Naruto- Secret Sage

Growing up is boring

Obviously I hadn't only just met Naruto when I was five but until that point in time I was homeschooled and as a result never had the opportunity to really interact with him. The village was not some small place where you ran into the same person on the regular even if you lived totally different lives after all. Sure I had seen him about when my new parents brought me with them to run errands sometimes but it was fleeting moments. According to my new parents I was both a troublesome and easy to deal with child from the three years they had me before I really got to know Naruto.-

I couldn't be blamed though as besides learning how to read, write and talk normally everything else was dreadfully boring if it didn't have something to do with beasts or ninjas. Basic math, aced. History, easy reading, Playing with other kids, pointless and stupid. I was was a full out introvert and it apparently gave my new parents a headache and a half. For most kids you needed to worry about when they got quiet but for me it was the exact opposite as when I got loud there was a serious problem.-

The main reasons I tended to get loud was out of surprise or joy at finding a new chakra beast. Oh yes by the time I finally went to public school at the age of five I had a small collection of chakra beasts numbering seven including Ren who was my first. I had a cat, a lizard, a hawk, a snake, a turtle and a wolf-dog that my new mom managed to get from her clans kennel as it was a mutt from a wolf chakra beast that bred with one of their normal ninken.-

The last one was something that her clan really wanted to keep for themselves but was practically feral as it refuse to be tamed. My mom only got it because of this and brought the pup home where it promptly fell to the fate of being my new animal friend. I named him Kiba because of his big teeth. The rest of my small army of beast didn't have names though as they didn't want any when I asked. One of the benefits of being a sage all the time was that I sorta just could understand and be understood by animals.-

Anyway back to my new friend Naruto. See my parents just didn't want to bother with trying to teach me any of this basic stuff anymore and chose to send me to Konoha public school when I turned five. I can tell you for certain that it definitely wasn't a pleasant experience for me at all as children were disgusting at my age. The teacher Mrs. Akeno tried to get me to play with the other kids but I refused and she wasn't able to refuse my refusal on account of whichever beast it was I snuck to school with me on any given day.-

Oh my parents certainly tried to stop that as best they could but if I don't want you to notice something I can make sure you won't by covering it in natural energy. A wonderful application of my sage power in my opinion as due to natural energy being impossible to sense apparently for normal ninjas like my parents their senses slip right over me or my beast companion for the day after I cover us. Oh I was stealthy as all jazz if i wanted to be which both pleased and irritated my parents as they couldn't figure out how I did it.-

My dad tried to cheat and use his many bugs to spy on me but I just told the bugs to ignore me and they did. You should have seen his face as he was all "He overwrote my control!" and stuff , it was great. The only kid in my class I didn't mind getting near though was Naruto since he usually just sat in the corner all sad and stuff as everyone avoided him. The teacher and all the other kids told me i should stay away from him but I am kinda rebellious and chose to do the opposite.-

He was an orphan much like myself but hadn't been adopted like me which he seemed envious about. His favorite of all my beasts was my cat since it was popular with everyone and he said he wanted that too, sad as hell right? He was not a big fan of my snake though which I could at least understand as back on earth I also wasn't a huge fan of the slithery type critters either.-

Not sure why but for some reason there was always somebody spying on Naruto which meant they were also spying on me a lot. I loved to play pranks on the person using ants, wasps and any other hard to notice insect by having them attack the person. Oddly whenever I did my parents would ask me if I made anything attack someone. I denied any involvement but my parents didn't seem convinced. Still at least whoever it was spying on us learned to do it from further away and wasn't staring holes in the back of our heads anymore.-

Naruto was nice and all that but I REALLY hated how dumb he was for some reason like nobody had ever taught him more than the bare basics he needed to know like how to speak, read and write. His handwriting was horrible and something I forced him to work on all the time even though he complained about it. I didn't even realize it but I ended up taking the role of the teacher with him since the teacher had stopped paying attention to me after I became friends with him. Not that it mattered since I was already way ahead of the class since we were only learning basic math and history and I had all the math knowledge from my college days on Earth.

Outside of class though Naruto was boisterous and cheerful with this odd verbal tick were he ended nearly every statement with the words "believe it!" , his dream of being the hokage was interesting though. Not because it was the position of the leader of the village but because i asked my parents what it took to get there and what a hokage was supposed to do and it sounded like a job ill suited to Naruto.-

The words "calm and decisions" didn't go together as far as Naruto was concerned as the guy was pretty spontaneous. Since Naruto was going to be a ninja I chose to follow along since it sounded like it might be interesting and a good way to collect more chakra beast as well. Naruto had asked me what my dream was and frankly speaking the only thing I could think of was to have the biggest collection of chakra beasts ever. We butted heads over that though as he thought it was dumb and I took offense to that and insulted his dream as well , it was all in good fun though as neither of us was actually trying to anger the other.

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