Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 132: Twilight of an Era

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


Telling Minato about my plan was more of a formality than anything, but it still had to be done, and since I didn't like wasting time, I went to see him right after meeting with Danzo.

I was quickly received.

"Sukaina, what can I do for you?"

Crossing my arms, I said, "I have a plan for our ongoing problem."

"Do tell."

Pointing at myself with my thumb, I explained, "Instead of wasting time here, waiting for something to happen, I may as well do that in the capital."

Minato raised en eyebrow and asked, "You want to disturb them with you presence? So you would be there officially?"

I nodded and added, "That's the idea. And since I'll be there, then I might as well make myself useful."

Minato laid back in his seat, showing he was listening, so I briefly explained, "I would like to get several Anbu under me, and manage them as they spy for me."

Unexpectedly, Minato frowned. Seeing he didn't say anything though, I continued, "Meanwhile, I would become the Daimyo's advisor or counsellor or whatever official position we have to find, and help the country stay afloat."

Minato's frown only deepened, and he started rubbing his temples slowly. Confused, I asked, "Are… you alright?"

His rubbing only intensified, but his expression eased up a little as he said, "I'm fine. About your plan, it is good."

I nodded slowly, eyeing him carefully as I added, "Danzo already agreed to lend me several Anbu, they will be leaving before me to start spying earlier. As for me, I'll try not to investigate myself, and keep to my advisor position. Do you think you could arrange my position?"

Minato grunted, "Yes. Anything else?"

I shook my head, and walked out, while Minato kept rubbing his temples.

Weird, I had never seen him do that. Maybe it was just a simple headache? After sending one last look at the troubled Minato, I left.

After that, a week quickly passed by, during which I didn't do much except for training. However, one thing that I noticed was how many Shinobis were returning to the Leaf.

Among them were a few Jonins, which helped strengthen the security of the Leaf. Of course, many were still fighting the three remaining Great Villages, but it was to be expected that the numbers would go down with time.

This was quite important to me, as the war effort would become a big part of my job for the incoming time.

Minato had taken an uncharacteristically long time to get the job done, but he eventually did secure me an official position beside the Daimyo that would allow me to live in the capital, and that was something I did not expect.

I expected to be given a relatively low position that would simply help grant me access to the Daimyo's Palace and give him suggestions, but I was given something much more important. Moreover, it was an initiative of Danzo.

It was a position that had disappeared with time, and had been forgotten about by most people, as the last person to have held it was the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, before he become Hokage himself.


Talk of a surprise. The role of the Shogun and their influence vastly differed in both worlds though, which is why I was this confused and surprised at first.

Back on Earth, in my past life, Shoguns were basically military dictators, and although they were appointed by the Emperor in name, they were the actual leaders of the country, but the Emperor only being there as decoration, to preserve traditions.

However, in this world, this wasn't just in name. The Shogun was more of an ambassador of the Shinobi Village, and was supposed to represent them before the nation, and the Daimyo.

And officially, the Shogun was only below the Daimyo, supposed to be the equal to the Hokage and the Army's General.

And politically, this position probably had more pull than either of those positions as while they strictly dealt with their own forces, I was supposed to coordinate them well together. Moreover, I was also to help with every other aspect of the country.

Sort of the Hand of the King… Damn, surprised I still remember this.

Anyway, while this had come as a surprise, it wasn't undeserved either. In terms of strength and reputation, I had killed the Mizukage. To lead troops, I had already been doing that for a year now.

And for the part to lead a country, it wasn't my first time either, and the Land of Forests was in a much worse state, and I had far less power than I have now when I did it.

Hence, while surprising, and confusing at first, in the end, I found it to be a reasonable answer to our problem. In the end, I was going there for a mission, and this was only a temporary position. As soon as the rebellion is over, I'm definitely getting some rest. I've had enough of promotions.

I hope things go as planned this time…


[Danzo's POV]

"I thought I had made myself clear, Danzo."

I eyed the Hokage indifferently, and replied, "And so did I."

Minato, who was frowning, said, "I explicitly turned down your proposition of making Sukaina the Shogun, but you went against my direct orders, and did it nonetheless."

I countered, "I went for what I believed to be the best option for the village."

Minato slammed his fist on his table as he burst out, "But you are not the Hokage!"

Despite him showing clear signs of anger, which not only was extremely rare from him, but also would scare most people shitless, I stood there, nonplussed, as I replied coldly, "True as that may be, we've already both agreed that I was… better suited for those decisions. Have you already forgotten?"

The anger in his eyes slowly faded as we both remained silent. After this silent moment, he said, "Don't go do things in my back again."

Snorting softly, I replied, "As long as it is for the good of the village."

Minato said, "I am working for the best of the village too. She has been receiving an increasing amount of power in recent times, and even more stress. Last thing I want is for her to get lost in the taste of power."

Narrowing my eyes, I muttered, "You can tell yourself that…"

Minato frowned and asked, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

This time I kept mute, but the meaning was obvious. Minato would soon see his era end, and he was already struggling. He doesn't seem to have much time left before his inevitable fall.

Troubled times indeed.

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