Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 103: Hero Water

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A few hours after night had fallen, I quickly ran on top of the water, headed for Takigakure.

I kept my presence very low, and with the help of the night, I turned pretty much invisible as I quickly reached the island.

My chakra was also suppressed to my best ability, and although skilled sensors would probably be able to detect me, they would have to be close.

Takigakure was quite beautiful at night too as it was lit up with many lanterns, giving the village a warm yet slightly mysterious aura. Unfortunately, this was ruined by the soldiers patrolling the streets.

So I did not waste time as I quickly moved toward the center of the village, where the tree was. I moved like a shadow through the city, unseen by the armed forces and civilians as I quickly reached my destination.

As it turned out, there was a way into the tree, which was well guarded, making it nearly impossible to sneak in. Well, not for me.

Once inside, I decided to go for the center most point of the tree, where the local Kage's Tower was. Well, it wasn't really much of a tower, more of a cabin built among the roots, but it did look quite unique.

Landing on one of the higher roots, I looked down at the building, jumping from root to root as I absorbed the insides through one of the windows, using different angles to see the situation inside.

I could see a few people inside, that looked relatively strong. So after a moment of reflexion, I headed for the back of the building, which was connected to the center of the tree.

Landing softly on the roof, I cut a small hole with my sword, and swiftly got inside.

The room I had gotten in was empty, so I headed further inside, and there I found a strange looking door. Preparing myself for a confrontation, I rushed at the closed door, cutting it open with three quick slashes of my katana, rushing inside quickly.

However, there wasn't anyone standing behind the door, and the room was completely empty. However, it didn't make it any less special.

The room was circular in shape, and looked like it had been carved right into the trunk of the giant tree.

In the middle of the room there also was a large basin, above which was a descending, twirled root, much smaller than any of the other ones. And at the tip of the twirled root, was a little drop, that looked like it could fall at any moment, yet did not move.

The basin below it was almost dry, but there was still a thin layer at the bottom.

But in the corner of the room, a dozen small jars were stored, undoubtedly filled with the liquid.

At that moment, Jashin said, "This is the sap of the tree, or as they call it, Hero Water. You mustn't drink it, but if you bring it to Yami Mountain and merge it with the Sacred Water, the effects would become boosted."

Hearing this, my eyes lit up as I moved toward the jars. I quickly but carefully began storing them in Sealing Tags, for easier transportation. Because there were many of them, I quickly collected them, but as I reached the last one, the ground below me suddenly turned into a spear.

Letting go of the jar, I jumped back, barely dodging the wooden spear, yet several other ones appeared, all trying to impale me. Spinning around, I crushed them all with a strong kick, clearing the view.

A man was now standing next to the last remaining jar, dressed in a coat I well recognized. This was a member of the Akatsuki. One I didn't know of.

He pocketed the last remaining jar and said, "Miss Owl, I can't say it is a pleasure to meet you. Would you be so kind as to give me the rest of the Hero Water."

Under my mask, I couldn't help but frown as I found this voice to be familiar. And while I tried to remember where I had heard it, seeing my lack of response, the member of the Akatsuki sighed and clasped his palms.

A cage appeared in front of me, and that's when it ringed.

Quite some time ago now, while I was still a Genin, I received a mission to help catch the escaped prisoners of a prison. There, I met an unusual Bender, who told me about trouble brewing in the Land of Fire, and a possible rebellion.

But then, two people attacked me. They were disguised as Anbu, but they still attacked me. And the younger one of the two shockingly used Mokuton.

And the voice of this man… I recognized it as the older one's. It seemed that he, too, was able to use Mokuton, and much more expertly than the young one at that.

However, I wasn't the same as back then. With a thought, I opened the Gate of Opening and Healing, and cut down the cage around me, before rushing at the Akatsuki.

Obviously he didn't expect me to do that, and I could see him struggle to follow me with his eyes. Several pillars of wood rose from the ground around him, protecting him, but I quickly cut them down one after the other.

The Akatsuki member jumped back to the door I had cut down, and said, "You are more annoying than expected. Unfortunately for you, I don't have the time to play with you."

As he said that, he made the Snake Hand Seal, and countless thorny vines made of wood came from all around me. Fuck that.

Fighting a user of Mokuton in any situation is not a pleasant thing to do, that Kekkei Genkai is way to powerful. Doing that in the trunk of a giant tree… well, I've been in better positions.

Acting quickly, I circulated my chakra through my entire body as it quickly built up, and a beam of water was spat out of my mouth, cutting everything in front of me. This made me a path, one that I used to rush toward the member of the Akatsuki.

He looked a little shocked at what I did, and had barely dodged the attack himself. However, the wall behind him had been cut open, and the rest of the Hokage's Cabin had most definitely been pierced through, meaning the attack had reached outside.

In other words, everyone knew there was a fight going on in here.

As I got out of the area of the man's attack, he looked at me dangerously and snarled, "You will pay for this you little bitch."

Saying that, he turned around and threw a sudden punch in the direction of the cabin. As his fist hit the damaged wall, the wood started morphing into a giant fist that destroyed everything in its path, clearing the way out.

I wanted to cut him down before he could escape, but he bit his thumb, and slammed it against the ground.

As he did that, a giant cloud of smoke appeared, blocking my sight. Not too keen in rushing in blindly, I stopped for a moment, watching the smoke wearily.

And as I did, I saw a long shadow travel within the smoke, it looked… snakelike?

But as the smoke cleared away, I heard an ear bursting roar, and the summoned beast was revealed.

It was no snake…

It was a motherfucking DRAGON!

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