Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 483 - The so-called fate【four】

“In vain…the injustice of vain death…the soul of injustice…”

Naruto swallowed nervously, his face changed a little. Originally, he was just idle and bored making a joke, but now that Kakashi said so, Naruto suddenly felt a very real feeling, in the valley below his feet. Those stone statues seemed to have turned into a screaming soul, which made Naruto’s heartbeat speed up uncontrollably.

“Yeah, look at these terracotta warriors and horses. Actually, they are all made of living people. The living people are sealed in stones so that they will not die. After death, the soul will never be able to live beyond life. Just stay in the stone statue day after day, year after year, and never have the chance to see the sky again!”

Kakashi let out two hoarse laughs, and the specially pretended voice echoed in Naruto’s ears like a devil’s whisper.

“Ka… Teacher Kakashi, can you stop talking?!”

Naruto is very courageous, it can be said that he is not afraid of the sky, but only for horror stories such as ghosts, Naruto is born with a sense of fear. When Kakashi was so scared, Naruto suddenly had a feeling of fear. With a feeling of soft legs, Naruto had an unprecedented fear in his heart for the undead army formed by these terracotta warriors and horses.

“I’m just telling you the truth of the matter!” Kakashi smiled very happily. Before, there was only a single dog like himself on the way. After being stimulated all the way, now I finally have a chance to get back. Needless to say, I am happy in my heart.

“Mr. Kakashi, how boring are you? You deliberately intimidated your students!”

Regarding Kakashi’s wicked and fun operation, Kozakura rolled her eyes helplessly, and said to Naruto: “I said Naruto, you don’t really believe Kakashi, a single dog. Right?”

“Difficult… isn’t it?!” Naruto was stunned, Kakashi’s voice was so substituting, coupled with his own random thoughts, eventually led to the result that he believed Kakashi’s words to be true.

“Of course not. These so-called undead legions are actually pure stone statues that have gained the ability to act with the power of sprites. In fact, these terracotta warriors and horses are just like the puppets in the hands of the puppet masters. They are not what Kakashi said at all. What is made of living people.”

Sakura explained to Naruto that these stone statues exist based on sprites and have nothing to do with the one Kakashi said.

“…” Naruto’s face turned dark, and he felt deeply ashamed for his shameful performance just now. At the same time, he felt extremely uncomfortable with Kakashi, a single dog carrying private revenge.

“Sakura, how can you call me a single dog? Obviously I have a girlfriend, OK?!”

Kakashi has a deep dislike for the title single dog. As a person with a girlfriend, he is not a single dog. This title is not suitable for him, and it is almost the same for the guy Akai.

“Hehe, but Sister Changpu is not by your side now!” Sakura laughed and said something that made Kakashi almost vomit blood.


Several black lines hung on Kakashi’s forehead. Although this is true, it still makes him feel so sad to be said.

“I said, can you guys be more serious?”

Sasuke coldly watched the fight between the few people, but the corner of his eyes was always watching the undead army in the valley below. After seeing the stone statues start to move, this interrupted the noise of the few people. Said: “These stone statues have begun to move out, what shall we do? Do we ignore them, or destroy all these stone statues here?!”

“Just trap them for now!” Sakura glanced at the stone statues below and said: “These stone statues are just a pile of soulless puppets. As long as the sprites are not resolved, they will continue to resurrect. Therefore, The most important thing for us now is to solve the sprites. If we don’t have to do it, they will automatically fall apart!”

These terracotta warriors and horses are like puppets, and sprites are the ones who control the puppets. As long as the sprites exist, these terracotta warriors and horses will always exist. Only when the sprites who are the controllers are solved, can they be truly settled once and for all.

“Then block this valley, trap them here first, and wait until they clear the valley. The time in between is enough for us to solve the sprites!”

Naruto glanced at the valley below his feet. There was only one way to the entrance and exit. As long as the end of the terracotta warriors and horses was blocked, they could only stay here temporarily.

“That’s it!” Sakura nodded, Kakashi had no objection, and Xiang Rin quickly took out a lot of materials for making the barrier, preparing to put the exit of the terracotta warriors and horses on the cloth with a knot. World, there is no possibility for the terracotta warriors to escape.

“Dayu spiral pill…”


Holding a big jade spiral pill the size of a basketball in Naruto’s hand, he began to smash towards the mountain walls on both sides of the valley exit. Huge rocks were smashed down continuously, and quickly rolled towards the bottom of the valley.

And Sasuke is also unwilling to show weakness. Every time the purple Suzano swings his arm, he can knock down countless stones. With the cooperation of the two, the pile of stones on the ground is lifted up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While Naruto and Sasuke opened the mountain artificially there, Kakashi held Reche in his hands and blocked the front of the terracotta warriors. Although the terracotta warriors can be resurrected after being destroyed, it takes a short time, and his purpose is to let The terracotta warriors and horses enter the resurrection state, creating enough time for Sakura and the others to create roadblocks.

“Mu Dun-the tree boundary wall…”

Tree after tree drilled from the ground on the left and right, quickly forming a solid wall, blocking the outermost, with this presence, even the stone statues could be formed by falling rocks before they sealed the sprites. When obstacles are destroyed, this tree boundary wall will also become the last wall to trap them, not to mention that this is more than just a wooden escape.

“Xiang Rin…”

Xiao Sakura yelled at Xiang Rin. After Xiang Rin responded, he quickly jumped to the top of the tree boundary wall, where she kept writing and drawing with the brush in her hand, with runes like tadpoles on her. The man appeared.

“Seal technique-unbreakable…”

When the final stroke was finished, Xiang Ling slapped it with a violent palm. Chakra spread along the runes, and the runes like tadpoles swam quickly, forming a sealing circle on the tree boundary wall, and then quickly Disappeared into the tree boundary wall.

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