Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 54: Victor's super trick

scene, a group of avatars procrastinating Victor under the control of the shadow avatars.

Fantastic Four spread out under the shadow tactical requirements.

Rhide and Shadow Doppelgage travelled far away, and they had to go back to Rhett's laboratory to make a weapon.

Ben the left and right fire control water guns, and firmly control Victor in the water area, so that he can only use lightning to attack, can not use the relatively simple and consume small electric shock.

For the doppelganger, even an ordinary person's attack will let it dissipate.

Susan continued to hide on the side. By the way, check whether there are ordinary people left nearby. There is no shortage of people who die, especially the American partners. It is simply a gift of death.

Johnny, it is the heavy responsibility. He found a place far away from the battlefield, exerted his superpowers, and once again showed the supernova ability. Natasha took the firefighters together and put a few fires connected to the fire hydrants. The water gun, continuously spraying the water column towards Johnny, was directly evaporated by the high temperature around Johnny, and turned into thick water vapor floating in the dark clouds of the sky.

Here, Zhang Lan found Harry 30 meters directly below Victor, but also because this guy can really run, as far as Zhang Lan is concerned, there are not so many Chakras staying here for so long.

only later discovered that it was not Harry who lurked himself, but was brought down by Tony. The heavy quality of the steel armor did not need to be dragged at all. As long as the soil was elementalized, he sank himself.

The two of them together dragged Tony to the ground. There was no way to drive the steel armor in the soil unless he wanted to dig a tunnel to break through.

"Bang Bang Bang."

The quality knocked on Tony's steel helmet, and Tony opened the mask in coordination.

Tony: "Hey, I just came to you to learn... well, your strange ability, why..."

Zhang Lan: "Thank you very much for coming, Tony, if you can come three minutes late, it will not be so now."

Tony leaned out and looked at Victor, who was still booming, and withdrew his head awkwardly.

"I will compensate for all the losses, um... but what happened to the little iron man? I was charged as soon as I approached him, as if my gadget was leaking." Tony patted the reactor on his chest, very puzzled.

"Tony, this is the problem. I need to help you clear up the trouble now, so you have to give me your armor. You also saw that without any protective measures, I will be turned into a hot dog." Zhang Lan said His real purpose.

"My suit?" Tony hesitated. "If it's you, I can temporarily lend you, but the energy is in the chest. I can't borrow this. Also, the suit is tailor-made, how do you wear it?" "

"No, I don't need energy, I can solve the problem of figure"

It is said that Tony started to dismantle his steel armor himself. In the past few days, he has improved some more. Although he can't dress manually, there is no problem with manually violently removing armor.

After spending a lot of time, Zhang Lan directly transformed into Tony's image using a transformation, and then put on a steel suit.

"Hey, the next is Iron Man attack, Tony, watch me brush a wave of fans for you." Under the helmet, Zhang Lan's voice with electronic texture came.

"Don't break it, I will fly back." Tony said uncomfortably.

Zhang Lan smiled and ignored, looking to the sky, he was waiting for the opportunity.

For a time, the scene calmed down. Only Victor, who was obstructed by the water column, tried to use lightning to find Zhang Lan in the avatar.

This persistent stupidity allowed Zhang Lan to take a rest and recuperate, and Victor finally began to think in the way of anti-boss.


Drops of water dripped on Zhang Lan's steel suit and made a sound. He who had been waiting for it began to walk toward Victor in the field excitedly.

After finally waiting, Johnny’s plan was successful. Through a large amount of water vapor, it accelerated the rain time of the clouds and turned the entire battlefield into a world of water. Then Victor’s ability to attract lightning, regardless of the principle, But it is always marked by a weak electronic signal.

Wrap all targets with a layer of water, which will be a natural protective layer, and the electronic signal will not be able to attach to it, but will be washed away with the water flow.

The electronic signal here is not an electronic signal such as a mobile phone, but a technique of positioning by weak electric energy, also called an electronic signal.

The rain is getting bigger. Johnny over there still doesn't mean to stop, and still produces a lot of water vapor. I believe this heavy rain will last for quite a long time.

You can see that there is no lightning that can accurately split any one of the avatars.

Zhang Lan's Victor's position is not far, about 100 meters, slowly walked to Victor in front of five meters to stand, there were more than ten lightnings in the middle trying to focus him, but none of them succeeded.

Victor: "Iron Man? Why, do you still have to give me food?"

Zhang Lan said nothing. It was not the time to start everyone. The steel armor on his body was much heavier than his sand armor. Now he hasn't opened the eight-door Dunjia.

He still lacks something and needs to wait slowly.

Victor saw that Zhang Lan did not respond, so he prepared to come over. He thought that it was the Tony who was regarded as a battery by himself. As for why there is no electricity now?

This rain is too bad. He can only operate the electrical energy in the body. As for the external body, the ion moves around in the water, and he is also at a loss.

See this, knowing that it can't be delayed, just hit it.

【Eight Men Dunjia·Shumen·Open】

First open the second door, this door now Zhang Lan can be more easily used as a means of fighting to start a short battle.

With the mentality of trying, Zhang Lan first hit the Victor with a straight punch, and Victor's first reaction was to hit the punch, the electric light flashed at the fist, obviously which of his electromagnetic acceleration skills was used .


With a sound of metal collision, Victor took a step back, and Zhang Lan stepped back nearly three steps.

"In terms of strength alone, I will lose slightly, change to guerrilla, and delay time!"

Determined a strategy in his heart, Zhang Lan’s personal implementation, compared to Victor’s body, he is still more flexible and can flexibly avoid Victor’s simple horizontal punches. After all, it is a listed company. CEO, there are definitely few fights.

For the first time, I was able to crush the same level in combat experience.

Victor was obviously annoyed by a monkey-like opponent. After roaring to no avail, his hands flashed electro-optically, bending down and pressing hard against the floor.

The rain potential is already very large, the rain on the ground is flooded to the instep, this button, Victor presses in the water, and through whom the body's electrical energy is transmitted to Zhang Lan's steel war suit.

Steel is naturally conductive, but unfortunately, steel armor can absorb power.

Jarvis: "Blue, energy recharges 7%."

Hearing Jarvis's reminder~~ Zhang Lan also found it very interesting, standing on the spot and trembling, pretending to be the same as being charged by Victor.





At 17% of the time, Victor stopped. After all, his stored energy is limited. In the case where it is not convenient for you to supplement, he thinks it is better to save it.

Victor: "Can't move? Now it's time for me to absorb some electricity."

It turned out that he was using this abacus, and he was not stingy about using electricity in this way, but now it seems that he is destined to be disappointed.

In Victor's extremely unexpected look, Zhang Lan raised his hand and opened his palm, the palm of his hand began to light up, and he directly bombarded it.

5% of the bombardment of electric energy just drove Victor back three or four steps, and the body of steel was not damaged.

Zhang Lan finally said: "Victor, it's me, don't you want to kill me? I'm here."

Although the sound had a metallic texture, Victor immediately recognized Zhang Lan's voice, and his eyes were gleaming with electricity—it was really shining with electricity.

Victor was very angry: "You **** yellow monkey again!"

Among the people, what he wanted to kill most was not Reid who robbed his woman, not Susan who refused him, but the person in front of him, a person who repeatedly let him step into the trap.

The routine is too deep, people who are routine will always be crazy!

Very angry, Victor turned his hands up to the sky, directly mobilizing all the electrical energy of the clouds, bombarded from the sky, without any aim.

A floor of water, no need to aim at all!

In an instant, in front of the Victor Building, dense lightning flashed from the sky like a horror like the end of the world!

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