Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 353: Lost heart

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

This sentence made Zhang Lan silent.

Originally, he made up his mind, and he will not care about the broken things of the earth. He only intends to build a superhuman paradise to fight for those who are worthy of protection.

But Mei's words awoke him.

Yes, the sinister is just that politician, which has nothing to do with most people on earth.

The conversation is still ongoing. Tony in the projection has been moving, flying up and down, obviously the enemy is not easy to deal with.

Zhang Lan's brows were even worse, and the last thought convinced himself.

"I just went for a friend."

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Lan said to Tony, "Wait for me", that is, shutting down the communication.

"Come on, take Peter and them. There are me here, enough." May commanded with a smile, she was very satisfied with Zhang Lan's decision.

Zhang Lan nodded, but he still couldn't let go, and whispered a few words to Mirage.

"Phantom, you have sent ten unmanned fighters over, now."

After finishing talking, Zhang Lan turned to look at Mei.

"May, you take Katie up to the ground, I will let the phantom take you back to Atlantis, the children are there, and I'm relieved that you are there."

After the command, Zhang Lan's figure flashed and disappeared.

May nodded, walked over and hugged Katie, and inevitably rubbed the crisscross scars on her body. The original ugly scars were rubbed off by Mei, and they fell off directly!

The location where it fell off was a tender red complexion, which was new skin.

Mei's eyes widened in disbelief, carefully rubbing against other scars, and gently picked, the scar immediately fell off, exposing the tender red skin.

This time, a broad smile hung on May's face.

Picking up Katie in one hand, May walked to the ground at a cheerful pace.


"Sir, the soul scepter is gone."

Hearing the radio agent's report, Fury's face was completely black.

There is no doubt that Zhang Lan must have taken it.

The problem is, in the present situation, even if Fury said, there can never be a return to the scepter of the soul-if someone still has this fantasy, then his mentality is really good.

Provide weapons, destroy your home, "kill" your girlfriend, arrest your loved ones, and even want you, Zhang Lan did not overthrow the air-to-air carrier on the spot, but also benefited from Tony and his friends, It's all on this air carrier.

Even though there was no expectation in his heart, Fury turned his attention to Tony, hoping that Tony could send a communication to Zhang Lan.

Anyway, try it, what if hell?

"No!" Tony choked back Fry's words directly: "I will never contact Lan, as far as what you do, I will not come if it is something related to the crisis of the earth this time!"

After talking, Tony turned his head very smartly and left.

Accompanying them are the Fantastic Four, Natasha, Banner, and Rogers who have always been model soldiers.

This time, S.H.I.E.D.I.D. was so disappointing.

Fury did not expect that Zhang Lan would have such a big charm, even if he did not speak, so many people would defend him.

In the original bustling conference room, everyone was gone, leaving only Conners, who was still sitting in the corner, and Fury, who was standing by the hole in the conference table.

After thinking about it, Fury set his sights on Hill-this is also a person Zhang Lan may accept the communication.

Unfortunately, he once again ate a closed door soup, Hill for the first time violated his order.

After gritting his teeth, Fury took out the communicator and called Zhang Lan's communication himself, but got-

"Mr. Nick Fury, you have been blacklisted, please do not call again, thank you for your cooperation."

This voice Fury recognized was Zhang Lan's intelligent life—phantom.

With a dark face, Fury turned and walked to Banner's laboratory. He needed to make sure there was no other way to find the Universe Cube faster.

Unfortunately, Banner did not have time to record the frequency of gamma rays on the scepter of mind.


Fury punched heavily on the experimental table, always hiding his emotions. When encountering such "soft resistance", he would still be anxious and difficult to control.

Self-eating bad fruit, now he is the betrayal of the people!

If there was still a Zittari army hanging from his head, Fury could even be sure that there were no leftover members of the Avengers present.

"Sir, you are affecting my work here." Banner looked at Fury with a disgruntled look, even though he was free now.

Fury grew darker and walked out of Banner's office in silence.

For the sake of the overall situation, he must be patient.

Coming to the command center, the maintenance personnel are rushing to repair the big pit that Zhang Lan smashed. Every day, the agents who will salute him are all silent, seeing that Fury is coming, and have entered an extremely serious working state~www. ~ However, most of the current work is done by computers, and their workload is not much.

This is no longer a betrayal, but lost hearts!

With a somber face, Fury stood on the podium, not knowing what he was thinking.


In addition to the space battleship, a fleet of ten SHIELD transport ships sent a landing request to the command center.

"Transport Fleet No. 17a, please send a confirmation signal, your information is on the computer, but there is no record of your voyage, how did you transport what cargo, over."

"Weapons and ammunition, over."

Agents in charge of docking in the space carrier were keenly aware that something was wrong.

If a transport plane with no voyage record can be regarded as a computer error, but a voyage record of a formation... He chose to notify Director Fury.

After receiving the news, Fury narrowed his eyes slightly. Instinctively, he felt that this was probably a potential crisis for the enemy to dive into the space carrier.

Quite simply, Fury issued an order prohibiting access, and asked to check the agent codes of all agents in the transportation formation.

Agent code, this is a unique code for each SHIELD agent. It is a more common code than the US citizenship number.

Among the ten transport planes, the blue-eyed Patton's eyes were cold, he stopped the movement of the equipment and turned on the radio.

"Plan a fails, plan b is executed, and the engine finds a good position for the team, blasts in sequence, repeats, and blasts in sequence."

After talking, Patton directly opened the rear hatch of the transport plane, carrying his compound bow, and raised his hand to aim-No. 1 engine!

At the same time, the nine transport planes on standby on the other side are all fully-powered and spread toward the surroundings. The goal is directed at the other three engines!

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