Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 510: Good show

"Loki, I warned you, never again wantonly want to lose the only love in your heart, how do you feel?"

Rocky looked up from the book, looked at Zhang Lan, and smiled very happy: "The only love? No, I think there is a misunderstanding."

It doesn't matter what his face is, just like his unbridled character.


Zhang Lan frowned impatiently, the scarlet color in his eyes rose, his eyes turned, and he looked at the other corner of the cell.

"Rocky, do you think this kind of trick is a bit too clumsy in front of me?"

Zhang Lan's words made the neglected Loki's face stiffen, and his back shape began to shake slightly, turning into a light spot dissipating in the air.

With it, there is the surrounding environment.

Books were torn and spilled over the room,

The tables and chairs are smashed,

The cloth plush is also completely broken.

The most terrifying thing is to count the Luo basic people.

The black tarnished face, the black paint on the face, two tear marks are particularly obvious, the clothes on the body are completely ragged and generally hang on the body, and the fingernails on the fingers are all turned out.

Even so, it's despair not as good as Loki's look.

It was a deep sense of self-blame, and... regret!

Yes, Loki, he knows what remorse is.

"Laughing, seeing me like this, you must be very happy?" Rocky's tone was surprisingly weak, as if there was no emotion.

"Well, Loki, it seems that Friega's death has taught you a lot." Zhang Lan's focus is very different: "Do you still want to be a **** king?"

Loki glanced at Zhang Lan lightly, and did not answer, ignoring Zhang Lan's question.

If this had been in the past, Loki had already jumped up and said: "Oh, I was born king, besides me, is God Realm more suitable to be a king? Just my stupid brother?"

And now, Loki even gave Zhang Lan a feeling of seeing through the red dust and converting to my Buddha.

"Huh, it's really a fragile guy." Zhang Lan Ge wondered: "Since you're not interested in the location of the God King, are you interested in the people who killed Frijah?"

The three words "Friga" are like the activation code of Rocky now, and the eyes start to rotate as soon as they hear it.

"Well, it seems that you are very interested, then next you will invite your brother-Sol, to have a good talk with you."

Zhang Lan didn't do anything useless. After confirming Loki's current state, he directly handed over the remedial work to Sol.

Even if Friega did not die, the reality gem on Jane's body was enough for Sol to fight for.

Not to mention, this time the plan was confirmed by Zhang Lan and Odin, and there is no so-called treason.

Everything was ready, and he sent Loki to point out another exit for the Divine Realm and the Outsider.

That was the exit that Loki accidentally discovered and used that exit to release the Frost Giant into the God Realm, thereby preventing Sol's succession ceremony.

Otherwise, now Sol is already the King of Gods, and where else is Rocky.

After waiting for a while at the door of the dungeon, Sol walked out of the house with Loki.

I don't know how Sol is persuading Rocky. Zhang Lan doesn't care about it. After confirming that the plan is feasible, give a ball to Sol because of his [Flying Thor] imprint.

"When the reality gem in Simplified Chinese is extracted, crush it and go to don't try to destroy the reality gem by yourself. That is the will of the cosmic plane, not your current power can destroy it, understand?"

"Okay, I know." Sol nodded.

Loki just looked at Sol strangely and didn't say anything.

Saul, a big bull, will not obey the orders of his father, and when he will become a executor of a plan.

In other words, Sol will act as planned.

This is really strange.

Zhang Lan didn't care so much. After confirming that he had nothing to do with himself, he opened a door to space and appeared in the control center of Rainbow Bridge.

Heldam, here it is.

However, Sol has successfully persuaded Haldam to temporarily close the Rainbow Bridge and will not provide any news about Sol to Odin.

Of course, to make a play is to do a full set.

"Why don't you go with him?" Haierdam asked Zhang Lan: "If you are present, the timing will definitely be much better than Thor."

Hearing this, Haldam also knew the second half of the plan.

"No, I can't go." Zhang Lan shook his head and glanced at Haldam's eyes: "You know, why would you not see or hear me under normal conditions?"

Haldham shook his head and put on a deaf ear.

"Because of your eyes, Heldam." Zhang Lan nodded.

"My eyes?" Haldam froze, subconsciously replied: "However, my strength stems from my eyes. Without it, I would not be able to see or hear other people."

"Of course, I know." Zhang Lan nodded: "However, there is no way for infinite gems to interact."

"Infinite gems, this is indeed the case." Haierdam looked like this.

For infinite gems, he still knows.

Like space gems, soul gems, and time gems~~ are able to shield the existence of his perception. Although he has some speculations in his heart, he dare not make a conclusion.

Until this time Jane disappeared in his perception, the reason is because of the reality gem, he finally determined the source of his strength.

"But, the only gems left are power gems and soul gems, what about my eyes?"

"Soul gem." Zhang Lan replied affirmatively to Haldam: "The gem of power should have fallen into the hands of the tyrant at this time, or it may be drifting in the universe, but it must not be yours."

"In this way, I thought that infinite gems existed in the form of gemstones or crystals. I knew that I saw the real gemstone-ether particles that can be integrated into Simplified Chinese. I knew it. It could have been in other forms."

Zhang Lan nodded: "Do you know why I don't go now?"

"I guess...infinite gems interfere with each other but do not interact with each other. The space gems in your body are afraid to disturb the dark elf king's induction of ether particles, right?"

"No, it's not. On the contrary, the infinite gems in my body will stimulate the reaction of real gems. It will never want to be swallowed and assimilated. Then when Jane is extracted again, it is likely to be dangerous."

Haldham was stunned, but did not expect it would be the reason.

For a long time, Haldam could only say one thing: "Blue, being able to be friends with you is my luck with Sol."

Zhang Lan smiled and didn't take it seriously.


At this time, God Realm was suddenly messed up.

Weapons guarding the Divine Realm have begun to act, and a dark elf warship shuttles over the Divine Realm, which is Sol, Jane and Loki.

"Well, the good show begins."


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