Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 505: Eruption era

(Girls Literature) Gu Yi's training ground is more like a private martial arts hall.

Although it is an ancient capability, it is not old-fashioned. Modern equipment such as wireless, water heaters, and computers are all available.

But Zhang Lanhe devoured and followed Gu Yi to the top of the Himalayas, Kama Taj.

"I don't think I need to explain to you about the problem of the plane world?" Gu Yi asked.

"Of course, I and swallow but..."

Zhang Lan just started the conversation. On the other side, a black man, with another ragged man, walked into the hall.

This ragged man, Zhang Lan, had a long time ago to solve a big problem for himself.

Stephen Strat, the new Supreme Magician of the future.

But now that Zhang Lan is here, he will naturally not follow the original plot.

"You are..." Strans stared at Zhang Lan with wide eyes: "Blue God, you are Blue God!"

He recognized Zhang Lan and was very excited.

"Blue God, I am Strand, we have met before, you promised to do me a favor, I..."

"But you have already used it." Zhang Lan interrupted Strand of course: "I know what you want, and I can heal your hands, but... I won't help you because you have A better choice."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Lan nodded toward Gu, stretched out his hands and swallowed and disappeared.

"Blue God...NoNoNo! Blue God! How can you just leave like that!" Strans was quite exhausted.

Gu Yi on one side is a confused black man, that is, Moduwang.

Modu just nodded, and the two completed the exchange of souls in an instant.

As a result, the ancients instilled the so-called magic belief for the atheist Strand.


ten minutes later.

"Teach me!" Strand trembled with excitement.

"No!" Gu Yi categorically refused.

"Boom!" Strand was swept out of the house.

Ignoring Strand's beating in front of the door, Gu Yi found Zhang Lan in the Himalayas and devoured the three-character sutra.

"Lan, I think we need to talk about it. Do you know something?" Gu Yi felt that Zhang Lan must know something about himself.

Zhang Lan touched the swallowed head and asked him to look around and feel the breath of nature.

"What do you know? Do you mean Dormam, or do you borrow Dormam's power to live hundreds of years longer, or are you just stolen pages of magic books? Or are you about to die soon?"

A series of words, the ancient one smashed is unable to react for a while.

" are you talking about?"

"I know what you said, just tell what you saw." Zhang Lan shook his head, looking like he believed it or not.

"Then... can you tell me about it, can you see it?" Gu Yi felt that it was necessary to listen.

"Happy to serve, ma'am."

Next, Zhang Lan briefly explained the plot of Dr. Strange for Ms. Gu Yi.

This is not difficult for Zhang Lan, whose eloquence has improved day by day.

The difficulty is whether Gu Yi can accept the question of his imminent death.

In fact, from the moment Gu Yi was pushed onto the operating table, at the moment of death, she was able to take a look at the world at last, and even had the heart to enlighten Strand, which all shows that she has already seen life and death very well Faded.

It was only a short time before Zhang Lan even had time to read the scenery of the mountains beneath his feet. Gu Yi was already slow to come.

"So, it was Strand in the end, did you stop Dormam?" Gu Yi confirmed, not his own cause of death.

"Well, don't you wonder how you died?" Zhang Lan accidentally.

"No, compared to this, I pay more attention to my duties. For this duty, I did not hesitate to steal power from Dormam. I should have died long ago. If someone can accept my position, die.. . It is the best relief."

Gu Yi said she had seen through the red dust.

"Wow, very good." Zhang Lan clapped his hands. "Actually, I have a better solution. Would you like to hear it?"

"Changing time?" Gu Yi's expression condensed: "No, that would create a branch of time, causing real time to be swallowed, then we..."

"That's just your theory." Zhang Lan shook his head and interrupted Gu Yi: "In fact, this world is no longer the world it used to be. Do you think that I can see so many things, will none of them change?"

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Gu Yi was silent.

Yes, since Zhang Lan has the ability to predict the future, how can he not change it?

"Then... talk about your thoughts," Gu Yi hesitated.

The corner of Zhang Lan's mouth slightly raised, he knew that the purpose of his trip was about to succeed!


No one knows what Zhang Lan and Gu Yi discussed in the mountains.

However, since then, when devouring learning, there is an additional companion-Strand.

For Zhang Lanming's ability to heal himself, but not heal himself, Strand still complained deeply, and had not given Zhang Lan a good face.

However, will Zhang Lan care?

He wasn't even here anymore, he just left a wooden avatar in company.

And it's the kind that just meditates with eyes closed and never talks.

Engulfing requires contacting the crowd as much as possible. In Karma Taj, there is Gu Yi watching, and no one will induce engulfing to evil.

As for Zhang Lan's body...the same, no one knows.

Including Katie and Hill, the news that Zhang Lan was temporarily lost.

As if the world had evaporated, it disappeared.

No one is looking for Zhang Lan. As long as Mu's doppelganger is still alive, Zhang Lan is safe, so there is no need to understand what he is doing.

Since they haven't spoken to them, it shows that they can't intervene in this matter at all.

What they need most now is to do their best to make themselves stronger as soon as possible.

Hegemony, the sword of the sword of Dalmus, has been hanging above his head. Even the most playful Tony and Johnny are rare and honest.

Or teach students, or research new technologies, or increase their own strength.

Everything is developing in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the situation regarding the grand reunification of the world is already clear.

All the opposition voices have almost disappeared since the last close observation of Zhang Lan and others against the planet destroyer.

Occasionally, there are a few voices, hopping on the crowd or the Internet, wanting to instigate the power of the crowd as last time.

However, this time, they are miscalculated.

No one asked for reconciliation.

Even the masses turned around and sold these people, not only receiving generous rewards, but also being able to enter the Imperial Genius Academy in [Breakfast Empire] to learn the power to defend the country.

In 2010, the day of October 1.

Led by Nick Fury, appointed the head of the [breaking empire], the Chinese chairman, the head of Russia, and Hill as the deputy heads of state, and announced that they officially included all countries in the world except Japan and the Philippines.

If there are fewer than a hundred people in the whole country, also called countries, then there are three countries on the planet.

However, it is clear that after the people of the whole country abandoned them, Japan and the Philippines no longer existed.

It was only a hard fight for less than a week that the Japanese Prime Minister and the President of the Philippines were announced and surrendered to the office in fear of guilt.

The trusted leader immediately submits a surrender application to [Breaking Dawn Empire] and applies to join [Breaking Dawn Empire].

Fury refused without hesitation, and forced the expropriation of the land of the two countries, erasing the names of Japan and the Philippines from the earth.

Since then, the political situation on Earth has been unified.

An emperor, a hundred state ministers.

Emperor, naturally refers to [Breaking Dawn Empire].

The ministers were selected to maintain the country's name and inheritance, such as China, Russia, and the United States.

They are still called China, Russia, and the United States, except that, above the country, there is an additional tier—empire.

South Korea once became the center of the world.

Once China proposed to contribute Hong Kong, the world's three largest financial centers, to the empire as its capital.

Fury was motivated, but Tony refused without thinking.

One sentence: "Do you know how long it will take to demolish Hong Kong for reconstruction?"

Yes, if Hong Kong is used as the capital, I am afraid that it cannot be separated from the fate of being demolished.

Because, after dawn, the vast majority of the earth configuration is no longer used, and all items have been upgraded.

Ultra-small galaxy computer's small electronic light brain, all kinds of transportation with anti-gravity engine, ordinary people can send out powerful ninjutsu scientific ninja, and have a solar-powered solar building...

The civilizations of Atlantis, Naruto, and Marvel are now deeply remembered by the top three scientists of the earth, Tony, Reed, and Banner, bringing about a technological explosion of the earth. era.

The three of Tony have no time to do research at all. What they have to do every day is to determine their own research plan as a feasible plan, and then pass it to the top scientists in the world to realize it.

Even if all the steps are written on paper, they still cannot understand many things.

Unable to do so, the three of them were all exchanged for the technique of Shadow Doppelganger, and then the body has been in the sleeping warehouse, and countless avatars acted as firefighters, wherever they needed to go.

Such a desperate result is also spectacular.

The dawn of the capital is basically a big change for a day, especially at Tony combining Atlantis technology and his armor to study how to transfer the soul of the disabled to the machine, and then use the phantom's fire source After being transformed into mechanical life.

The labor force in the world skyrocketed in an instant.

A clumsy large machine that required manual operation was implanted with the souls of voluntary devotees who could not see the light, cancer, and paralysis, and became flexible and abnormal.

More importantly, the earth... got rid of the shackles of petroleum energy and replaced all the energy elements of light energy or Tony.

Can you jump on the disco excavator?

A pendant tower that can be run around as often as you want. Does anyone dare to believe before?

I like to wander everywhere and give you a fully-automatic food truck for free meal delivery, it is simply not happy.

All kinds of products across the era, once only in dreams or in movies, appeared in their own side, and they were improving at a rate that can be seen with the naked eye every day.

In this state, who will be in charge, there is an empire under their own country?

Is this pressing?

Could it be clear to send warmth?

After being accepted by Daybreak, Daybreak has only one requirement—absolutely, physical fighting is not allowed, otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the circumstances, and severe cases will be executed on the spot.

This is undoubtedly a gospel to Iraq and other regions that have been in a state of war for a long time.

A whole million unmanned fighters and combat robots stopped at the doorstep of the fighters all over the world, and then took out various welfare solicitations.

Do you choose a mortal battle, or take welfare to take your family away from the battle?

The result is obvious.

The world, under the great reunification, says nothing.

Regarding the internal affairs of various countries, the daybreak is not to manage at all.

Who is the head of your country, presidential elections, presidential substitutions, etc. If you choose yourself, you still have to follow your own original methods, and hereditary or election will not interfere.

As long as the dawning law is not triggered, everything is easy to say.

It was religion, and it received an unprecedented blow.

All religious beliefs, under the iron hand of Hill, are completely erased.

Once the emperor Qin Shihuang's burning books Confucianism, Hill also came once.

Burned books are books of all religious beliefs that exist on the earth.

The murdered Confucian scholar is a diehard loyal to his own beliefs, and has a strong will to resist. Too.

Knowing the name, the **** of faith is Zhang Lan who disappeared.

Since then, the earth has officially entered the era of unification.

Supported by the technology of [Breaking Dawn Empire], countries began to absorb the design drawings distributed by themselves.

Spaceship design.

This is the first blueprint for a space battleship led by Tony, Reid, and Banner, led by all the world’s top aerospace, construction, construction, engineering, and other scientists.

Each country is divided into a blueprint that belongs to a space battleship.

Or shell metal refining technology, or sleep warehouse fiber manufacturing technology, or light weapon template technology...

Without exception, the core of the engine, chip, array, and sorting of light energy are held in the hands of the dawn, and are supervised and manufactured in the dawn city.

This is to use the resources of the entire earth as a processing plant for space warships.

What domineering!

The first manufacturing was just a model. It was feasible to try the design of this space battleship, and all the parts were reduced by 100 million times.

Even if it was shrunk by 100 million times, the resulting model had the size of a small aircraft carrier.

That...the real space carrier, its design and even the Atlantis are three times larger!

That is... three-fifths of the earth is so big!

This is undoubtedly crazy.

However, it is not infeasible.

As long as each component can be accurate to the molecule, and then assembled in space with the traction device on the Atlantis, it is also a must.

If it is really successful, then-

Against the hegemony, they will have an army that can fight it!

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