Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 340: Seal Circle

Zhang Lan's eyes turned to coincide with Loki's. 【Fengyun Novel Reading Network】

Rocky did not dodge, but gave Zhang Lan a bright smile with a smile full of dangerous information.

None of the people present were ordinary people, they all saw the dangerous smile of Loki.

Zhang Lan didn't mean it, just glanced at Loki lightly, but just ignored it and looked back at Sol again, undoubtedly.

"Let's go to Fury's air base together. With your IQ, you want to get the Universe Cube from Rocky. I'm afraid the chance is slim."


The naked contempt for Saul's IQ was touching, so that Saul did not know how to answer it.

After all, this is a fact that he can't refute.

Tony and Rogers on the side, after Zhang Lan said this sentence, were secretly guarded.

Rogers just asked Saul to put down his hammer, and he was angry like a lion, and he was blown up like a lion. This was directly criticized for being low energy, and how good is it?

What fell through his glasses was that Saul nodded in agreement.

", are you talking too directly?" Sol retorted without confidence.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Lan said more directly: "You must have talked to Loki, and you tell me, who is the tyrant who taught Loki to use space gems?"

"..." Saul was speechless.

"Why, you didn't even ask him to teach him how to use space gems?" Zhang Lan's eyes widened. This was the biggest change in his expression after he arrived.

"...Titan, when will we go to your base?" Sol simply ignored Zhang Lan.

Saul was sure that he couldn't beat Zhang Lan now.

As long as he dared to raise Thor's hammer against Zhang Lan, Alnius would dare to call Thor's hair.

After his father and mother, Zhang Lan was the third guy he didn't dare to provoke.

No way, the lifeblood was held by this guy.

Leaving Thor's hammer aside, Zhang Lan wants to abuse a Sol without using the body at all. Summoning several shadow avatars is enough for Sol to drink a pot.

On the other side, Tony and Rogers glanced at each other silently, connecting with Natasha, who was driving a Kun-style fighter to meet several people.

On one side, Zhang Lan heard Natasha's presence, and looked slightly, glanced around for a few times, whispered and phantom commanded a few words, turned his head and talked to Tony about the parents.

Unsurprisingly, Tony has lived with Pepper for more than half a year.

Banner also stayed at the Stark Building with peace of mind-originally in the underground laboratory of the Los Angeles Villa, but when experimenting with a big guy, Banner ran out of control and demolished the entire villa.

It was at that time that Tony was about to move his position and came to live in New York, saying that he was relieved of the trouble of moving.

Everything went into the sea, including all the steel armor in the underground laboratory, which was smashed.

Including the original prototype-MK-1.

By the way, Tony's request for experimenting with the big guy was put forward by himself. Banner once tried to veto it and was finally convinced by Tony.

This is called lifting a stone and hitting one's own foot.

Originally Tony thought he could subdue Hulk, and he was confident in the latest research developed with Banner.

As a result, even the latest research from that confident source was demolished by Banner.

The loss of that time, even Tony, felt a heartache.

Um, just a click.

Fortunately, that time they got enough data, and the new big guys that they jointly created later were not as powerful as they were.

As for the specific use of the big guy-

"Lan, I can't tell you for the time being. You will be surprised when you have a chance to have a look." Tony sold a pass.

When speaking, Tony glanced at Sol arrogantly, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

Zhang Lan smiled and didn't ask, but he had his own answer in his mind-Tony and Banner, the big guy who studied to suppress the Hulk, in addition to the "anti-Hulk" steel suit, what else?

Instead of debunking Tony's ostentation, Zhang Lan changed the subject.

"Tony, the information I gave you last time, how did you study?"

This refers to the character card that Zhang Lan gave Tony the last time Stark Tower met.

Hearing Zhang Lan mention that character card, Tony seemed to remember something, his eyebrows fell, and he licked his lips rather annoyed.

This made Zhang Lan think that Tony's research on character cards is not the card owner.

However, at the next moment, Tony's action was to make Zhang Lan stunned.

I saw Tony stretched out his right hand, the steel armor on his arm broke apart, and a missile rose. This move caused Rogers on one side to subconsciously raise the shield he had just pulled out.

The hidden meaning of missiles is always destruction and death.

The farewell is a weapon that Tony can use, which is undoubtedly not a concentrated essence.

There are fearless Zhang Lan and Saul. They are very curious about this missile. Zhang Lan, who has good eyes, saw at a glance. This missile is covered with strange circuits.

This circuit, Zhang Lan's natural understanding, is the pattern of seal formation~~ On that missile, Zhang Lan even faintly perceives a weak Chakra fluctuation.

Under the seal technique, it must have sealed a powerful object, and it was rich in Chakra.

"Tony, whatever you want to do, put away this dangerous thing." Rogers guarded his shield in front of him and warned Tony.

"If you're scared, hide away." Tony disagreed, pointing at the missile on his arm and explaining to Zhang Lan: "Lan, the information you gave me is so amazing that you can use some... well, The seal formation method, the Chakra ninjutsu with energy fluctuations, is sealed in a medium. God, this is completely unscientific."

With that said, Tony retracted the missile like a baby and glanced at Sol again, turning to disdain.

"If it wasn't what you squeezed was my upper armor armor, but the arm bone that triggered this missile, it must be enough for you to drink a pot."

"The first one to be the one to support you must be you." Sol hadn't spoken yet, Zhang Lan didn't get angry to refute Tony: "Tell me, you don't have Chakra, how did you complete the seal?"

Without Chakra's infusion, the seal technique is portrayed, which is definitely a useless ghost symbol.


Tony said, he didn't say anything.

I don't know if I was choked by Zhang Lan's rebuttal or choked by Zhang Lan's question.

It was at this time that the Kun-style fighter piloted by Natasha arrived, and Tony flew into the sky as if to escape, saying that he was guiding Natasha.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan raised a lingering haze in his heart.

What the **** is going on, Tony has a secret in his heart. He seems to be afraid that Zhang Lan knows that this secret must be inseparable from Zhang Lan.

It may even be...

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