Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 532: And... 3 days!

() "That is to say, your task is to resist the army of tyrants, understand?"

From the moment Zhang Lan said this sentence, the atmosphere at the scene was obviously relaxed, but then it became more cohesive. [Full text reading]

Their purpose is very clear.

There is no need to develop super powerful new achievements that are time-consuming, laborious, and not necessarily successful. It is necessary to shoot products corresponding to an interstellar war.

Tony clapped happily: "To be honest, it is really difficult for me to deal with people who are stronger than blue, but if it is only to deal with something like Banner, I have a way, not clueless. ."

"What? Do you want to fight?" Banner naturally would not be ridiculed by Tony.

"Yes, fight, I will refer you for you!" Zhang Lan also joined in: "However, hurry up, otherwise I may not be able to catch up."

As soon as these words came out, Tony and Banner stopped the slapstick and turned to Zhang Lan in doubt.

"Why, where do you go to retreat?" Fury reacted first.

"No, this time I plan to go to all the worlds of the nine nations." Zhang Lan did not conceal: "My current strength is not to be promoted by retreat, I have to walk around, maybe I will be enlightened at that moment. , When the time comes to destroy the bully with a punch, ha ha ha!"

In the end, Zhang Lan couldn't help but laugh.

Peter and Harry grew up with each other, and Tony was unwilling to show his weakness. He self-produced a "look who laughs louder" game and laughed there.

As for the others, one face is more serious than the other.

They don't want to laugh, but they can't laugh.

Next, their task was naturally much lighter. The heavy burden on his shoulder was removed by Zhang Lan's understatement. But who is responsible for Zhang Lan's burden?

On Zhang Lan's head, no one else shared the pressure for him, only himself.

This has been the case in the past, it is now, and it is also the future!

They seem to always be unable to keep up with Zhang Lan's footsteps, and always be the one to be protected. All they can do is just watching on the side nervously, and then silently praying.

The only thing they can do is to manage the world under Zhang Lan's protection, so that Zhang Lan will no longer worry about these little things.

There seems to be no more.

Even now, Zhang Lan just handed over the most relaxed Xia Bing crabs to them to handle, and he was responsible for the heaviest part.

But even this squad of soldiers and crabs in Zhang Lan's eyes is a serious challenge for them!

Feeling some strange precipitation in the surrounding atmosphere, Rao is such a big nerve that Tony is a little embarrassed and laughed, and then he had to stop, only Zhang Lan, Harry and Peter were still smiling there.

It seems that Zhang Lan is already accustomed to such a proactive behavior.

That's how they came over since childhood.

In the end, after Zhang Lan stopped his laughter, he looked around the scene and finally stayed between Peter and Harry.

"Both of you have awakened, uh, come back, have your two eyes written chakra eyes?"

"Yeah, just started." Harry's complexion returned calmly, without the laughter he had before.

"Yeah, breaking that so-called "yoke", but it took me a lot of energy, can't always rely on you to carry the beam, right?" Peter was very proud.

When the two talked, they both had a faint confidence, that was from strength.

"Oh, Peter, you have to stop being arrogant and impetuous, it's still far away!" Zhang Lan spoke of Peter verbally and turned to Harry first. Tee and Hill, and then don’t let Peter mess things up."

"Well, I know." Harry nodded.

"Okay, I'm at ease with you."

After Zhang Lan ordered, this was to talk to the others at the scene—

"Tony, your armor should be popularized. The materials allow the empire to use energy points to exchange. It is still very impressive to arm a battle armor formation. Then configure your strange new weapons. At least when the empire will return The ability to counterattack, if you practice, you will have nothing to do with the remaining time."

Tony: "Ah, since it's blue you said, then give it a try, anyway, the earth is now a family."

"Fery, the empire will get rid of you and continue to take care of it. Now your duty is really to guard the safety of the earth. The entire earth is our home. I have only one request. I don’t want any of it on earth before the war. Small-scale fighting takes place."

Fury: "Relax, this is my duty, even if it is a small fight, I promise to stop within minutes."

"Banner, you and Tony are the most familiar with the formation of the spells. You must have more good things to come out during this time."

Banner; "Naturally, you won't be disappointed. The power of many failed products before is actually enough, but you can't reach your point."

"Rogers, Charles, the "Imperial Genius Academy", I will teach you two to be responsible, and others to help."

Rogers: "I can only teach them tactical cooperation, others"

Charles: "Relax, I will arrange the rest."

Rogers: "That's great."

"Connors, many of your medicines are still very good. During this time, more research will be done to see if we can develop some medicines without side effects. Don’t be afraid to go wrong and try it. As long as you don’t die, nothing can break through me. Of the space barrier."

Connors: "I know, the results are waiting for you to come back and accept."

"Natasha, you and I won't say much. Help Rogers to teach the students. That is the mainstay of future battles."

Natasha: "Naturally, don't worry about me after working for so long!"

"Rhett, don't always stay with Tony and them in the laboratory anymore. If you are free, the body will tap more of its own potential. The Empire is not bad for scientific researchers, but the cutting-edge combat power is bad. Susan, Johnny, You are the same, dig yourself a lot."

RHETT: "Got it."

Johnny: "Hi, I'm planning to go to the solar system."

Susan: "Don't talk about grace, at least you must have the protection of Reid. His blue gold can resist the sun's burning."

Ben: "Ha ha, blue, rest assured, we are still waiting for you to come back and do a big job!"

"Logan, your strength has fallen into a bottleneck. You can try to let go of your abilities. Does it try something else, is it with Qin?"

Logan: "Cough that, shouldn't you go after sleeping in a room? Don't make it like you don't come back."

"I'm hypocritical." Zhang Lan shook his head with a smile.

Looking around the crowd again, looking at each other seriously, then Zhang Lan stretched out a door to the space, entered without looking back, and disappeared on the earth.

He went to the other eight great countries to collect more Ming heritage or systematic cultivation exercises.



: There is only one complete cultivation system of "Naruto", which is an insult to the great law. Looking for at least a brand new complete cultivation system, and each additional system will be rewarded higher.


Zhang Lan has never submitted this main task, which was released before the Destroyer invaded.

After all, there is no limit to Zhang Lan's reward limit and task time limit for this mainline task. In principle, Zhang Lan can get the best rewards for the system through this task.

With the increasing level of Zhang Lan, the system's help for him has become smaller and smaller. The greater ability is to assist Zhang Lan to build a team of his own.

Of course, faintly Zhang Lan knew that he was using it in the wrong way, but he didn't want to modify this way.

There is no need for anything that can be exchanged in the system now, and his strength is not greatly improved.

What can improve Zhang Lan's strength is not on the exchange list.

For example, there has been a mission reward once: if you can buy it, Zhang Lan will definitely buy it.

In this case, Zhang Lan is completely able to try his best to fight with the tyrant together.

If it doesn't work, Zhang Lan doesn't believe in Lao Tzu's two lives, but you can't die one by one.

However, this is not possible.

Zhang Lan asked the system, and the system's answer was: "In fact, it is just a simple application of the law of time. You already have the law of time, but you can't control it. This is the side effect from the skyrocketing power. Know the blue , You are only 20 years old!"

Yeah, if the system doesn't say it, Zhang Lan forgets that he is now in the body, but he is only 20 years old.

Recalling that when he had just landed on the earth and was still trembling in a trash can, he almost froze to death. Zhang Lan still felt that it was just yesterday.

"Ah, system, you said that I actually have more power than you can give, right?" Zhang Lan reacted.

"No, all you have is the incomplete laws of the Marvel Universe, I'm complete!" The system is very arrogant, and then the tone is weak: "It's just that the Marvel Universe's laws are several levels higher than mine. So if you can control the power of the law of one side perfectly as I do, the theoretical strength will exceed me."

"Oh? What does the rule level mean?" Zhang Lan was interested in this new term.

"Everyone has six-nine equals, and the rule is gone." You rarely see a strange one in the system: "Our original plane is a demon-free plane. Even because I woke up late, I started to develop technology. Yes My ability is very limited. Many of the laws are incomplete. Compared with the laws of the plane universe such as Marvel, it is not one-and-a-half point. My only advantage is that it is complete enough, and they are cut into numbers. Minute."

Zhang Lan pressed his thoughts and immediately asked: "So, does it mean that the rule of cutting the Marvel Universe is probably a more advanced law than the Marvel Universe?"

"Well, it is very likely, if not that, at least it is done by the owner who has a higher level of law."

For a time, Zhang Lan was silent.

According to this line of thought, then his future path is not only at this stage.

Even after defeating the hegemony, there is likely to be another hegemony and hegemony, they come from a higher plane, the purpose is to seek more laws or fragments of laws to devour.

Just like what Zhang Lan does now, he uses his own laws of the original planes to devour the more advanced Marvel planes' laws of incompleteness.

"Huh~ It doesn't matter, that's what will happen in the future, and now the priority is still the problem of extermination."

Letting go of that long-term concern, Zhang Lan chose to resolve the matter in front of him first.

Hegemony will not be eliminated, even if he knows how many essences are useless.

In the final analysis, no matter which plane you are in, strength is the capital of speech. Without strength, it is just a matter of slashing.

Nine nations, there is still a lot of wealth waiting for him to dig!


Zhang Lan went there for more than two years.

In Warnerheim, he acquired a mysterious spell that even Odin did not know. He discovered that the breeding of all things between heaven and earth, the sea and the wind, all belong to the essence controlled by Warner Protoss.

In the kingdom of elves in Alfheim, elves who are particularly beautiful with strong spirits have a lot of mana, love caring for flowers and plants, love light, and are kind and kind little goblins.

From Jotunheim, he physically fought against giants and used his powerful strength to gain respect from the giant kingdom ~~ and allowed Zhang Lan to stay in their national library for half a month.

The gnome of Walter Alheim is a powerful craftsman with all kinds of mysterious power and profound knowledge. They have created many treasures, but they have not been able to resolve the black gold holy cloth on Zhang Lan.

Heim Underworld, which can only be reached by the dead, is a cold and foggy place. Even Zhang Lan wearing a black gold holy garment is a bit difficult to move, where there is no soul with only spiritual power, and Zhang uses skills for spirit. Blue is quite fruitful.

Nivolheim is also known as the country of fog. It is an ice and snow world with no obvious difference from the underworld of Heim. In that piece of blue, I successfully realized a little time mystery, and thus controlled some skills of the long river of time.

As a country of fire, Musbelheim is a very hot country guarded by giant Struer. Zhang Lan and giant Struer fought the night and then found a trace of the law of reality.

This trajectory allowed Zhang Lan to successfully grasp the cause of the intense heat of Musbelheim and transform it into a scorching planet more suitable for the survival of giants-it was almost close to the temperature of the sun, but they lived it Taste.

It can be said that Zhang Lan gained a broad perspective on this journey, and made friends with unknown geometric figures, including a country's master, a country's emperor, a civilian population, and a struggling youth

If he had not received a message from Haierdam, he would really not want to stop his journey--

"Lan, there is still a day. The army of tyrants will reach the border of the nine nations. The **** king hopes to meet you." Haierdam is very respectful to Zhang Lan. At this time, Zhang Lan's prestige in the nine nations, Even far beyond Odin.

Zhang Lan's reaction was of course.

"Oh? My God said, just as Rocky was sitting on the Queen of Gods, I haven't been to Asgard, this time it happened."


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