Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 364: Incredible!

The huge eyeball is bigger than Banner, and the bloodshot feet are full of fingers.

Horrible size!

Even more frightening is the shape of the huge eyeball. After appearing, it really scared the two of them!

Just a head lying on the ground is ten meters high, and the eyes are two meters in diameter. How huge should it stand up?

Even if it is calculated according to the normal seven-headed body, it is a full height of seventy meters...

Oh my God!

A three-meter-high Hulk can demolish a street, if it is thirty-three times more than a seventy-meter Hulk...a Manhattan island is probably not enough to demolish?

Even Zhang Lan was breathing tight.

No wonder his Xianshu Chakra input, Banner can absorb the bottomless hole, such a huge guy in the body, how many Xianshu Chakra can swallow.

At least the Hulk can be successfully sealed, I am afraid there are other factors.

A little bit calm, Zhang Lan flew slowly with Banner, keeping parallel with the huge eyes lying on the ground-this is six meters high.

"Can you understand me?" Zhang Lan tried to open his mouth.

However, those huge eyes didn't take a look at him at all, staring straight at Banner, without a touch of movement.

Banner also noticed it, hesitated for a moment, or said: "Hmm... hello... this is Banner, what is your name?"

"Hulk." The owner of the huge eyeball turned out to be a second, and his mouth opened and even horrified: "Huck you gave me, I like it very much."

Benner's surprise was completely unexpected, and when Hulk appeared to be furious, how could he speak so well? ? ? ! ! !

Is this... contrasting cuteness? ? ?

Despite the accident, Banner's EQ is not blown, not better than Tony is a little bit, the homeopath in his mouth is exaggerated Hulk.

"Unexpectedly, you are so real... well... gentle?"

"Thank you." Hulk frankly accepted Banner's neutral praise: "Actually, anger is not my problem, it's your problem."

"Me?" Banner said more unexpectedly.

"Yes, it's you." Hulk nodded affirmatively: "You refuse to accept my existence, but when you die, I will die together again, I have to appear, then your soul will repel me from taking control of the body, It will be very painful."

Hearing this, Zhang Lan subconsciously inserted a sentence: "Then..., you will be angry?"

Hulk did not ignore Zhang Lan’s existence this time, but turned to look at Zhang Lan, and said very seriously: “Sorry, I want to talk to Banner in the first sentence, thank you very much for persuading Banner accept me."

"Uh...hehe, no need to thank."

Zhang Lan blinked rather confused, indicating that his worldview had collapsed.

Invincible Hulk, actually... afraid of pain...

From just now to now, Banner has been so... gentle and quiet!

Correct! !

Gentle! ! !

Putting the word on the Hulk really makes Zhang Lan a little suspicious of life.

Is it... he has the wrong seal?

Or, did he use not the "Gossip Seal" but the "Ghost Seal" to strip off Hulk's angry part?

Regardless of whether Zhang Lan's worldview collapsed, it would not be wrong for Banner and Hulk to have a happy conversation at this time.

Both of them are quite detailed in Hate Late. As a second personality born out of Banner's consciousness, Hulk possesses all of Banner's memories and uses other thinking to think about various issues.

This produces two people with the same personality, knowledge, communication circle, living environment, etc., talking about their favorite things, topics, and characters face to face.

If you are not interested in the same, it is useless to ask for this term.

Therefore, the final development seriously exceeded Zhang Lan's expectations.

He wanted to help Banner's lobbyist to persuade Hulk, but instead became a bystander, watching the big one and the small two talking with joy, and his chest was stuffy.

Obviously expected so many words, but the result did not say a word, and was drunk!

The relationship between the two was very fast. It was only ten minutes, and Banner already hoped that Zhang Lan could lift Hulk's seal.

"Blue, I believe it...No, he will be with me well. I was prejudiced before, and I always thought it was the best to eliminate him. It turns out that I was wrong."

Now, Zhang Lan is in a dilemma. If Huoke's disguised face is kind and kind, it is to lift the [Gossip Seal], then...

It was Hulk, but Zhang Lan lifted the excuse to find a reason, because--

No one wants to come out at all!

"Banner, don’t be embarrassed anymore, and, I think it’s very good now. This small room can gather my consciousness instead of staying deep in your soul. I can always pay attention to the outside world through your senses, I have never lived so real."

Zhang Lan blinked.

He felt his ears should be useless.

Otherwise, how is your business going so smoothly today!

In any case, it is a fact that Hulk is reluctant to come out with the "Gossip Seal", and even Zhang Lan tried to slightly loosen the seal to allow Hulk to leave the gossip cage at any time.

According to his original words--

Now Banner can't bear even a small part of his strength, otherwise a large amount of power will only flow in two moments.

The first is that Banner’s soul can’t bear it, and is forced out of the body.

The second is that Banner’s soul can’t control it. In the madness of the surge of power, he loses control of the body, and Hulk accepts the command of the body-just like Hulk appeared to control the body.

In that case, Hulk needs to pass a lot of anger before it can adjust the momentum to flow into the body-Hulk has no way to control the body freely, because he has not had a body.

This is undoubtedly that people without wings fly like birds, which is unreasonable.

The most important thing is that Hulk likes to live in Banner, he does not want to have a body-humans are too troublesome, he does not want to communicate with too many people.

This is a typical autism!

However, what he shows now is more of a very otaku "otaku", and lazy to a certain point, he doesn't want to walk on his own, but just wants others to take him around.

Banner is here, the "computer" in the hands of the "otaku" Hulk, taking Hulk around.

"Uh... that... Hulk, are you sure you don't need me to loosen the seal?"

Zhang Lan confirmed once again that he couldn't believe Hulk would be so gentle.

"No, no, you have left a gap between the two seals. I feel my strength can flow into Banner's body through the gap, which is enough."

Now, Zhang Lan had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

Invincible Hulk, the grumpy green monster, is actually just a little otaku who is content and happy?

It's incredible!

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