Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 501: Handle, persuade, prepare!

"The way... there will always be something." Rogers said in a weak tone: "In short, it cannot be solved by force, that will only be counterproductive!"

In a word, everyone was silent.

The solution today?

At first, I never thought that there would be so many people who would object. After all, the prestige of Zhang Lan's "Blue God" is famous all over the world, and I want to support them.

Facts have proved that they still think too simple.

In other words, I had already thought about it, but I didn’t give them enough time, so I had to hurry up.

The threat of tyrants is imminent. The planet destroyer has already burned his butt, and there is no time to sit down and discuss it.

Otherwise, Zhang Lan would not use a kaleidoscope to hypnotize all the helms of the world at once at his wedding.

The effect is obvious, but there are still omissions.

The people of the earth have been fighting inside, and it is not without reason.

"So... it's time to show them the enemy!" Zhang Lan murmured, stood up, and pieces of gold appeared on his body.

"Blue, did you think of a way?" Hill asked for the first time.

Silently shook his head, Zhang Lan split his hand to open a door of space, a step, and walked in.

The others met and followed.

They came to outer space!

A place with no gravity, no atmosphere, no...air!

For the most part, there is no way to survive outside the sky.

Fortunately, a circle of transparent light wraps the crowd, and the air passing from the door of the space immediately fills this small space.

But behind everyone, on the Atlantis, a shield was added to the remote for everyone.

"I said, Lan, what do you want to solve?" Tony swims behind Zhang Lan, very puzzled.

"Resolve?" Zhang Lan's voice was flat: "No, I'm going to let these people personally touch, the crisis we are about to experience, they are still too naive, I have no time to ignore them."

Saying this, Zhang Lanjian's fingers were standing on his chest, and a series of wooden avatars separated from his body. Afterwards, the wooden avatars swiped freely, breaking open the space and leaving.

One by one, they appeared in parades everywhere on the earth. Mei's posture surrounded by four corners surrounded more than two billion people.

Yes, surrounded.

At the same time, on the Atlantis, the phantom directed the cleaning robot to clean up urgently, and the walls were temporarily removed from each room to clear a large area.

Enough to accommodate 2 billion people!

This will take a while.

During this period, Zhang Lan's body was the main body, and ideas were spread out, and then spread out through wooden avatars all over the earth.

"Perhaps, many people are still resisting this global unification plan. I don't care whether you are voluntary, instigated, instigated, followed, or deliberate."

——"You all listen to me, I, Zhang Lan, what I have been doing is to protect you, a group of people clamoring for equality, now I will give you a chance to see us on the spot, what you have paid for you !"

At the same time, the phantom has finished emptying the room.

After receiving the confirmation message from Phantom, Zhang Lan also sent a definite message to his wooden avatar.

The wooden avatars raised their hands high and formed a formation into four corners. The adjacent two people had inexplicable shaking in their hands. That was the frequency synchronization of space.

After a short synchronization, the four wooden avatars suddenly turned into the state of "Suzunou Hu", and a wave of transparent colors was pushed from the huge palms by them towards the center.

This huge wave seems to be one after another, they have no harm to buildings, animals, plants, etc., but when sweeping through human beings, every human being seems to be crushed by space and dissipated to the earth. Above.

The tremendous waves are advancing very quickly, and everyone's future and panic or other things have dissipated on the earth in an instant.

As the number of people dissipated, each of the wooden avatars was lifted in place.

This scene is staged everywhere on the planet.

If those people are all wiped out, then... it's just such a few seconds, at least two billion humans have died on the whole earth!

This is undoubtedly a huge shock for anyone!

Two billion, one second standing to kill you, killing you for thousands of years, now... say goodbye in less than ten seconds?

At the same time as horrified, a mood called panic breeds in everyone's heart.

For a while, everyone on earth was in danger, fearing that he would be the next target to be "killed"!


In outer space, after receiving the news from the Imperial Intelligence Agency on the earth, Fury's eyes were wide, and he looked at Zhang Lan in horror. The communications all forgot to hang up and questioned Zhang Lan eagerly.

"Blue, what's wrong with you...?"

Zhang Lan swiped without turning his head, opened a door to space beside him, and flew straight in.

Seeing this, Fury and others could only follow in.

The space conversion, presented in front of it, is an extremely large hall-a hall that can accommodate 2 billion people, how could it not be huge!

Earlier, a lot of people thought they were killed by humanity.

At this time, they are in a mess, and are suddenly in a panic about suddenly changing positions, thinking that their actions have angered the first person on the earth.

Calm, admit fate, disdain, panic, roar, sorrow, beg for mercy, stubbornness, threat...

It's really a life of all kinds, with different shapes.

No one noticed at all that a few figures stood in the sky above him.


Chakra cooperates with the sound broadcasting system of Atlantis, enough for everyone present to be deaf!

Looking around, soon, I found Zhang Lan and others on top of my head.

For a time, there was another uproar and coquettishness.

"I said, be quiet!"

This time, Zhang Lan's tone increased by a full number of tones, so that everyone present felt that his mind was buzzing, even the people around Zhang Lan could not help scratching his ears.

"Oh, **** it! This sound went through my Zhenjin suit!" Tony complained casually.

Everyone present didn't care, only Fury looked at Zhang Lan with a profound meaning.

"His strength... has grown again!"

After a slight delay, Zhang Lan continued to speak.

"Since you want to be fair, then open your eyes and take a good look!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the phantom of the command opened the stealth function above the spacecraft's head. The outer splint where everyone was located began to slowly lose its original silver-white color, and finally became completely transparent.

At the foot, there are super-large screens, and the projection complements the incomplete picture above the head.

Suddenly, everyone was like being in space. While the vast universe surprised them, they also deeply sighed at how small human beings are!

"Because you have gathered to make trouble, from now on, you are detained for twenty-four hours! During this period, there is no water and no food. Enjoy it!"

Announced the last news, ignoring the reaction of the bottom line people, Zhang Lan once again opened a space door and disappeared in place.

Fury and others, who acted as listeners throughout the journey, followed again.

This time, the crowd appeared at the command center of Atlantis.

At the entrance, the most conspicuous is a 3d projection map showing that the green light spot representing himself is rapidly moving in a faint flash, and its target is coming from Pluto-the planet destroyer!

That, destroyer that takes the planet as food.

Long time unseen phantoms, and Frank, one of his assistants, hundreds of people are busy in this command center.

Driving such a big guy is not just posting a message, the functions that need to be coordinated are not geometric.

Fortunately, Zhang Lan has the phantom warship commander, and he doesn't need to worry about this.

Hill saw such an exquisite command center. Although it was not the first time to watch it, he was still untenable and approached the phantom side, and casually pulled his good sister Katie.

Others were silent, sitting around the podium in turn, waiting for Zhang Lan to arrange.

The battle with that planet destroyer is imminent!

Zhang Lan bowed his head and pondered for a few seconds. Instead of immediately arranging tactics, he let the combat robot push a gray-silver person all over him.

This man is the silver surfer-Norin Rad.

"So, Norlin, we have five minutes to have a good chat." Zhang Lan surrendered Norlin's name directly.

This surprised Norlin, and gave Zhang Lan a strange look, and then it was impossible.

Zhang Lan frowned: "It's not easy to deal with."

Turning his head to look at Susan, Zhang Lan forehead gestured to let her talk to the other party.

Susan pointed at herself suspiciously, not understanding what Zhang Lan meant.

"Yes, it's you Susan. I think your words can make him think of his wife on the planet."

Susan didn't know why, but he stood up and glanced up and down at Norlin suspiciously, hesitantly said, "Do we know?"

"Oh, it was a failed conversation!" Tony muttered softly on the side.

"Shut up!" Reid waited fiercely for Tony.

Norlin's only response to Susan's words was...silence.

Standing aside, a look like this really happened: "Sure enough, my arrival changed most of the trajectory, including Norlin's first impression of Susan."

He stepped forward to gently pull Susan's shoulders and motioned her to go back. Zhang Lan's eyes stared straight at Norlin, and the kaleidoscope opened, trying to see if he could use illusion to control the other party.

Facts have proved that Norin is also a humanoid form, and also has a spiritual soul, but... although not strong, it is strong and abnormal.

Zhang Lan is fully capable of breaking it, but there is no way to shape it.

That is to say, in the case of losing the lighthouse, Zhang Lan can directly kill the other party's soul, but there is no way to modify the other party's will, as it has been from the heads of state of many countries before.

Therefore, the remaining method is-mouth escape!

After looking at Nolin's silence, Zhang Lan could only speak for himself.

"Norlin, tell you a story."

——"One day the planet destroyer came to zenn-la, oh, your mother star, zenn-la was chosen as the ration of the planet destroyer."

——“In exchange for the survival of your parent star at the cost of eternal service, you need to help him find a planet suitable for food,”

——"It gives you a powerful cosmicpower, which gives you a whole silver shell, and it completely disappears with memory, good and evil, conscience, morality, etc."

——“After the planet devourer transformed you into a silver surfer, he ordered him to find a planet that could be eaten, and you immediately pointed to your home planet because of the elimination of memory and said, ‘that one can eat’.”

Speaking of which, Zhang Lan said with a tone, looking at Norin's frowning thought, before continuing to speak down.

——”But the Planet Devourer answered him and said, ‘I’ve agreed with a respectable person, I can’t eat that one.’”

After waiting for Zhang Lan to finish his speech, he stared straightly at Norlin.

Norrin seemed to move, hesitating for a long time, and finally asked: "How do you know? Planet destroyer will not accept the second waiter."

Zhang Lan's eyes flashed.

Not afraid that you have an idea, but afraid that you have no idea.

"No, I won't serve that kind of guy." Zhang Lan shook his head and denied: "I just want to tell you that although you sacrificed greatness, but because you are just an astronomer, but, I have my partner, I can Contend with that guy and try to destroy it, not only to defend your own planet~~ but also to defend your planet."

" planet?" Norlin looked puzzled.

Zhang Lan smiled and didn't answer him. Instead, he stretched out his hand to unlock the electronic handcuffs, and then found a small device from the system space and handed it to Norlin.

It was a small silver ball with only one red button.

"This thing can protect you from the suffering of fists and feet." Zhang Lan friendly reminded: "Press the red button."

With that said, Zhang Lan lifted the opponent's neck, reached out to open a door to the space, and shuttled over the huge hall where the two billion people were placed.

"Look, this guy brought the planet destroyer!"

Before the words fell, Norlin was thrown down by Zhang Lan, at a height of more than a hundred meters. If Norlin unconsciously pressed the red button on his hand, I was afraid that it might actually be turned into a meat sauce.

After Norin pressed the button, a transparent protective cover protected him in it, just suspended at the position where he pressed the button, less than ten meters from the ground.

This location is very good, while the infinite sea of ​​people formed by more than two billion people can be seen at the same time, the infinite starry sky above the head can also be seen unobstructed.

Excellent viewing location.

When Norin didn't pay attention, Zhang Lan's left eye flashed a scarlet over his head. [Deprived] ability to activate, what he deprived was-Planet Destroyer deprived Norlin of part of the emotional power!

Immediately, Zhang Lan left him alone and returned to the command center.

Facing the battle of planet destroyers, it is about to start!

Then, it will definitely be a grand scene-a scene full of all the people present and using all the abilities!



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