Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 66: War will be accompanied by death

has long been silent.

There is no doubt that this time the mission reward is terrifying, and the price paid is also terrifying.

The school incident killed 241 school personnel, including many of the same classmates who Zhang Lan did not get along with.

In the Victor incident, 32 civilians were killed, even though there are many fewer than the school, but is 32 just a number?

Conners incident, a total of 13,481 people died!

What is this concept?

Counting 3 civilians as a family, this is a total of 4,490 families died in this disaster!

There are countless families that have broken down, and there are children who have lost their parents in the disaster, and they even have infants who are still swaddled. How can they survive in the future?

These icy numbers penetrated deeply into Zhang Lan's heart. He no longer regarded the world as a virtual kingdom. The feelings of affection, friendship, death, pain, distinction...all were so real. , So worried.

Compared to his previous life, is much more real.

If this is just a game? Then he was just a walking dead in the previous life.

His mind was very disturbed, and he suspended the redemption of the reward, opened his eyes, looked at Natasha around him, and could not help reaching out to touch her hair. On Natasha, he felt exactly The elder sister's gentleness, this feeling is very wonderful, but also very reluctant.

In terms of feelings, he is a guy who eats soft but not hard.

Gently stroking the docile hair, Zhang Lan fell into a long time of thinking. Some ideas that had been hidden in the heart before began to emerge, and he felt that it was necessary to do something.

Do something that will save more families from broken things.

He is not a saint. He has no broad mind to save and love the people. He just hopes that in the future, he will not suffer from this kind of family-broken disaster. If he wants to prevent this disaster, he must cut it from the root.

Regarding the safety of Aunt May, when the school went to the Victor Building, Zhang Lan vaguely expected that a serious situation might occur, so he entrusted Fury to take Aunt May and left New York temporarily.

As for where he is, he is not clear for the time being, as long as he asks Fury there is no problem.

Say Cao Cao, Fury is here, the door of the ward is pushed open, Fury with a black blindfold comes in from the outside, this movement makes Natasha, who has been stroking her hair by Zhang Lan, wake up and surprise her even more. It was Zhang Lan who was touching her hair.

is not strange or does not want his hair to be touched by Zhang Lan, just like his brother touching his sister's hair, this is just a relatively intimate action.

She was surprised that Zhang Lan touched her hair in her sleep, and she, who was an ace spy, did not wake up.

As a spy, she has to be vigilant even when she sleeps. This habit has kept her alive.

Fery entered the door, his face tightened tightly, very serious.

"Natasha, you go out, I have something to talk with Lan." Fury said to Natasha.

Natasha nodded her head and was about to get up and go out, but she was caught by one hand and was Zhang Lan's hand.

"Say something directly, Natasha is still trustworthy." Zhang Lan said lazily, these actions are completely meaningless, he is still thinking about his own affairs.

Natasha glanced back at Fury, and when she saw her helpless nod, she sat down with Zhang Lan's strength.

Fury: "Lan, a large number of civilians have died in this New York incident. I am going to push Ryder and several of them, that is, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man to the front. Your identity should not be exposed yet, about..."

Zhang Lan interrupted: "Add Harry to it, Connors is from Oscar, and I can't let my friend be the target of the mass attack."

Fury nodded: "This is no problem, he also participated in the rescue, and then it is about Connors. He is currently detained in SHIELD. We have no way to deal with him for the time being. Do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Lan wondered: "No way? Can't he kill him?"

On that day, Connors in human form, but after eating a bullet and then spitting out the pervert, Zhang Lan asked himself that he couldn't do it.

It was learned from Fury’s story that Connors had attempted suicide himself. He closed himself in a laboratory. When Agent SHIELD arrived, there was blood everywhere in the laboratory. Shooting with his own head, 32 times, he failed to die.

Zhang Lan is very speechless, bursting his head 32 times! It’s also a fierce man, and it’s also a blessing. Fortunately, he found the right way, otherwise how could this guy kill?

Then he asked Fury a casualty statistics table. The number of casualties in schools and Victor events is very good, and there is basically no difference from the data given by the system, except for the number of injuries.

But the Connors incident is not so good for statistics. At present, there are only more than 7,000 people in the statistics.

"13481, this is the number of deaths this time, I can tell you the answer, but I don't know the specific name."

No matter what, Zhang Lan still hopes that these dead people will not remain obscure after death, just a cold number.

Fury nodded, and still trusted the figures reported by Zhang Lan. According to the estimates of the SHIELD experts, it was probably in this range.

As for how Zhang Lan knew, he didn't want to ask more about things about the ability of prophecy.

The purpose of his personal visit this time was to confirm Zhang Lan’s safety, and second, to hope for a better solution to Connors from Zhang Lan, and third, to sign a document.

Furi handed over the document he had been holding to Zhang Lan for a long time. Zhang Lan noticed this document for a long time. When he saw Furi handing it over, he took it and read it.

The top is a printed report, the reporter's signature name is Natasha.


Comprehensive analysis: The strategy is determined, the individual combat experience is inadequate, the team can produce tactical strikes in danger, has good leadership skills, is gentle and kind, and once it enters the combat state, it will be extremely fanatical.

Superman Alliance recruitment evaluation, Zhang Lan, recommended.


Zhang Lan put down the file: "Natasha, I don't know that I am so good."

An inexplicable sense of shame is really an incredible evaluation.

Natasha also raised her lips, and she was also surprised when she wrote the report herself. For the first time, she evaluated this person so well.

Fury solemnly said: "In view of this period of investigation and research, coupled with Natasha's comprehensive evaluation of you, I decided to invite you to become the tactical guide of our Superman Alliance, to provide reference for the commander to make tactics, And the position of deputy captain.".

Zhang Lan nodded: "Is it the Avengers? This is no problem, how many people are there? Is the captain left for Rogers? Has he been found?"

This series of questions has a lot of information~~ Freina's pale and watery complexion also fluctuated, and then she opened her mouth.

"I’m just thinking of the Avengers project, and I’m not sure whether it will start. Seriously, I personally hate your ability. The authority of SHIELD is just a decoration for you. ."

Frey complained rarely, and then continued.

"The members are you, Natasha, Patton, and then Spider-Man Peter and Green Devil Harry need you to recruit. Finally, Captain Rogers has not found him yet. Are you sure he is still alive?"

It turns out that the so-called Superman Alliance is the predecessor of the Avengers. As for the problem of the leak, it is not necessary to worry about it, and at the same time, it confirmed that Rogers is still alive.

The identity of Peter and Harry was well-prepared. After all, the behavior of several people has not left traces. Even the identity of Blue Peter has been known by some friends.

But it doesn’t matter, Superman’s heroic identity itself is to cover up, not to be blocked on the road during daily travel, and then to isolate some of the sinisters.

Zhang Lan: "Last question, can I still move freely after joining?"

Fury: "Superman Alliance is under the sole command of the Director of SHIELD and can move freely during no mission."

Zhang Lan: "Well, that's done, do it!"

Freui also heard a rare smile, reached out and held hands with Zhang Lan, and then issued the first order.

"Welcome to join, your level is a 7-level agent, now I need to serve you as the director of SHIELD, the first task to persuade Connors to join SHIELD biological research center."

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