Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 90: Massacre of the Owl

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


As Kumo's army set foot into the forest, the exploding tags I had placed right beneath the ground lit up. The soldiers in the front immediately realized what was wrong, but unfortunately for them, it was too late.

They exploded in a mix of blood and mud, forcing the army to a stop. As for me, I used the explosion to jump right into their armies.

Gate of Opening: Open!

As I jumped through the explosion and arrived face to face with the soldiers, I saw their eyes widen as they tried stopping me with their spears, but I was too fast.

My leg blurred out of their vision as I struck several of their heads at the same time, and they all exploded in a gory mess. Without missing a beat, I grabbed one of the falling spears and elegantly twirled it all around myself, cutting the soldiers by the dozen with every swing as I was right in the midst of their army.

The soldiers were shocked, but the commanders were quick to rearrange their troops as all the soldiers widened the distance between them. Seeing this, I strongly jabbed the wooden part end of my spear in the chest of one of the soldiers, paralysing him for a moment as I then used his chest as a platform to jump high into the sky.

The poor guy's chest had a hole blasted into it, but I didn't care as I reached several meters into the air, and was given a good view of the battlefield.

The platoon I was fighting, the front line, had all moved away from each other and formed a wall, while the rest of the army went around us. At the same time, I also spotted C and Two Tails quickly zeroing on me, so I threw my spear at full force towards them.

I felt my shoulder dislocate as the spear was sent flying with the force of a siege weapon. The air around it screeched as it instantly reached the two commanders.

They were forced to a stop as they both took out their weapon to defend themselves, and easily stopped the spear. However, it gave me the time to fade into the forest.

I could see C was looking extremely angry, while the Two Tails Jinchuriki was looking around warily. Something odd struck me with that girl, she looked awfully scared of me for someone of my power.

But I had better things to do than care about those two. I moved toward another platoon, stopping their path as I appeared before them.

"It's The Owl! With me!"

To my surprise, the one leading this platoon yelled this out as he branded his spear towards me, the earth beneath our feet trembling as he did. I quickly jumped out of the way, and reached out to hidden wires.

The moment I did, the hidden wires all moved, and the soldiers did not even understand what was happening as around half of their platoon was suddenly lifted into the air, bleeding to their death rapidly.

I didn't let the ones remaining the time to understand either as I rapidly closed in on them, ignoring the pain of the Gate of Opening.

With a strong punch, my fist went through one of the soldier's chest. The others tried to attack, but I used their still living comrade as a shield as he was killed by his own men.

Only now did I start understand really how strong the Gate of Opening made me. Smiling slightly under my mask, I took my arm out of the corpse, but grabbed his leg as I used it as a club, smashing his corpse into bits as the impact killed the others.

I could feel a rush of adrenaline pump through my veins as a frenzy started setting itself inside me. Even with my willpower, it was hard to fully control myself. So I let out that frenzy externally as my chakra flared, along with my killing intent.

Although I wasn't on the receiving end, I could see the nearby soldiers had all stopped, some shaking. I did not make a sound though as I rushed at them, literally tearing through their ranks. At the same time, I sprung open the traps I had been preparing, reaping the lives of many soldiers.

Of course, I wasn't a god. Although I had a much stronger body than my opponents and a relatively better technique, I was alone against thousands, and I couldn't avoid being hit.

As the minutes passed, cuts and bruises appeared all over my body, although they were mostly hidden by my clothes. Things were going as expected.

I couldn't possibly count how many I had killed, but I was sure it was at least in the hundreds. However, the flow of soldiers seemed to never stop as I killed them by the dozen. On the other end, I was getting tired, and my healing factor wasn't helping much.

It was quite busy healing me from the effects of the Gate of Opening, so it couldn't really take care of the external injuries, meaning they were accumulating since the beginning of the fight.

With every minute, the pain and exhaustion I felt was getting worse, to the point it couldn't be consciously ignored. So I instead decided to let in more to the frenzy. I used the traps less and less, they had mostly been all used anyway, and started using only my body to kill their men.

My chakra was running short too, as I used my Senbonsakura a few times, so Taijutsu was all I had left.

And I made good use of it. I started ignoring their attacks as I dealt more and more devastating attacks, while I started losing myself to my bloody frenzy.

My perception of time also quickly became extremely inaccurate, so I don't know whether I fought for minutes or hours, but at some point I completely lost it, with both my body and my mind fully devoted themselves to killing.

Although I lost some of my skill, the sheer brutality I showed and used only made me more deadly as I used everything around me as a weapon, be it myself, the environment, or the corpses of my enemies themselves.

However, as I stopped being able to logically think, I was also finally unable to avoid the more dangerous opponents who could endanger me.

I didn't even realize it, but I quickly got surrounded by several Jonin level opponents. It was all the same to me though as I tore through them too. Although most of them were better than me in skill, they couldn't use Ninjutsu if they didn't want to kill their own men, and my body was several times stronger than them. Moreover, they were all affected by my killing intent, which only rose every second, with every kill.

But I eventually met a wall I couldn't break through.

The Two Tails Jinchuriki, the blond woman, appeared before me at some point, and the two of us exchanged a few blows. She was better than me. Her physical strength even matched mine.

However, I completely ignored her attacks as I fully committed myself to killing her. Still, she was winning. What tilted the scale though was when another fighter came in a little too close.

I punched his chest with all of my strength, bursting him into pieces, some of which got onto the Jinchuriki's face. This blinded her for a moment, a moment I used to kick her at the midsection.

Was it anyone else, their bodies would have gotten split in two, but this one didn't. However, I felt a familiar crunch under my leg, I had broken her hips, and she was bleeding all over.

C, who wasn't far, quickly got to her, while I continued my slaughter, my mind incapable of grasping the opportunity an injured Jinchuriki was.

A few seconds later though, I noticed all of my opponents rapidly fleeing away from me. This finally allowed me to regain some of my sanity as I saw a sea of blue fire come raging towards me.

I strongly kicked the ground, forming a hole as I hid from the flames. Some of it did hit me, but what remained of my armor took a good part of the attack. Surprisingly, my mask was still intact.

Once the blue fire disappeared, I got out, to look for more people to kill, but I was struck by what I saw as my sanity finally returned to me as both my body and my mind screamed mortal danger at me.

The Kumo army had already retreated several hundred meters, disappearing from the forest. Standing in front of them was a giant cat made of blue flames, the Two Tails. But more importantly, was the giant purple mass flying towards me.


Author's Note: Hey, could you please leave a review if you have the time?

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