Naruto: The new beginning

101. Shukaku! Come out and get beaten!

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Naruto dodged Gaara's attack and instantly used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport near Kushina and Minato, assisting his family with the marked kunai. Such a quick response was second nature to him.

"Dad?" Naruto called out without hesitation.

"Shadow Guard, assist the Anbu in clearing out the enemies in the arena!" Minato commanded.

"Yes!" The Shinobi behind Minato dispersed swiftly.

"Naruto, follow the plan. First, evacuate all the spectators," Minato instructed rapidly. "Your mother and I will handle the enemy. You're responsible for luring Gaara out of the village. Although we can handle him, it's too dangerous if Shukaku goes on a rampage inside the village."

Naruto nodded confidently and patted his chest. "No problem! I have a plan to deal with the giant snakes outside the village. You and Mom should focus on protecting the Third Hokage."

"Don't worry, leave it to me" Minato affirmed resolutely.

Naruto's clone, along with Naruko and another unnamed clone, received instructions through their link with Kurama, the Nine-Tails, and teleported back to their original positions using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. 

Naruto pricked his finger, drawing a little blood for each clone, and they returned to their positions outside Konoha's eastern, western, and northern walls.

"Big fox, I need some chakra support!" Naruto requested.

Kurama grumbled while sharing his chakra. "Such a hassle. Just take care of this quickly, the real fight is with Shukaku."

The three clones focused on the giant snakes charging toward the village. After smearing the blood on their fingers, they formed seals.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Toad Gamaken, Toad Hiro, and Toad Bunta appeared beneath the clones. Each clone addressed their respective summon:

"Please, Gamaken!"

"Leave it to me," Toad Hiro replied, wielding two large swords.

Toad Bunta, smoking his pipe with a short sword at his waist, remarked, "How do I not remember that the Fourth Hokage had a son?"

The three toads grabbed their weapons and leapt towards the giant snakes, boosting the morale of the Konoha ninja defending the village:

"It's Jiraiya-sama and the Fourth Hokage's summoning beasts!"

"But who's that on their heads? The Fourth's son... or daughter?"

"It doesn't matter! We just need to handle the enemy ninja!"

"Yeah!!!" The defenders rallied, and their spirits lifted.

The Uchiha clan, leading the Konoha Police Force, coordinated with other ninja units, pushing back the invaders.

In the Chunin Exam arena, Naruto's commanding voice echoed as he used the "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 

Instantly, hundreds of shadow clones, each with Naruto's signature spiky blonde hair, appeared and rushed toward the audience, with each clone responsible for transporting two people. 

Using the Flying Thunder God, they evacuated the unconscious spectators to safety.

The Uzumaki Logistics Company, known for its efficiency, is now transporting people instead of goods. 

Perhaps it should be called a passenger transportation company instead... Ahem.

One clone, acting on a request from Hiashi Hyuga, transported Hinata, Hanabi, and Hizashi back to the Hyuga Compound, earning the clone the unofficial title of "personal chauffeur."

As the head of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi stayed in the arena to fight, while Hizashi gathered others from their clan to defend the village. 

The Hyuga clan was deeply grateful to the Fourth Hokage for his support.

Another clone took Sasuke and Sakura to the hospital and returned with Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Neji, however, declined Naruto's offer to evacuate him. "My opponent is still here," he said seriously.

Still holding a grudge over Kankuro avoiding their previous fight, Neji was determined to settle the score now that they were enemies.

Gaara, meanwhile, was losing control, struggling against Shukaku's influence. Naruto glanced at Temari and Kankuro, who were trying to take Gaara away.

"If that's the case, I'll leave his teammates to you and focus on Gaara," Naruto said.

He kicked Shikamaru, who was pretending to be under a genjutsu, waking him up. "Don't slack off now. Ask Shino to help!"

Shikamaru sighed, dusting himself off. "How troublesome…"

As Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, and Tsunade headed to the rooftop battlefield, Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, and Shino chased after Gaara's team.

Maki intercepted them. "Temari, Kankuro, take Gaara to the most crowded area in Konoha!"

Temari and Kankuro quickly carried the struggling Gaara away. Naruto and his team tried to bypass Maki.

"Don't underestimate me!" Maki threw several shuriken, only for them to be deflected by kunai thrown from the opposite direction.

"What?" Maki exclaimed in surprise. "You're... Shisui of the Body Flicker?"

Uchiha Shisui, standing alongside Genma, responded, "Never underestimate Konoha's shinobi."

"Naruto, go ahead. Leave this guy to us," Shisui said, his eyes blazing with determination.

Naruto gave a thumbs-up without looking back. Inwardly, he felt a little sorry for Maki. Not only did he have to face Genma, but now Shisui as well.

Maki realized she couldn't afford to take her eyes off Shisui for a moment.

Naruto and his team continued chasing the Sand Siblings out of the exam arena. Kankuro abruptly stopped.

"Temari, take Gaara and keep going. I'll hold them off!" He released his puppet, the Crow, and chakra strings appeared on his fingers.

Neji stepped forward. "He's mine. You three go on."

"Understood." Naruto believed Neji could easily handle Kankuro. He and the others kept pursuing Gaara and Temari.

"Don't think you can just leave!" Kankuro shouted angrily, his puppet spraying a barrage of poisonous needles.

"Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven!" Neji countered, spinning rapidly and forming a protective barrier of chakra that deflected all the needles. He then took up a Gentle Fist stance. "I told you, your opponent is me."

"This guy…" Kankuro muttered, preparing his puppet for battle.

After a brief chase, Naruto noticed the surrounding area was empty. No civilians were in sight.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

The water dragon surged towards Temari, forcing her to stop.

Naruto threw a dozen Flying Thunder God Kunai. Temari blocked most of them with her fan, but one landed perfectly.

In an instant, Naruto teleported beside Gaara, pressing his head into the ground.

"I'll take him. You handle her!" he shouted.

"Seriously…" Shikamaru sighed, beginning to strategize their next move.

Naruto and Gaara teleported to an isolated spot outside the village. Kurama looked around, recognizing the location.

Of course, it was familiar. This was the place where Naruto's family had sealed him.

Once the barrier was activated, even the Third Hokage would be unable to enter for a while. If locked inside, not even the Nine-Tails could escape easily.

Naruto slammed Gaara's head into the ground, creating a massive crater.

"Shukaku! Come out and get beaten! You bastard"


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