Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 571 - High-profile three-person team [11]

“It seems it’s time to take out my latest collection!”

Sakura stretched out her hand and took out a scroll. After opening it on the ground, her right hand lightly tapped the word “器” in the center of the scroll, and a cloud of white mist burst out. When the white mist dissipated, it appeared in front of everyone. It was a strange looking machine.

“What is this?!” Naruto No. 2 turned into a curious baby and looked up and down around this huge machine.

“The Chakra Cannon, a relatively high-tech weapon, originally used Chakra as an energy source. After being charged, it can send out a strong attack, even a meteorite can be easily crushed!”

Kozakura sat down at the console, picked up a helmet and put it on her head, and explained. “But it was modified by the second generation of adults and Uncle Snake. In addition to the original laser cannon that can be shot into outer space, some small energy weapons for dealing with ground enemies have been added to it, which can be used. Come to deal with this scene now!”

“Where did you get this thing?”

Sasuke asked curiously. He knew one thing very well, that is, it is absolutely impossible for Sakura to make this thing himself, and it is more likely that it was snatched back from someone else.

“The fourth generation of Raiking from Yunyin Village gave it to me!”

Kozakura stared at a row of buttons on the console, groping for how to use this thing, and after hearing Sasuke’s question, she replied without raising her head.

“It was the last time I went to chat with Yao and persuaded him to give Chakra to Naruto. Not long after I reached an agreement with Yao, the fourth generation of Raikage gave this to me, saying it was on their cloud. The warehouse in the hidden village is useless, so it’s better to give it to me, I hope I can make him shine on the battlefield one day.”

“Send? I think you grabbed it from Yunyin Village, right?!”

The corners of Sasuke’s mouth twitched. The word “send” is very good. The chakra of the eight-tailed beast is also sent, and the chakra cannon is also sent. In fact, this word is just written as “send”. , The real pronunciation should be pronounced as’grab’, right? !

“How do you know… how can you doubt me like this?!”

Kozakura subconsciously replied, and she suddenly reacted halfway through her words. She coughed and changed her mouth, and then made a distressed expression, and said to Sasuke, “Second Pillar, how can you? Do you doubt my character so much? We have known each other since we were young and have been friends for so many years. It really makes me sad that you question my character like this. Do you think my chakra gun was robbed? I just asked Ask you, am I like the kind of person who likes unreasonable robbery?!”

“Well, Sasuke, things are definitely not what you think. How could Sakura go to grab someone else’s things?”

No. 2 Naruto subconsciously took over the topic to defend Sakura. As a person who had a crush on No. 2 Sakura for so many years, he felt that he knew Sakura’s character well, even if the two were not in the same world, but The character shouldn’t be too bad. How could it be possible that something like robbing something is something that Sakura would do?

“I like to trouble with a girl so much, you have to be so capable!”

Sasuke No. 2 sneered. He didn’t care where the Chakra gun came from, but as long as he could fight against Sasuke, then he would be happy.

“Can you two shut up? Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand the character of this demon!”

Sasuke twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said to Sakura, “I never thought you were like someone who snatched something from someone else, because you were the one who used the word like it inappropriately!”

“Believe it or not, I tied you to the muzzle of the Chakra cannon, and let you feel what is the passion that can melt you instantly?!”

Sakura looked at Sasuke with a faint smile. With the continuous infusion of Chakra in her body, the muzzle of the Chakra cannon was already lit up with white light, and the largest one was especially dazzling.

“Ahem, I’m going to clean up the ten-tailed split first!”

Sasuke made a fist with his right hand and coughed slightly, pretending not to hear Sakura’s words, he rushed towards a group of ten-tailed splits directly against the eyes of Samsara.

“Let’s go, Sasuke, Sakura…”

Naruto No. 2 yelled at his two little friends very vigorously, and the golden Chakra appeared instantly.

“You are not qualified to order me at the tail of a crane…”

Sasuke No. 2 said so, but the writing wheel eyes were already opened, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“The long-lost three-person team, the seventh class, is here to resurrect…”

No. 2 Sakura clenched her fists, tears faintly flashed in her eyes. After several years, the original three-person team of Class 7 finally stood together again. This time, she was finally no longer the one who was dragging her feet. People, she is now qualified to fight side by side with the two of them!

Seeing the seventh class in the world rushing towards the Ten-tailed split body, Sakura couldn’t help but laugh. This scene is indeed very nostalgic.

On the control panel in front of Sakura, a string of numbers kept beating, jumping to one hundred before it finally stopped.

“Lock the ten-tailed split body, the rain spreads the Chakra laser beam, and launches…”

Using her own perception to lock the surrounding ten-tailed split body, Sakura suddenly pressed a red button with her right hand. On both sides of the main gun of the huge Chakra gun, two slightly smaller barrels were slowly raised. He stopped, and raised his head to an angle facing the sky.

The dazzling light condensed on the muzzle of the two barrels. At the moment the cherry red button was completely pressed, two huge laser beams instantly rose into the sky. When they rose to a certain height, the two laser beams went up again. The split started quickly, and in the blink of an eye it became countless small laser beams, and these small laser beams began to fall toward the ground like rain.

The number of ten-tailed splits is very large, but at this moment, this huge number has become a reminder.

Due to the large number, many ten-tailed splits are crowded together, and there is no ninja coalition around. These ten-tailed splits are Sakura’s main targets.

The laser beam that had calculated the landing site in advance hit the ten-tailed split body accurately. As long as it was hit, the ten-tailed split body would directly die on the spot, giving them no chance to struggle at all.

“This attack is too scary?!”

No. 2 Sakura looked at the ground that she had smashed with a fist, and then at the lethality caused by Sakura’s laser cannon. Suddenly, she felt a little shameless to see people. Everyone is the same person. Why is her attack power so bad? So low? !

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