Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 528: Mainline reward settlement

"How can I break my avatar even if I lose?"

Zhang Lan's tone is very gentle, like whispering softly in your ears-even tens of light years away, you can hear this whispering voice.

It is the application of the law of space.

"Afraid of what you do, you don't have to avail me of avatars, just go straight ahead and do it!"

In the face of Zhang Lan, it can be said to be a generous and generous amount of operational requirements. There was really a tough response there. He also refused Zhang Lan’s request and demanded hard work face to face.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Lan couldn't help but hang a smile.

With it, there are people on the side of the earth.

Although I don't know how much Zhang Lan has improved in the past two years, Zhang Lan has never let them down.

This time, neither.

"That's natural, you wait for me, and I will immediately drive over the spaceship and fight with you!" The voice was very hard.

"Sorry, I don't have time to wait for you." Zhang Lan always laughed and shook his head helplessly.

"Why? Counsel? Then call Grandpa Niu and let me let you go." That voice was so domineering that Zhang Lan asked him to call him Grandpa Niu directly.

Zhang Lan Wen Yan raised his eyebrows, then reached out and flicked his fingers in the void——



"Damn, who attacked you grandpa bull me!"

The square in front of Zhang Lan, which was originally empty, was smashed into a big pit by a three-meter big man with a bull head. He held a swollen big bag on his forehead and looked around.

This is because I thought I was attacked by someone.

In the end, his pair of big bulb eyes stared at the only two people present—Zhang Lan and Phantom.

"Say, aren't you two attacking your grandfather Niu?" The tauren sounded like thunder, and there was a white eye squirting from his nose.

"You don't know me?" Zhang Lan asked.

"You?" The tauren glanced up and down Zhang Lan, pulled a giant axe from the pit and carried it on his shoulder, disdainful: "Who do you love, I don't care, say, whether you are attacking your grandfather I?"

Zhang Lan frowned.

Yes, I bumped into a stunned head.

I just clamored and singled out with Zhang Lan, but when I met, I didn't even know anyone... This is also very nerve-racking.

"Do you know him?" Zhang Lan pointed to the phantom behind him.

"I don't know." Tauren was impatient: "Are you really...hey, forget it, beat it together!"

The tauren said, "Bang" threw the giant axe in his hand on the ground, and then took a big step towards Zhang Lan and Phantom, and he muttered in his mouth: "Good luck today, you Grandpa Niu I hurry, follow the photos It’s enough to let your grandfather Niu take a punch."

Zhang Lan: "..."


Everyone: "..."

Hey, anyway, you just had someone else's meal just now, and the projections of both of them are still on top of your head. Did you say you don't know?

How big is this nerve! did this baby cow live to the present?

Zhang Lan also shook his head helplessly-this is no longer a stunned head, but simply a rib, and the rest is all broken.

The distance between the two was not far away, so the Tauren quickly came to Zhang Lan, and then lifted his punchy fist to punch Zhang Lan's stomach-it seems that he just wanted to give Zhang Lan learned a lesson.

This punch is indeed very powerful, and can even hear the hissing sound of the space being squeezed by the instantaneous airflow, which was the attack that Zhang Lan could only open when he opened the sixth scene door.

Of course, that was the past, now...

Putting a finger flatly, it is easy to resist the tauren's fierce blow.

It's just the power of the flesh. Zhang Lan didn't use the power of a rule of law, and even the energy in the body was not used.

"Huh?" The Tauren was also surprised: "Unexpectedly, it has some strength, but it can withstand your grandfather Niu's 60% attack. That line, look at my eight-point punch."

With that said, the Tauren closed his fist again and hit it straight. This time, because he knew that Zhang Lan was not weak, the strength he used was even greater.

As his name suggests, this punch is a fist that uses eight points of strength.

This time Tauren deliberately avoided opening Zhang Lan's index finger-not afraid, but not wanting to smash Zhang Lan's fingers.

However, he obviously thought too much.

Still being such an index finger, still so bland, Zhang Lan once again resisted the Tauren's eight-point force punch.

"Moo! It's awesome. It's a very powerful punch in my hand!"

The tauren were also excited, all screaming at the cow, and a more fierce punch came again.

It is a pity that the result is still the same. Zhang Lan can't use even a trace of power, that is, the physical strength of one finger alone can block the opponent's attack.

This time the Tauren finally understood that Zhang Lan is a strong man who can match him or even surpass him.

He stared at Zhang Lan seriously, saying one by one: "You are strong. When I get the battle axe from the old bull, fight him for 300 rounds!"

With that said, the Tauren turned around and left. This was to get his tomahawk thrown in place.

Zhang Lan: "..."

This cow is really not straightforward.

At this time, Mirage whispered behind him, "Blue, time is urgent, still..."

Nodded, Zhang Lan's index finger that blocked the tauren's attack ticked the back of the tauren's departure. The tauren couldn't be lifted directly by a phantom power holding his neck, and turned to face Zhang Lan.

"Damn, you attacked my old cow in the back, you..."

For the Tauren's big voice, Zhang Lan was also fed up. He squeezed a pinch of space debris in the void and kneaded it into a mass, and then accurately threw it into the Tauren's mouth to block it.

"Uh... uh uh... uh uh!"

The tauren's mouth was wide open, and a "huh" cry was made in his mouth. He could even see his loud voice, but he was speechless.

It's like a piece of cloth is really stuck.

People who saw this scene jumped their eyes.

Among the people present, there are almost no more than two hands who can control the space with bare hands, and only one hand can tear the space.

Someone can do it, but if they put their masterpiece in the mouth of another person, I am afraid that the person will be swallowed by the space riot.

When was the force of the violent space so docile?

No, it's not that the power of space is docile, but... they seem to recognize Zhang Lan as the main, and they naturally obey.

Just like the fierce evil dog, he will obey his master.

Solving the root cause of the noise, Zhang Lan was able to relax, looking at the same tauren who was struggling in vain, and ignored his own speech to the vast universe.

"Hello everyone, as I introduced before, my name is Zhang Lan, and now I am the holder of the Earth [Breaking Dawn Empire]. You can keep me and Rocky Lord the same."

-"The enemy is coming, I don't have time to hit you one by one, let me set a standard."

Zhang Lan glanced around, but found that he did not find a suitable target.

Yes, there is no suitable one, so make it yourself.

There was no change in Zhang Lan's eyes. Zhang Lan gripped the sky, and a black spot appeared in the distant starry sky above him. The attraction of the black spot was extremely strong, and the nearby meteorite was absorbed.

Piece by piece, in a short time, in the shocked look of everyone, Zhang Lan made a planet out of thin air that is comparable to the size of the moon.

The tauren had forgotten to struggle, staring at the planet made by Zhang Lan with a daze, feeling a little dazed-he was flustered, not stupid.

If this trick is used for him, so many meteorite fragments are enough to bury his live life well!

However, when the tauren started to retreat, Zhang Lan had a new move.

I saw Zhang Lan's right hand lifted, and a layer of purple energy gathered from all directions to condense a huge arm of 100 meters long on the top of Zhang Lan's head, and the armor scales on it were all one person tall.

A violent to a few moments of fierce momentum flashed from Zhang Lan, Zhang Lan seemed to lightly punch, and the purple arm also waved his fist, and then-a pure force compressed air The cannon flew straight towards the artificial planet in the sky.

This process is fast, but after all, there is still a distance between the ground and space, so many powerful people can still feel a strange power from the air cannon.

It was a very peculiar force. There was no space riots and no time weirdness. Instead, it had a vague sense of reality.

Only a few people such as Mirage and those who participated in the siege of Malkisi could vaguely guess that that might be the power of the law of reality.

When everyone was suspicious, the air gun finally hit the artificial planet.


Just like the end of the world, a powerful space shock even pushed the planets under Zhang Lan's feet a short distance, and the meteorite planet at the center of the attack was turned into powder without resistance.

Yes, powder!

A moon-sized planet was bombarded with powder by Zhang Lan!

There is a sand-like meteorite powder floating in space. As the space turbulence flew out to the surroundings, look at the might. If you hit a living body below the level of c, you might be in danger of life.

Fortunately, Zhang Lan was still very considerate. He casually drew a circle in front of him. Before Sha Shuo had expanded, there was a circle of space cracks that swallowed it in.

If it wasn't for the spatial shock that was still spreading far away, everyone even thought they had just seen a holographic projection.

It's unbelievable.

It is true that the destruction of a planet’s nine great nations has its own methods, such as Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge, the once nuclear bombing of the earth, etc., but none of them can be completed by Zhang Lan alone.

They rely on a civilized cohesion to complete, rather than individual strength.

It's even more impossible to understate Zhang Lan.

It's harder than flies if you wave your hand away.

For a time, the border guards of the Nine Kingdoms were silent, and everyone was dumbfounded looking up at the holographic projection that Zhang Lan projected on his head. His face was unbelievable.

They haven't slowed down yet.

As for the tauren who are generally helped by space... he has given up struggling very wisely.

It is not a person at all, how to compare?

Even the strongest ant, he is just an ant and cannot be stronger than humans.


When everyone was shocked, Zhang Lan coughed gently to wake everyone up.

Although everyone came back to God, they were silent, and none of them spoke. They looked up to Zhang Lan and waited for Zhang Lan to speak.

Like a soldier who had to reprimand his own king.

"I only have three requests for this fight."

-"One, absolutely obey the order, Phantom is my left and right hand, I believe he can best command the battle."

-"Second, I will solve the hegemony, you have to ensure that no one will interrupt the battle between the two of us."

-"Three, death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is no glory belonging to the warrior. Fight boldly. Face the death bravely. Remember, try to hug your body's completeness as soon as you are sure that you are about to die.

-"Three conditions, can it be done?"


Can you imagine a team full of tens of light years, UU reading, all lifeless bodies below d level, roaring a magnificent scene of the word "neng" in unison?

No, you can't imagine.

Even Zhang Lan was shaken by the sudden collective roar.

However, after all, it was a person who had seen the world, Zhang Lan only recovered for a moment, and then pushed the phantom out, and let go of the tauren who was confined by space on one side.

If the Tauren still dare to come up at this time, Zhang Lan doesn't mind punching him.

Fortunately, after the Tauren was put down, he ran directly with his tail in his tail, and he didn’t even want to lose the tomahawk.

Zhang Lan was also very funny when he saw this. He glanced at the phantom to encourage him before the battle, and did not move. He stood back to the phantom and stood straight behind him to make a background for him.

With him there, I believe no one will create anything again.

Now, Zhang Lan is instead immersed in another contemplation, that is about the strength of the bully...

He is already close to the perfect fusion of the three laws of space, time, and reality. He also has the three principles of Heimdall's soul gem, phantom soul gem, and swallowed engulfing law.

The reason why Zhang Lan did not capture them was that he felt unnecessary.

Even if you have gained the gems of power that lie outside the nine great kingdoms, it is just the power of a rule. Can Zhang Lan have enough three to win the opponent?

No, Zhang Lan doesn't believe it.

"But, why is it still uneasy?" Zhang Lan was very strange.

"Blue, but every strong person has his own hunch, although not necessarily accurate but it is indeed effective." The system suddenly reminded.

"This way..." Zhang Lan pondered, and finally decided: "System, I want to complete the main task, give me a reward for settlement!"

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