Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 415: May: I save 1

"Today, no one wants to stop me from killing this sinister scum!"

——"If you're guilty of me, you will be punished far away!"

Zhang Lan's tone was cold, and there was no hint of joking at all, and the stiff smile on Loki's face could not be maintained.

Zhang Lan really wants to kill him!

The second time, he felt the smell of death.

The last time, it was when he fell into the Rainbow Bridge space riot.

Saul was also stunned, Zhang Zhang said what he wanted to say, and finally found nothing to say.

In the one year that God Territory and Zhang Lan got along, he listened to the other party about Peter and Harry countless times, second only to May and Katie.

And just now, Loki made Zhang Lan's four favorite life duels and forced him to kill Peter and Harry.

This made Sol impossible to say anything at all.

In the end, only a weak word came out: "Look at my face, Lan, spare Rocky this time, after all... he is my younger brother for thousands of years, I..."

Speaking of which, Sol himself could not continue.

His relationship with Rocky for thousands of years is more profound than Zhang Lan's relationship with Peter and Harry for more than ten years?

not necessarily.

Zhang Lan's sentence "If I killed Loki, would you forgive me? Look at my face?" Jean Saul was speechless.

Helpless, Sol gritted his teeth and waved the hammer of Thor to break the sand flow in front of him, lying between Zhang Lan and Loki, with a firm face.

There was no sound at this moment, this is his attitude towards Zhang Lan who wanted to kill Loki.

Faced with Sol's obstruction, Zhang Lan's eyes narrowed into a dangerous gap, the fierce light flashing in it, and the murderous pervading all around.

The air is reduced by several temperatures.

Seeing that the battle was on the verge, Sol suddenly released the hammer of Thor in his hand, and let it fall to the ground, making a muffled sound of "dong".

"Blue, I can give up Thor's Hammer and return your favors to me. I only ask you to let go of Loki. I promise that he will only spend the rest of his life in the cage of God Realm for the rest of his life!"

-"Please, blue, I can't watch you kill him, I can't..."

In the face of the tough man's sudden begging for mercy, Zhang Lan was quite caught off guard, killing him, and then slowly converged.

Tony on the side, all were silent.

Their relationship with Sol is not familiar, and Tony even fought with Sol.

On this matter, naturally they all stood behind Zhang Lan.

The only exception is probably Rogers, who is still a good soldier in the country.

He took a slight step forward and handed an in-line headset to Zhang Lan: "Sir Fury wants to talk to you."

Zhang Lan frowned and hesitated, but still took the in-line headset in Rogers' hands, and put a ball of sand on his ear and said coldly: "If it is pleading, then close your mouth."

The opposite Fury was choked by Zhang Lan's words, but he was speechless for a while.

The picture once fell into the cold.

Three seconds later, Zhang Lan decisively crushed the embedded headset with a stream of sand.

Fury contacted him at this time, nothing more than let him take into account the big picture, don't offend the people of Asgard's realm, let him take a step back to the sky and the like.

This is the last thing Zhang Lan wants to hear.

Decisively crushed Rogers' embedded headset, and Natasha on the other side connected another communication. After whispering a few words, Natasha hesitated a little, and finally did not talk about the embedded headset according to Fury's meaning. Hand it to Zhang Lan.

She, between SHIELD and Zhang Lan, chose to support Zhang Lan.

Not long after, Reed's communication rang on the other side and was just about to be connected by Reed. Susan on the other side crushed it with thoughts and thoughts, and even crushed her own embedded headset.

Johnny is the simplest. His flaming ability has nothing to hang on him.

Tony is more direct, directing Jarvis to cut off all network communications.

Ben never used these things.

Banner used one finger to crush his own communication equipment.

Even Connors on one side was not connected.

For a time, only Barton, who was late at the scene, was still carrying communications, and Sol's own had been damaged in the previous outbreak of [Kylin].

As a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., Barton rarely contacted Zhang Lan. He also hesitated and heard the communication. Zhang Lan, who had excellent hearing, clearly heard that. Fury directly threatened the wife of Barton Safe House. , Let him narrate with Zhang Lan.

Fury didn't dare to let Patton give Zhang Lan the communicator, in case it was crushed again?

This is the only one left.

Katie and May were obviously on the side of Zhang Lan, so Fury didn't even try to call them.

Suddenly, Button's dilemma is entangled in place, neither retreat nor advance.

Mei on the other side said: "Blue, let Rocky go back, I... at least I can save a person!"

Mei's words surprised everyone, and they didn't understand the meaning of "rescue" in her words.

Only Zhang Lan strained his muscles very nervously, and thought about it without thinking ^_^ Absolutely: "You can't use that technique, I have a way to solve this matter, Mei, don't be impulsive!"

At the end of the talk, Zhang Lan walked to Barton, took the embedded headset from his hand, and said directly to the headset: "It's no problem asking me to let go of Loki, but I have three requirements."

——“一~~ If anyone present is going to leave SHIELD in the future, you cannot have any obstruction.”

-"Second, I will use your resurrection plan to resurrect Peter and Harry."

——"Three, I want a list of all involved in this incident, remember, it is all."

——"Can you agree, you just talk, remember, when you only have one sentence, then I will directly cut off the communication."

Expressing all his conditions in one breath, Zhang Lan handed the decision to Fury, if the other party agreed to him...

But if he didn't agree, even if it was a bargain, he would kill Loki without hesitation.

No one can stop him.

It seems that he heard the decision in Zhang Lan's tone, and Fury's response was also very simple: "I agree to all your conditions."

-"However, before that, I have two news to tell you."

——“One is that Tahiti’s plan can only work for ordinary human beings, Peter and Harry’s words... I’m sorry, Blue, I don’t want to deceive you, but there is really no way to work.”

——“Second, that is, a Hydra general in the military department successfully persuaded the president to sign the document that destroyed the Manhattan island. It is expected that no fewer than ten nuclear warheads are flying towards you. You’d better do it as soon as possible Be prepared."

The old man said that Fury really finished in one breath, and his vital capacity was not as strong as usual.

At the same time, the information brought by Fury made Zhang Lan's eyes murderous, and the kaleidoscope in his right eye turned rapidly, highlighting his uneasy mood at this time.



"I wish you all a good year of the Rooster" reward 2000 starting coins, today is still 3,000 to give two more chapters, which brave men fill it up ~

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