Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 64 - The kaleidoscope of ferret [medium] [fourth more]


A huge psychic beast appeared beside Danzo, and his long nose took a short breath, which caused a hurricane.


However, Danzo frowned at this time. The airflow changes caused by Mengmo did not affect Shisui and his Susano. Even the storm caused by Mengmo’s inhalation seemed to be unimpeded from Susano. It almost penetrated the past.

“Illusory? It’s not right, there is nothing wrong with Chakra!”

Danzo originally thought this was the illusion of Shishui, but his Chakra did not have any abnormalities. No matter how powerful the illusion of Shishui was, it was impossible for him to be in a weak state after using Susano. Pulling so many people into the illusion at the same time in an instant.

“Mengmo, attack…”

Tuan Zang yelled, the Mengmo next to him understood, his mouth let out a low growl, his long nose pointed in the direction of Shishui, and he sucked forcefully.

Mengmo’s inhalation is very powerful. In the original work, Danzo used Mengmo’s inhalation ability to match his own wind escape, and forcibly broke Sasuke’s Susao Nohu. However, at this moment, when Mengmo is used After this move, Danzo’s lungs were about to explode.

Mengmo sucked in hard, and the ground next to Shishui suddenly became dusty, and all the grass and trees were swept up by the hurricane. However, these grass and trees were not together with Shishui’s Susano as Danzo imagined. Sucked it in, but penetrated from the Shishui’s Suzuo Nenghu, and flew straight in the direction of the Mengmo.

“What kind of ninjutsu is this?!”

Danzo only finds him uncomfortable with a mouthful of old blood. He and others stupidly think that Shishui here is the main body, and wants to stop the clone who left by killing him, but who can think that the one who left is the main body, and This just in place is an illusory illusion at all.

Passed through by countless trees, Shisui’s body half-kneeling on the ground and Suzuo Nogu outside suddenly produced ripples like water, and then disappeared under Danzo’s stunned eyes.

“Uchiha Shisui…”

Danzo roared angrily, and he directly released the spiritism and threw the dream tapir back. Unexpectedly, the whole roots almost came out of the nest. In the end, Uchiha Shisui was not left behind, and the last strange clone did not exist. Attack power, but there are so many ninjas present, and there are even a lot of sensory ones, but no one finds something wrong, but fortunately, it is not without gain this time. Uchiha Shisui’s right eye has been taken. Now, the next step is to transplant it to his own body, and that is, the plan for the Uchiha clan will be implemented quickly, and he can’t wait.

“Puff…cough cough…”

Shishui, who was advancing fast in the woods, sensed the news from the phantom clone, and while spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his face showed a relaxed smile.

“Fortunately, there is this phantom clone, otherwise there is really no way to escape this time, but the body can’t hold it anymore…”

Feeling the sensation from all parts of his body, Shisui couldn’t help showing a bitter smile. At that time, so many ninjutsu attacked at the same time, and his retreat was blocked in all directions. If it weren’t for squeezing the kaleidoscope and writing round eyes His pupil power and his own Chakra forcefully used Susao Nohu’s words, I am afraid that he is already dead there now.

But now this situation is not going to last long. Kaleidoscope writing wheel’s eye pupil power is excessively exhausted, and other gods that were not used originally have also been affected and entered the cooling period, and they output a large amount of pupil power just now, causing his eyes to pierce. The pain is unbearable, like a blunt knife is slowly cutting.

And the body is now extremely bad. In order to use Susano Nohu’s second form of mature body, he forcibly refined a large number of chakras. The consequence of excessively squeezing the chakras of the body is that he is now dead soon. Up.

“But I can hold it for a while, enough time to explain things up!”

Thinking of what he was going to do next, Zhishui couldn’t help but sighed. I hope Itachi can carry such a heavy burden.

By the Nanga River, Uchiha Itachi stood there quietly looking at the river below. Recently Danzo found him and told him about the Uchiha clan’s intention to rebel. This made Itachi a little at a loss, although very I didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence Danzo produced was true, and when he thought of the one-eyed mask man who appeared suddenly, Uchiha Itachi couldn’t help clenching his fists. If what he said was true, then , I am afraid this world is about to usher in chaos.

It happened that Shisui told him during the day that he would wait for him at Nanga River in the evening, saying that there was something to discuss with him, and Uchiha Itachi, who was upset, simply came here to calm down.


The abnormal movement from the bush made Uchiha Itachi turned his head suspiciously. Usually there are no people here at Nanga River, but if it is Shishui, it is impossible to make such a big movement with the instantaneous technique of Shishui.

However, in the next second, the figure jumping out of the bushes made Uchiha Itachi completely stunned.

“Sorry, Itachi, you should have been waiting for a while!”

Even though all parts of his body are terribly painful, the smile on Zhishui’s face is still unusually gentle.

“Zhishui, what’s the matter with you?”

Uchiha Itachi couldn’t believe his eyes. The man with messy clothes and blood on his face was really Uchiha Shisui? And Shishui’s eyes. “Zhishui, where’s your right eye?!”

Zhishui’s right eye sank, and it was obvious that he had no eyeballs in it.

“Well, the right eye was taken away by Master Danzang!” Zhishui smiled carelessly. “But it doesn’t matter, I kept my left eye!”

“Danzo, I’ll go find him…” Uchiha Itachi was full of anger, and he raised his foot to rush out.

“Don’t go, Itachi, your strength can’t fight him!” Shisui stopped Uchiha Itachi, and after taking a couple of breaths, said, “Itachi, you have more important things to do!”

“Listen, Itachi, many people in the Uchiha family have thoughts of rebellion. They want to launch a coup and let the Uchiha clan become the masters of Konoha. I want to use other gods to control the elders who intend to initiate the coup to stop it. The war between Konoha and Uchiha, unfortunately, Danzo-sama didn’t believe me…”

Having said this, Zhishui’s face was full of wry smiles. Even though he was treated like Danzo, at this moment, he had never resented Konoha, but had been worried about Konoha’s peace.

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