Naruto: Skill Copying System

Fighting Lee!

When we arrived at the stadium, Karin headed up to the stadium seats with Sakura and Ino.

As for me, I entered the stadium field directly. Every participant was here except for Hinata, Naruto, and Kin. They stood shoulder to shoulder in a line, showcasing themselves to the audience.

"Wooahh! Isn't that Sasuke Uchiha, the last member of the Uchiha clan?"

"The whole reason that I came is solely to see the fight of the remaining Uchiha!"

Screams, shouts, and chats about my existence echoed through the stadium as the audience spoke about me.

I ignored their cheers and went to stand in the line of participants.

I looked over at Genma who is supposedly going to be the referee of our matches. It seems that the sick Hayate really did die again.

But speaking of Hayate, doesn't he have a cute girlfriend named Yugao Uzuki? If I can recall correctly, she is rather good at Kenjutsu. The thought of pinning Yugao down came across my mind, but I shook my head.

If the chance comes across me, I'll definitely have sex with her. However, I'd still rather copy skills from a Samurai girl. They have the Samurai Sabre Technique that will work well with my Kusanagi sword.

Shikamaru's eyes twitched when he saw his competitors. Everyone looks so prepared for their matches, but he didn't do squat with the month of training that was given to him. All he did was play shogi, eat, and sleep.

When Shikamaru saw Sasuke walking into the stadium, he wanted to just roll over and give up. Sasuke even has that sword on his waist in addition to his newly refined aura. If he went against Sasuke, he'd definitely give up right away to save his energy.

Shikamaru then observed each and every single one of the present participants.

He sighed because… this tournament is such a draggg.

Suddenly, Hinata also came into the stadium and she ran towards Sasuke with a happy face.

Shikamaru couldn't help but wonder when Hinata got so close to Sasuke.

He wondered if Sasuke did some hocus pocus magic to capture the heart of Hinata. If he did… then the guy truly worked fast.

I chatted with Hinata while everyone waited for the arrival of Kin and Naruto.

Kin should probably be fine since it seems like Orochimama wanted to keep Kin as a driving force to lure me to her side. However, Kin definitely won't be here since she will be a target once the attack on the Hidden Leaf Village starts.

"AHHHH!! Run! Run!! The bulls are coming!!" Naruto flew into the stadium field through the floor entrance and screamed at the top of his lungs.

I looked at the entrance to see what's outside and shit… this guy managed to get twenty bulls to chase him.

However, the bulls were stopped by the leaf Chunins that were on standby at the entrance of the stadium.

"You made it just in time. We're going to begin now." Genma hinted for Naruto to quiet down as he looked at the audience.

"Oh… Oh…" Naruto nodded and stood next to Hinata as he stood stiffly.

Hinata glanced at Naruto, but she didn't have that shyness towards him anymore. Instead, she looked back at me and smiled, assuring me that she now only has eyes for me.

Watching her act like this, I couldn't help but smile. I spent a lot of time with Hinata to completely steal her from Naruto.

The dunce didn't even know that I had stolen his future wife. In fact, he didn't even know that Hinata liked him.

The introductory speech went on for fifteen whole minutes with Genma introducing the participants in addition to having the Hokage and Kazekage appearing at the end.

"Without further ado, let's start the first match with… Sasuke Uchiha VS Rock Lee!!" Genma gestured for Naruto and the others to go up to the participant's viewing platform.

"Good luck, Sasuke!" Hinata cheered before going up to the viewing platform.

"Thanks," I nodded to Hinata, thanking her.

Gaara glanced at me with a murderous gaze before also heading up to the platform with the others.

I also glanced at him briefly before turning my attention back to Rock Lee.

When only Rock Lee and I were on the field, Genma allowed us to start battling and retreated to the side.

"I'm getting sooo excited!!"

"I wonder if this last Uchiha is as good as his ancestors."

The crowd could be heard speaking to each other in anticipation for this first matchup. They especially wanted to see the skills of the Uchiha!

"Sasuke-kun! We are finally able to battle once again! I hope that you are prepared to fight with all your might! We will decide who can get Sakura's love with this match!" Lee entered his Taijutsu stance.

"..." I activated my Sharingan and got into the same fighting stance as Lee. I couldn't believe that this bushy brow guy is still going about obtaining Sakura's love.

"Huh? Are you copying me?" Lee was surprised to see a mirror image of himself in Sasuke.

"Indeed I am," I confidently answered. I've copied Lee's taijutsu from the preliminary matches, but unless I used the cursed mark at the time to boost my capabilities at the time, I didn't have the ability to fully copy Lee's fighting style.

However, my base physical abilities had increased significantly during my one month training period with Kakashi.

To put it in retrospect, I'm now able to go toe to toe with Lee's top speed with only my Sharingan activated. Though, I can't maintain Lee's top speed for long. My stamina simply isn't enough.

Nonetheless, I wasn't even planning to fight Lee with taijutsu. I'm planning to get my revenge in a despicable way!


I disappeared from my starting spot and sent a kick towards Lee. I knew full well that this attack would be easily blocked, but I used it as a diversion to grab one of my secret weapons from my ninja bag.

"Hm! You're going to have to do more than that, Sasuke-kun!" Rock Lee easily blocked the kick with his arm, but he didn't see Sasuke reaching into his ninja bag.

When Rock Lee pushed Sasuke's leg away, he saw something that he didn't expect! It is the head of a spray bottle, aimed directly at his eyes!

"Huh?!?!" Rock Lee didn't expect this sudden development.


My spray bottle continuously sprayed a mist of pepper concoction that I had created using Orochimama's Biological Science and my Cooking skill.

"Ahhhh!! MYYY EYES!!!" Rock Lee covered his eyes in pain as he rolled on the ground. The pepper spray reached his eyes and nose, and he felt an intense burning sensation all the way down to his throat.


I continued to use the potent pepper spray on Lee to intensify his pain. This pepper spray was created with the knowledge of an Expert and Advanced skill, so one could only imagine how strong it is.

If I used the pepper spray on myself, I probably would have shown the same humiliating reaction as Lee.

"Acck!! Stop, Sasuke-kun! Stooopp!!" Rock Lee mustered his strength and ran a few meters away, falling down a few times. He coughed and grasped for air as snot began to come out of his nose. Tears also welled up in his eyes as his face turned red.

"No!" I said as I continued to pepper spray Rock Lee in the face. I also continued the match and sent both kicks and punches, pummeling Rock Lee with every chance I get.

"This is nottt fair!! Ahh!!" Lee shouted as he groaned in pain. He wanted to fight back, but he couldn't see anything. His throat was itching so much that he even wanted to die from the pain alone.

"It'll stop when you give up!" I told Lee. If he couldn't even take this pepper spray of mine, how is he going to take my other concoctions? I still have three other types of concoctions that I have yet to use.

"No, never!!" Lee exclaimed as he gathered all of his strength to run away. He need to make some distance so that he can open his Inner Gates and fight back!

"...." Hiruzen Sarutobi watched the match unfold in bafflement. He didn't expect that Sasuke Uchiha would pull out something like pepper spray.

Hypothetically speaking, using pepper spray isn't illegal in a ninja match. It's just that nobody has ever done it before.

It's also very... despicable.

"...." The audience were also shocked by the development. Their talks about the strength of the Uchiha dwindled…


In the audience platform, Might Guy looked at Kakashi with a suspicious face and asked: "Kakashi... did you teach Sasuke to use that?"

"No, I did not. I don't know where the kid got the idea..." Kakashi sweated and shook his head...

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