Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 131 - Akatsuki\\\'s gossip fire [middle]

“The things recorded in this book are exactly the same as what I know, and even more detailed than I know. In my opinion, this book is definitely a true story!” Jiao Du sighed while flipping through the book. . “It’s no wonder that I used to see Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara always feel something is wrong. After a long time arguing, it turns out that they are good brothers on the surface, but they are lovers behind their backs!”

“It’s unbelievable!” Dida stretched her head and looked over the book in Jiao Du’s hand. When she saw the illustrations in the book, she was even more excited. “There are even photos. It seems that this story must be true, Itachi Uchiha, I didn’t expect your ancestors to have such a glorious history.”

Deidara laughed at Uchiha Itachi with his belly there. He didn’t like the group of red eyes in Uchiha’s family very much. Who told Uchiha Itachi to kill him for a second, but after seeing this book, Deidara was happy. It turned out that Uchiha’s family had such unknown things.

Uchiha Itachi ignored Deidara’s ridicule. He looked at the cover of the book in Kadodo’s hand now. His face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. At the corner of the cover of the book, there was a line of small characters, “Published by the World Publishing House”, as Itachi Uchiha, who knew who the world would be, instantly guessed the author of this book.

That’s right, this wrong love series of novels was written by Sakura himself. The book that Jiao Du is now reading is actually the first story written by Sakura. As for the source of the story, who made the history teacher in the ninja school always It was there who talked about Senjujuma’s greatness and that greatness all day long. In order to avenge her own ears, Sakura wrote this love novel with the protagonists Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara. By the way, All the illustrations in the Wrong Love series were taken by Naruto using shadow clone and transformation technique. Under Sakura’s special request, no matter which picture you look at, you can see the love of the two protagonists in the picture. Full eyes.

“You just said that this is the second part of the Wrong Love series of Three Lives III? What about the first and third parts?” Scorpion also came interested and asked curiously.

“The Three Lives III only has the first and the second part, and there is no third part at present!” Jiao Du took out a pile of books from his ninja bag and said: “The first part is about a man named Indra. The love story between the man and a man named Ashura, the forbidden love between the two brothers, is very well written…”

“What’s the thing?” Hei Jue’s head almost went down, what’s all this stuff? The love story of Indra and Asura? Aren’t those two brothers? And at first, he personally provoked the relationship between them, love? Where does the love between these two brothers come from? Moreover, the two names of Indra and Asura should have been forgotten long ago. Why are they still remembered?

Kurojue was a little panicked to pick up the novel with pictures of Indra and Asura staring at each other on the cover, and began to read it there, while Uchiha Daido, who was aliased as Afei, ran behind Kakuto and started. I saw the love story between Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara.

“Fuck, this old guy has such a blasting past!”

Uchiha Daido and Payne sighed in their hearts at the same time, and then Payne and Xiaonan’s eyes when looking at Uchiha Daido changed. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara looked like he hated Konoha, but actually It turned out to be hate because of love.

Uchiha Daido quickly felt these two unclear gazes. After a moment of stunned, he suddenly reacted. He is now Uchiha Madara in the eyes of Payne and Xiaonan, which means that he is in their eyes now. Has become a **** image? ! Thinking of this, Uchiha took the soil and couldn’t help but cursed mmp, but he couldn’t say that he wasn’t Uchiha Madara. This felt really awkward.

“Hey, come and take a look, Brother Scorpion, here is the novel by your enemy, Kakashi, Hamu!”

Deidara was sitting on the ground and flipping through a book, and suddenly shouted with excitement.

“Hakiki Kakashi?” Scorpion and Uchiha moved in their hearts, and couldn’t help walking towards Deidara.

“One of the series of wrong love, Wannian…”

Deidara read the title and introduction of the novel. “This book records in detail the ignorant love story between Konoha’s First Technician, and copying the ignorant love story between the ninja Hagi Kakashi and his classmate Uchiha Uchiha in his youth…”

“Fuck…” Uchiha staggered under his feet and almost tripped over himself. The face under the mask was as dark as the bottom of the pot. Going to the special love story, the ghost has a love story with the salted fish of Kakashi.

After leaning over and taking a look, Uchiha’s eyes turned red with dirt. Isn’t the photo of the division in the book only for them? Why is it here? Teacher, it’s impossible for Lin and himself to take it out, so the only thing left is…

“Hakiki Kakashi, you bastard…”

Uchiha took the soil to write the wheel jealous as if he was about to drip blood. In his opinion, this book was definitely written by the guy Kakashi, especially the experiences in it, which are exactly the same as they were when they were young, but in the book However, a taste has changed in Li, and those originally pure experiences have been woven into a love story between two people.

On one side of my heart madly facing Kakashi with fire escape, on the other side, looking at the pictures of Lyn that occasionally appeared in the book, Uchiha’s eyes flashed with sadness. He did so many wrong things. If you let him Lin knows, she won’t forgive herself, will she? !

“Hey, there is also the love story between the second generation of Naruto Senjuma and Uchiha Senna, and the love story between Jiraiya and Oshemaru. Wait a minute, this is the temptation to return home from the wrong love series. Enchanted, it turned out to be Uchiha Itachi, the story of you bastard…”

Deidara started shouting as if he had discovered some treasure. On the cover of the book he was holding, it was Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, and the young version of Uchiha Sasuke.

“The book tells the love story of Uchiha Sasuke, the son of the patriarch of the Konoha giant Uchiha clan, in order to **** his brother Uchiha Itachi from Uchiha Shisui…”

After Deidara finished reciting some words, Uchiha Itachi’s entire face was suddenly full of murderousness. Now he wants to kill everyone who has read this book. The **** of a love story, he and Shisui are clearly a teacher. Yiyou’s relationship is good.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect Uchiha Itachi, you guys actually like a man, and you are still the kind of two boats…” Deidara laughed wildly, but didn’t find Uchiha Itachi’s opened kaleidoscope. Write round eyes.

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