fox, who was an elite but not part of any particularly powerful clan, the effects were maximized.

The realization clicked. "It seems that the stronger the individual's genetic background, the less pronounced the effects of the serum," Orochimaru said, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "For someone like me or members of the Senju or Uzumaki clans, the chakra increase may be lower. But for those with average genetic makeup… the serum works even better."

"Hmm," Hiruzen nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense."

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