Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 107: Shadow Clone

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Jokes aside, I talked more in detail about how my mission went with Shisui, during which a third person joined us.

It was the commander of this battlefield, the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan, as well as Itachi's and Sasuke's father, Fugaku Uchiha.

I didn't care that I didn't have my mask on as I looked at him, and saw him eye me a little curiously, before saying, "I never got to properly welcome you, but you've already changed quite a lot of things around here."

I shook my head and replied, "It was the whole point, a quick and surprising attack they wouldn't see coming. Besides, there was one worrying intruder."

Following that, I also explained to him what truly happened in Takigakure, including the appearance of the user of Mokuton. After a while, Fugaku said, "We shouldn't worry ourselves with the Mokuton user for now. Since he actively worked against Iwa, then he either is working independently and for his own sake, or he was hired by another of the villages to disrupt Iwa. In any case, it only makes our battlefield easier, since everyone seems to believe you did all that chaos."

I nodded shortly and asked, "What about the rest then? While young, the Seven Tails supposedly is quite strong, so I find it strange I didn't see her fighting against the dragon."

Fugaku nodded and said, "Neither was the Jinchuriki of Gobi, Han. It begs the question… where are they?"

Shisui quipped in, "We can't be sure whether they are grouped up or split up, since we don't know what their objective is. If we want to even stand a chance on understanding their moves, then we need to know why they are moving."

I, who had been scanning the map since a while now, said, "Other than the three Jinchurikis we have to deal with, if my memory isn't messing with me then we will also have to be careful of the Explosion Corps, together they are capable of dealing just as much destruction as Tailed Beast, if not more."

Fugaku held his chin as he mumbled, "That makes for four S Rank threats already, and that is ignoring the Tsuchikage, Takigakure's leader, and the many soldiers they have. I heard Iwa had a particularly strong general leading their army."

Shisui narrowed his eyes and added, "Last time around, the Tsuchikage took the initiative to surrender after Lord Hokage decimated a thousand of his troops in a single battle. Even with the alliance with the other villages, I doubt he started the war without a way to restrict Lord Hokage without relying on the other villages."

Both Fugaku and I nodded. After a moment of silence, since no one added anything, Fugaku said, "Then that makes for around 8 S Rank threats, possibly more, and you have to add their army to that. Of those eight, the Tsuchikage couldn't have left Iwa for long, and Roshi is stuck in Takigakure with the army since the bridge was destroyed. Although he could move out on his move, that would be quite unlikely."

I continued, "Then we should have around 6 of them on a mysterious mission. Or missions. What were you planning to do, before knowing Roshi was in Takigakure?"

Fugaku crossed his arms and replied, "Dig for information, and not throw ourselves in."

I nodded slowly, and said, "Well then, I'll have to make myself comfortable enough. Have you made your report to Konoha already? And sent it?"

Fugaku replied, "It wasn't sent. Why?"

I revealed, "Good, I need to make a quick jump back at the village before coming back here. I'll bring the report with me."

Fugaku nodded, and I left the tent.

Later that day, after some training, I rushed all the way back to Konoha, where I delivered both mine and Fugaku's messages, and got a reward for my mission. And using said reward, I bought a jutsu I had been eyeing for a while, but never got because of several issues.

The Shadow Clones Jutsu, aka one of the most hax abilities in Naruto. Well, that is if you have absurd amounts of Chakra like Naruto.

Not only could it be used to create corporeal clones of oneself, those would also be useful for fights as they would have all of the user's memories, as well as about just as much chakra. However, it also had limits.

Since the clone had chakra, it had to come from somewhere, and that place was the main body. When the user creates one clone, then half of their chakra would go to said clone. If two are created, then each would receive a third, and so on.

This meant that the more clones one had activated, and the less chakra each would have, meaning they would be less powerful.

But that also wasn't that much of a drawback, for two reasons. The first one is that when the clone gets dispelled, then all the chakra it has left will go for the main body and all the clones still active, meaning losing a clone doesn't equate losing nth portion of that power.

Even more absurd though was the retention ability. From the moment the clone was created, it would become an independent entity from the main body. Of course, there is still the chakra link, but at least their minds and bodies work in two completely separated ways.

However, when said clone is destroyed, then not only is the chakra the clone had sent back to the body, all of its memories are sent as well.

And that, is why this ability is so OP. That is because this can be applied to learning. Say you want to read a collection of a hundred books, and your reading speed is at one book a day. It would take a hundred day to read all the books.

But with nine other clones, if each one reads a different book, then dispel at the end of the day, all of their memories, that is the book they read, then you would have read 10 books in a day.

And that, also applied to training. In the original manga, Naruto used thousands of clones to learn everything there was to know about elemental manipulation in an extremely short period of time, something like a week, thus creating his Futon Rasengan.

To put things in perspective, I haven't even started learning elemental manipulation, and most people go their whole lives without knowing much about it, because it was such an advanced form of chakra manipulation.

For a short explanation, elemental manipulation allows one to change the form or attribute of a technique after it has been launched, thus completely changing. This was a way for Shinobis to massively increase their arsenal without learning hundreds of techniques.

That's also why it was useless for me, since I was on my way to not only learning hundreds of techniques, but all the techniques.

So yeah, on paper, the Shadow Clone technique was the most hax ability in the entirety of the universe, one that should be able to turn about anyone in a beast of power.

Fortunately, that wasn't really the case.

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