Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 69: Weibo

New York, Oscar first floor release hall.

was already crowded at this time. Various lances and short guns were set up and aimed at the stage. Tony was swaying on it happily, and occasionally flirted with the beautiful reporters below.

Next to Tony is the elegant Harry and the always rigorous old-school Coulson.

Zhang Lan did not show up. He was very wise to pack the non-character charities to Harry and Tony.

The two themselves have their own charitable organizations, but the significance of the show is a little more.

This time, with the help of Zhang Lan's idea, he was completely dismissed and reorganized into this superhero charitable foundation.

announced to the outside world that the concept of breaking dawn only stopped at the breaking group. The agency was led by the government and jointly managed by the Oscar Group and Stark Industries. Its innovative network transparency billing surprised the position of the reporters on the scene.

The reporters thought it would be a show conference, but they accidentally got a major news!

No one will question whether there is any stupidity. The documents signed by the President were created by the two military and industrial giants. A charity supervised by the people of the world, the reporters present were all uplifted.

This will definitely be the headline of this week.

Afterwards, a batch of Super Heroes who rescued New York, such as Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Spider-Man, appeared, strengthened Iron Man Tony and Green Devil Harry, and brought the atmosphere of the entire conference to a commanding height.

Especially after several people jointly announced that they joined the Super Hero Charity Foundation, that is, after the dawn, the flash did not stop. Some smart big newspapers, early dispatched intern reporters accompanied by the intern reporters took photos to report back to the agency, step up Print, and strive to release this explosive news at night.

Only this is not over, and a bombshell dropped again.

The new generation of Internet contact platform launched by Dawning, which is meager, has been officially put into use.

Weibo's functions are similar to those of the newly-commercial dating software, but it covers many functions such as payment, chat, news, and circle of friends. All the superheroes who break the dawn will authenticate an account belonging to them on the meager After that, all meager users can follow the account to understand the life dynamics of superheroes in real time.

Tony Sao, at the press conference site, used the first day of the official Xiaomi, and released the first news belonging to the meager software.

is a group of pictures.

The picture is a New York scene taken from Oscar on the evening of the Connors event.

Attachment: Every penny you donate can be checked in "Meager-Breaking Dawn-Bill", please help others in need within your ability.

A very well-documented picture, but after the superheroes on the scene forwarded it, the reporters on the scene were all boiling, no matter what this breaking dawn was set up for, but they knew that those families in New York who had been affected were saved.

On the spot, Tony and Harry directly tied the bank accounts of their respective companies through the meagerity, and jointly donated the first charity of the dawn, a full 100 million US dollars!

Afterwards, the reporters at the scene also started to install this software. The reporters who were originally worried about the performance of the machine and did not operate well found that this software turned out to be detachable software.

In other words, you can install more functions with good performance, but if the performance is insufficient, the software will delete some functions by yourself until it reaches the demand.

On the spot, a famous reporter began to give generously, and gave their peace of mind. The low one was only ten dollars, and the highest one was only three thousand dollars. This is not as good as Tony and Harry, but Tony is still heartfelt. Thanks to everyone, even bowing slightly.

Reporters who are familiar with Tony are all very surprised to record this scene. Today's news headlines are too many, and they are too many to know which one to choose.

This disaster has a slight relationship with Tony. If it were not for him to support Victor, Zhang Lan might be able to arrive before the launch of the medicine.

Finally, Colson, who has been sitting still, made a speech.

Coulson faltered: "On behalf of the government, I only signed the Superhero Charity Foundation with a daybreak, authorizing it to contain a superhuman humanity of US nationality with no criminal history, and this part of superhumanity will be protected by US law, but The premise of all this is that you have no criminal history."

After the lecture, Coulson was relieved, but the media present was silent. If this news is true, it will be the undisputed headline tonight!

The superhuman incident has always been a topic of concern to everyone. Today, so many superheroes are gathered at dawn. At this time, if superhumans are accommodated, and they are protected by US law?

That dawn will be the world’s first superhuman containment center. Although it is only open to people of American nationality, does that mean that it may be open to the world in the future?

Tony and others did not intend to explain, but after Coulson announced that, UU reading was to announce the end of this press conference, and then hurriedly left the scene.

Zhang Lan is still waiting for the three of them to go back to class.

Yes, the class begins.

At the top of the Oscar building at this time, Zhang Lan and others have not left from morning till now. They have been discussing the details of the dawn, and the biggest issue has always been the issue of channels.

Channels for disseminating news, channels for help from superhuman beings, channels for donating charity money, etc.

All this, Zhang Lan directly moved out a meager, which is the perfect solution.

As for how this software can be programmed within half a day?

What tools are missing in the Oscar Building?

Tony Starr and Reed Richard co-programming, plus the assistance of artificial intelligence Jarvis, the resources provided by the Oscar Group, more than three hours.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Lan brings everyone together. The elite and the elite are by no means as simple as 1+1=1.

In the conference room at this time, Zhang Lan was chatting with everyone and farting, increasing his feelings. Peter, as the youngest person present, was taken out several times to ask about his girlfriend, and Zhang Lan, who was the initiator, later learned It felt like he was single in the room when Harry went down to wash the Oscar. . . . . .

This is a bit embarrassing!

In the embarrassing room, the door of the conference room was pushed in from outside. Three people from Tony arrived. Coulson successfully caught up with a high-end lecture, which was led by Zhang Lan.

Tony came at a very good time, Zhang Lan Limara looked up, and began to talk seriously about the nature of Chakra, and incidentally pulled up one or two guys who were still snickering to do a demonstration.

Unconsciously, everyone's relationship is broken, and they are closely connected.

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