Naruto: Skill Copying System

Naruto vs Gaara!

(A/N: I was mistaken about Hinata being the Hyuga heir from the previous chapter. Hanabi is currently the heiress. Hinata had her right stripped from her after losing that one battle with Hanabi. Though, she is still a Hyuga princess, and nothing from the previous chapter changes – other than her heir title.)


Hiashi had never wanted anything more than to go down into the field and beat up Sasuke Uchiha for defiling his daughter in front of everyone. His father, the previous head of the Hyuga clan, sat to his left, and the old man was already fuming in anger.

However, they couldn't do so because they had to mind their actions in front of the Hokage as well as the Kazekage. There's also the many eyes in the stadium that he needed to be wary of.

In the end, they decided that they will definitely deal with Sasuke and Hinata after the exam.

While the old men of the Hyuga clan pondered about what they're going to do, a trace of envy appeared on Hanabi's face. Her eyes focused on Sasuke kissing her sister…

(A/N: ….. )

The talks about Sasuke's insane antics didn't stop. However, since nobody dared to do anything to Sasuke, the matches continued onwards.

The next match was supposed to be Shikamaru vs Kin, but Kin never came. Hence, Shikamaru won through default.

As a lazy person, Shikamaru was happy to no end. He didn't need to do squat shit, and he was given the automatic win.

In his mind, he thought that if he was given a few more opportunities like this, he might even become a Chunin by just standing around.

Since Shikamaru had won his match, the next one was pushed up. It is the match between Temari and Shino.

Both of them were long ranged users, and they weren't that good in close combat. The fight began with them distancing themselves. Shino then tried to attack with his bugs, but Temari blew away and destroyed most of Shino's bugs.

Hypothetically, Temari could've won if she just kept blowing wind jutsu one after the other. However, she didn't have the chakra to spam her moves nonstop.

This gave Shino the opportunity to make his bugs creep up on Temari.

His bugs enveloped her… starting from her foot to her calves… and then her thighs… and under her skirt.

When Temari felt the creepy crawlies touch her maidenhood with their tiny little legs, she immediately gave up.

Anyways, she wasn't too concerned about winning. She needed to save chakra for the attack on Konoha that's soon to come.

"Next match… Naruto vs Gaara!" Genma announced the next participants, and waited for Naruto and Gaara to come down.

"Alrighttt!!!!!! It's my turn!" Naruto screamed like a crazy person and jumped down from the participant's platform.

Unlike Naruto, Gaara decided to take the stairs quietly and go down onto the field. He didn't take Naruto seriously at all. In his eyes, Naruto is just another genin for him to destroy.

It took a hot minute for Gaara to finally come to the battlefield. When the opponents stood face to face, Genma did his routine of starting the match.

Right as Genma announced the start of the match, Naruto threw a few Kunais towards Gaara. Naruto is truly a dunce, but that didn't mean that he was bad at fighting. In fact, he is a person who is rather skillful with the things he has in his arsenal.

*Tuuu Tuuu Tuuu*

The Kunais were easily blocked by Gaara's sand.

Gaara didn't even move an inch as he stared at Naruto running towards him.

"Take this!!" Naruto sent a kick towards Gaara, but like the kunais, Naruto's kick was blocked with a wall of sand.

When Naruto landed, Gaara tried to throw some sand towards him… and it didn't hit. Naruto just had to jump, and he managed to escape.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto landed and quickly activated his shadow clone jutsu. He knew that he needed to probe his enemy before deciding how to continue with his attacks, so he decided that the best way to probe is to use his Shadow Clones.

Puff! X20!

As amazing as always, Naruto managed to make many shadow clones to fight for him.

This time 20 clones came out and rushed towards Gaara, surrounding him and attacking him from all directions. They punched, kicked, and used kunai/shurikens… but they weren't able to damage Gaara.

One of the shadow clones did manage to kick through the sand shield due to Gaara's mistake, but Gaara's skin only cracked. This allowed Naruto to see the sand skin that Gaara had created for himself.

"You… You're just like a turtle! Your defenses are insanely high!" The real Naruto pointed at Gaara from behind his shadow clones and spouted his words of nonsense. Not only did Gaara have the sand wall, he even has a sand skin underneath it…

Gaara didn't want to answer and created multiple sand arrows before shooting them in all directions, destroying all of the shadow clowns that Naruto made.

"I was saving this secret move for later, but… I guess I have to use it against someone like you." Naruto used the Multi Shadow Clone technique once again. This time, however, he summoned a total of fifty shadow clones!

Everyone in the stadium was amazed by the sheer amount of shadow clones that Naruto made. These clones were physical, and they can interact with the real world!

When these shadow clones were made, Naruto hid himself amongst them and prepared his secret weapon. That's right… Like Sasuke, he also prepared a secret weapon for the Chunin Tournament.

And since he confirmed that Gaara's sand wall isn't omnipotent, he decided to use this secret weapon to deal a whole lot of damage to him. He also realized that Gaara's sand arrows had a flaw... he can dodge them as long as he tucked down.

Gaara blocked and counter-attacked with his sand, destroying the clones one by one as he searched for the real Naruto.

The first shadow clones were three… then five… then ten!

Suddenly, six shadow clones charged at Gaara from behind while one clone stayed behind the six clones.

In front of Gaara, all 25 of the remaining ran towards him.

"Imbecile," Gaara said as he made multiple sand arrows to shoot at the 25 clones before turning around. He was sure that the one standing behind the six clones is the real Naruto.

"But you're wrong! Naruto style, a thousand years of death!!" Naruto his in the smoke that appeared after the shadow clones were deactivated en masse and dodged the sand arrows by tucking down onto the ground. Since Gaara didn't see him tuck down, and his attention turned to the shadow clones behind him, he was able to sneak up behind Gaara.

He then used his secret weapon and poked the extremely sharp kunai directly into Gaara's ass. Even if Gaara has sand skin, Naruto believes that his ass will still hurt.

"What is this… WHAT IS THIS!!?" Gaara was furious, scared, and crazed. Blood began dripping down the kunai, and blood was the thing that triggered his craziness.

"Do you like this? It's a technique that I learned from Kakashi sensei!!" Naruto exclaimed after retreating.

"I added some Naruto spice into it… so enjoy the explosion!" Naruto cheered as the paper bomb attached to the kunai finished burning.


The paper bomb exploded…


I was shocked when I saw Naruto pull off this move.

In the anime, Naruto did the same thing to Gaara, but Gaara had a semi one-tail form to protect him from the explosion.

Who would've thought that Naruto would explode Gaara's ass in his base form? This gave me a new world view of the dunce. He definitely has some mercilessness in his blood.

In the audience, Might Guy looked at Kakashi with a suspicious face.

"Kakashi, be honest with me. You're the one that taught these shameless tactics to your students, right?"

"I…I…" Kakashi wiped away the sweat on his face. He did use the 1000 years of death on Naruto, but he didn't expect the kid to adopt it. Naruto even freaking announced it to the whole mother fucking world that it was taught by his sensei.


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