Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 56: Mortal task!

This is... the speed of sound!

Sonic speed! Even Zhang Lan, who opened the four doors, couldn't reach it!

Being able to walk in the air is just a form of Chakra outburst of body surgery, not the use of pure power.

But, the speed of sound! And it's still faster than the speed of sound!

Victor panting excitedly in place, this is a powerful force! He did it. This kind of power made him obsessed with abnormalities, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Lan, who knew nothing about life or death.

Has the speed of sound in hand, isn't that kid a piece of cake?

violently interrupted Victor's reverie.

【Eight Men Dunjia·Injured·Open】

A figure swept out of the hole in the wall and moved forward in an S shape. The strength under his feet was great. One step was to step out of a hole and make a rumbling noise.

Even if Victor's speed broke through the speed of sound, it was only his instantaneous burst. Zhang Lan didn't believe he could use the speed of sound as a daily means of fighting.

And Zhang Lan noticed that Victor's attack was a straight line!

Does this mean that he cannot turn at the speed of sound? Using electromagnetic acceleration can make the speed of sound advance, but can the reflex nerve respond?

Like Kakashi who hasn't got the rim of writing yet, it is not a kind of suicide to use Rachel!


The sound of steel collision sounded. Before Victor over there, he was directly punched by Zhang Lan.


is still on the ground, Zhang Lan's next punch is here again.


is followed by the next punch.

one punch after another, making Victor delusional even to the ground.

【Body Technique·Lilianhua】

As long as you don’t have the time to charge, I don’t believe you can be overwhelmed!

There is nothing wrong with this idea. However, Victor, who has a talent that is so wicked, was awakened again when he was hit in the air.

Through the extremely dense current system, a round shield with electro-optical splashes was prepared by Victor, and the whole person was wrapped in it. Even the sky was burst with lightning, the target It was Victor's large round shield.

The electric energy gathered by the round shield is very large. Even in the rainy days with chaotic electronic signals, Victor's position is very clearly located, and the lightning can accurately find the target.

How fast is lightning?

That is the speed of light. Is there anything faster in the world than light? Maybe only the light itself.

Zhang Lan retreated helplessly to a tall building, closed the wound door, and stared at the distant round shield with a somber face, helpless.

is a rogue! If you don't need money to break through the battle, how can you fight this?

Thinking for a while, there was a fiery red flying in the distance. It was Johnny, whose ability to cremate and fly was not affected much by rainy days.

Susan, Rhett, and Stoneman also came one after another.

"Who has a way? That lightning shield is too annoying!" Zhang Lan's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

"If there is material, the conductor can be divided into silver, copper, gold, aluminum, tungsten, nickel, iron according to the conductivity coefficient, the resistivity of silver is 1.59×10-8Ω·m, copper is m..." Talking began his lecture on scientific knowledge.

"Stop!" Zhang Lantou interrupted Rhett: "How long do I need to prepare? How effective? What do we need to do?"

"Wo, I need a lot of silver, and a lot of spears. If not, metal rods are also okay. They need to be hard enough, preferably stretchable." Reid spoke a plain English.

nodded, at this time he opened the steel helmet, and had already connected with Fury before.

Zhang Lan said seriously: "Fery, did you hear me? How long will it take?"

Fury's voice came from the speaker: "Arrive in five minutes."

After a loud bang, the presence was silent again. The Victor under him had already put away the round shield, surrounded by a blue coil, and there was no fear of looking for the trace of everyone.

The residents nearby have been dismissed by SHIELD, so there is no need to worry about casualties.

After sorting out some ideas, Zhang Lan carefully explained the details that need to be executed. This time he must kill with one blow. If Victor's sixth "mutation evolution", even if Zhang Lan is already a support Can't hold it anymore.

You must know that Peter, the little spider, has not yet returned. It must be that the Oscar building on the other side is not over yet. Zhang Lan must save some strength.

Under the deliberate hiding of Zhang Lan and others, four minutes passed quickly, and Victor had just destroyed some stores, not even a single figure.

For the fastest speed, the materials are sent directly by the transport helicopter.

It is very dangerous to fly in heavy rain, especially in the case of lightning, the driver who came this time was informed of the risk and came with a mortal heart.

His determination was not in vain, before approaching the battlefield, he had been struck by several lightnings, dangerously and dangerously evading the past, and successfully flying this mission when flying over the head of Zhang Lan and others. aims.

Not far away, he was directly struck by a flash of lightning, burst into a ball of fire in the air, fell into a parking lot, crashed a large number of cars along the way, and triggered a chain explosion.

Drivers and soldiers with airborne materials have no possibility of survival.

In the distance, Zhang Lan on the top of the building looked at the accident with red eyes, and the others such as Reid were busy with their spirits. Now, only successfully completing the next task is the most important thing for them. Good respect.

The younger Zhang Lan received more blows than the civilian deaths before.

For some purposes, Fury informed him that the mission of this trip was voluntary, not mandatory.

In other words, these two people came voluntarily... to die!

There are still five groups like this group, docking not far away to prevent the first group from failing to complete the task.

The impact of this change on Zhang Lan made him originally a nerd of the earth, and began to have some confusion, knowing that he would die, why should he come?

Fury's answer is very simple~~The family of these twelve American soldiers is near the battlefield. Zhang Lan and others rescued their family members indirectly during the disaster, so Zhang Lan needed When they came to help, they came.

Yiyi came back.

These words made Zhang Lan speechless for a long time, looking at the figure of Victor's wanton destruction and writing next to the jade of the round eye, a little black was slowly emerging, dissipating, emerging, and dissipating.

This is a manifestation of great emotional fluctuations.


Rhett and others behind Zhang Lan, despite the emotions in their hearts, but the older ones quickly got up and lived in a mess.

Under the direction of Reid, after Johnny melted the silver at a high temperature, Susan used his mind to control the liquid silver and evenly applied it to the spear more than four meters long. After applying it evenly, the two hands on one side were directly Hold the spear that has not been completely cooled, and squeeze it inwards. The tip of the spear is slowly retracted into the spear body, and finally only one meter long.

Zhang Lan, who was lingering aside, listened carefully to the explanation of a weapon agent in his ear.

He did not know the metal material used by the spear. In short, it is very hard and expensive. It can expand and contract freely. After the spear tip is stressed, it will pop up strongly. The instantaneous tension when it is stretched is enough to lift half a ton of force.

I just want to compress the special equipment needed to compress the spear tip, because it requires great strength, and ordinary people can't do it. Considering that there are stone men on the scene, they were delivered and belonged to the special weapons of SHIELD.

After understanding the weapons to be used, Zhang Lan took off his steel suit with a replacement card. The tactics to be implemented later required great mobility. This heavy steel suit could not be worn for the time being.

Next, it is time to end this long battle!

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