Naruto: Starting from Tsunade-san

Chapter 78 Rescue Tsunade

After arriving at the destination, Qingzhi spent a lot of effort to find the precious beast. As for the capture process, it was very smooth, and he captured it cleanly.

This is a rare beast that looks exactly like a weasel. It has scarlet eyes, yellow fur, and its four small claws are indeed black. It looks quite good. It is a very rare creature in the local area. Otherwise, no rich man would let Qing Pheasant go out of his way. Cross-border poaching…

Aoki pheasant stuffed this rare beast into his special backpack. The mission was successfully completed, and he could return to the Land of Fire to collect the reward from the big dog owner.

As for the tasks that Elder Weasel usually assigned, he ignored them.

He found Uchiha Madara's body with his head.

Wherever Qing Pheasant is going, he first returns to the transit station in the Kingdom of Shang, intending to stay overnight.

The sun was shining brightly, the scenery was brilliant, there was no mission, and I was walking on the road relaxed and leisurely.

Suddenly, he saw an obstacle blocking his way in front of him.

The green pheasant was curious. He stepped up his legs and took a closer look. He was no longer calm...

This man was covered in blood and dying. It looked like he was seriously injured.

Ah, this, this...

Is it such a coincidence?

Aokiji made a complaint, which made it feel like it was placed here on purpose.

I'm afraid this isn't a trap.

This world is full of dangers, Qing Pheasant must be cautious.

Who knows if he could have pretended to be seriously injured to gain sympathy, and then when a well-meaning person came to check, he would have taken advantage of him and suddenly pulled out the guy to catch him off guard, and the unlucky person would probably have been killed directly.

And under normal circumstances, who would be seriously injured and lying on the road...

Reasonably, he told Qingzhi not to pay attention, but logically, he couldn't ignore it. The troubled Qingzhi could only cautiously step forward to check.

Look at his face first, if he looks like a bad guy, then he doesn't care, he doesn't owe him anything.

Qingzhi walked in and saw clearly the face of the seriously injured person. There was a mask on his face and a scar on his eye. It seemed that his identity was not simple, so it was best not to touch him casually.

Logically speaking, the green pheasant would run as far as it would go when seeing such a person.

But there is no way, this man has a forehead protector tied on his forehead, he is a ninja, and he is a ninja of Konoha.

This forced Aokiji, who was from the same village, to take care of him. He went out, but if he didn't wear a forehead protector, it would be impossible for the other party to lie on the ground and wait for him because he knew he was a ninja of Konoha.

The serious injury of this Konoha ninja can only be explained by coincidence.

He hurriedly stepped forward and used the Palm Senjutsu. He didn't know if the injury could be healed: "Hey, cheer up. I am the genin of Konoha, Uchiha Aokiji."

The jonin heard Aokiji blew himself up, like the last ray of light in the darkness, he slowly opened his eyes with a pale complexion, his tone of voice was like a thread.

In order to hear more clearly, Qing Pheasant leaned forward and listened quietly.

Not long after, the ninja finished his last words, seemed to have exhausted all his strength, slowly closed his eyes, and died...

Qing Pheasant sighed with mixed emotions.

Technically, this was the first time he'd seen someone die in front of him.

He is obviously an irrelevant person, but he feels uncomfortable in his heart.


What a complex emotional animal.

Qing Zhi exhaled and didn't have much time to sigh.

The last words of this Konoha ninja are a very difficult matter.

In summary, the team led by this ninja was attacked by ninjas from Kirigakure Village during the execution of their mission.

If it were just like this, Aokiji wouldn't feel too troublesome, but because this group of Kirigakure ninjas captured a team member, and this team member's name is...

Tsunade! ! !

Qingzhi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

Tsunade was captured alive, which meant that the other party knew Tsunade's identity, otherwise they wouldn't have deliberately kept him alive.

Tsunade's current situation should be on her way back to the village by the Kirigakure ninja.

Aoki was still alive when he met this Konoha ninja, so it seemed that these Kirigakure ninjas had just left.

If he chases him now, he still has a chance to catch up.

The task given by this ninja to Aokiji was to return to the village quickly, tell the higher-ups, and send someone to rescue him.

But the problem is that by the time he returns to the village, Tsunade has already been sent to Kirigakure Village, and the difficulty of rescuing her has skyrocketed.

The best time to save Tsunade is now.

But after all, Tsunade has the original buff bonus, so he shouldn't be able to die.

To be on the safe side, Aokiji just ignored Tsunade and went straight back to the village as if nothing had happened. Then he didn't even need to inform Konoha if someone was arrested in Kirigakure Village.

With Tsunade's special status, it is likely that Tsunade will be used to exchange important resources for the village.

But this is only the most ideal situation.

Even a butterfly flapping its wings can change history, let alone a plot in which such a big man appears. God knows in what direction the plot is already developing.

Let's not talk about whether Konoha will agree to using Tsunade in exchange for important resources of the village. With Tsunade's stubborn personality, she might even commit suicide in order not to cause trouble to the village.

With her personality, this is not impossible.

And if you think about it in a darker way, maybe Wuyin Village doesn't exchange Tsunade for resources.

After all, when it comes to resources, Tsunade himself is the biggest resource.

Who is Tsunade?

A direct descendant of Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito.

She possesses the blood of both Senju and Uzumaki, and the potential development value of her body is comparable to an unexploited mine. Not to mention, in the eyes of outsiders, Tsunade still has the possibility of awakening the wood escape.

Mu Dun, that is the super blood inheritance limit that can calm down troubled times.

It is impossible for Kirigakure Village not to covet him.

Based on all the above reasons, if you want to save Tsunade, it is best to save her now. If she is sent to Kirigakure Village, her fate will really be completely in the hands of others.

There's just a small problem with doing this.

With my current strength, would I have given it away in the past?

If the other party was able to capture Tsunade, there must be a jonin in charge.

Aokiji is currently at the jounin level. To be honest, it is a very unwise choice for a ninja at the jounin level.

What to do, save or not?

Qing Zhi closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, frowned, gritted his teeth and struggled a few times, and finally made up his mind.

Even though he knew that saving her might involve him, he still decided to save her.

This is definitely not because of some superficial love. He and Tsunade have a good relationship. Strictly speaking, they are still childhood sweethearts, and they even like her a little bit.

But he knew very well that his love for Tsunade was purely a matter of coveting her beauty. It was a body-grubbing type, far from the type of love.

Human beings are creatures that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Human nature is evil at the beginning, and when encountering danger, the first thing to think about is yourself and avoid risks.

However, such self-evident truth is not worth mentioning in front of Qing Zhi's firm eyes. As long as his legs are still there, he will take steps.

Aoji himself couldn't explain why he did such a thing, but one thing was certain that he wanted to save Tsunade.

Perhaps this is the complex side of human nature.

There is a yin side and a yang side.

Not long after Qingzhi left, a figure slowly walked out from behind a big tree. Watching him leave, he smiled sinisterly: "Qingzhi, you really did not make me wrong."

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