Naruto- Secret Sage


The earth and lightning jutsu were easy enough for my parents to get but the yang release jutsu was much harder to the point they flat out told me they couldn't do it. The only yang release jutsu in the village were either much too high rank for them to get for me or belonged almost exclusively to the Akimichi clan. There was a single exception in the form of medical ninjutsu that in most cases didn't have anything to do with the ranking system for jutsu. Ironically I was both perfectly suited to and ill suited for medical jutsu.-

Well suited because the basis for learning it was extreme chakra control and ill suited because I frankly felt like it was a waste of time to learn. One should note that medical ninjutsu wasn't just a one and done affair where you learn the jutsu and you are good to go, no to really get the most out of the stuff you needed to learn a bunch of miscellaneous knowledge as well such as botany, toxicology, cellular biology, anatomy, genetics, chakra mutation theory and much much more.-

I had little doubt if I focused my time on the subject that I would do great at it but I was sorta a perfectionist and would definitely waste a lot of the time I could have spent learning normal jutsu to grow stronger on the stuff. Perhaps in the future when I had grown strong enough that no one could casually decide to kill me off I would return to the subject but for now I had to content myself with the three earth and three lightning jutsu I got copies of from my parents. The copies went from E rank to C rank and were basically the upgraded versions of the E rank jutsu of that nature.-

For earth the E rank jutsu was {Mole jutsu} that let one dive underground. The D rank upgrade to this was {Headhunter jutsu} that dragged a target under ground up to their necks leaving them vulnerable. Finally the C rank jutsu was {Hiding like a mole jutsu} which allowed the user to basically travel freely below ground without making any disturbances at the surface. It was clear to me that this line of jutsu was designed for escape or sneak attacking an enemy.-

For the lightning release line of jutsu however it was clearly designed for training someone to use ranged lightning attacks. The E rank jutsu was {Spark jutsu} that basically created an electrical current on ones hands that served like a weak taser on contact. The D rank upgrade was {Zap jutsu} that allowed you to send a stronger but short range current of electricity towards an opponent within three meters of you. The C rank upgrade of that was {Crash jutsu} that was literally just a stronger form of zap jutsu with a much longer range.

For the earth line of jutsu there were from lowest to highest rank five, seven and eleven hand signs needed to gain initial mastery of them that built off of the original five. It was Tiger, Hare, Boar, Boar, Dog for the E rank mole jutsu. Tiger, Hare, Boar, Boar, Dog, Tiger, Rat for the D rank headhunter jutsu. Tiger, Hare, Boar, Boar, Dog, Tiger, Rat, Hare, Snake, Rat, Boar for the hiding like a mole jutsu. Thankfully the hand signs weren't strictly necessary so long as one could remember the way the chakra was molded by using them. Since the jutsu weren't complex this meant the molding was also not very complex.-

Thus I managed to get rid of the hands signs entirely with only three months of practice for the all three jutsu. I did discover a rather large issue when using the jutsu however in the form of the energy I used to fuel them. If I used just normal chakra then everything was fine but if I used sage chakra instead things got out of hand. Sage chakra supercharged and altered the effects of the jutsu. Mole jutsu turned everything within five meters of me into quicksand while I went fairly deep underground in an instant.-

Headhunter jutsu did the same at a much wider range and dragged anything standing on top of that sand under it trapping it there before the ground returned to normal. Hiding like a mole technique created a two dozen meter wide pit of quicksand that dragged those standing on it underneath it quite far but it also allowed me free movement under the ground that then solidified back into stone. I called these enhanced jutsu sage jutsu due to them using my sage chakra to accomplish them. I also never used them in front of anyone after discovering them since they would cause people to ask questions I didn't want to answer.-

I wasn't the only one working on ninjutsu though as Sasuke was also working his C rank fireball jutsu into a combat ready state. Naruto and the rest were also was working hard to try and master the three basic ninjutsu. It was during this training with Naruto that I noticed something unusual about his chakra, it rebelled. I don't mean like his chakra control simply sucked(it did by the way) but like his chakra itself didn't want to listen to his instructions and even seemed to try and sabotage him actively.-

Unless someone was constantly paying attention to his chakra reserve it would have been nearly impossible to notice and could easily be mistaken for terrible chakra control. The thing was though that I had my senses constantly extended and as a result was in fact sensing his chakra reserve nonstop. I also noticed that the rebellion was only happening when he went to use some form of ninjutsu and not when he was doing chakra control exercises like leaf holding or tree walking. Despite this weirdness however I couldn't figure out the reason for this no matter how much I looked.-

Once I mastered the earth release jutsu I moved on to the lightning jutsu which had two, six and ten hand signs from E rank jutsu to the C rank one. Ox and Monkey for the spark jutsu. Ox, Monkey, Snake, Snake. Rat, Dog for the zap jutsu. Ox, Monkey, Snake, Snake. Rat, Dog, Ram, Hare, Snake, Ox for crash jutsu. Unlike the earth release jutsu i needed six months to fully remove all the handsigns for this line of jutsu and that was mostly because I had to deal with the after shocks of the jutsu.-

As it turned out lightning jutsu had this really irritating habit of shocking the person using it which meant that I had to build up a resistance to higher amounts of electricity each time I started working on the next most powerful jutsu in the line. I won't say this wasted time because it was an important step for being able to use higher ranked lightning jutsu but that didn't mean it was pleasant at all. Adding sage chakra to the jutsu line was also a very poor idea without building up resistance to the normal crash jutsu's shock, as I learned the hard way and got the full brunt of that amount of electricity covering my entire body.

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