Naruto: The new beginning

11. Kidnapping

After my morning training session, I felt exhausted but In the afternoon, I still had enough energy to bounce around. Naruto had gained a preliminary understanding of his body. Did this mean that if he didn't practice, he would wither away?

However, there was no training scheduled for the afternoon. Kushina had gone to work and advised Naruto not to overexert himself. He was still too young and could easily get injured.

Kushina differed from Uchiha Mikoto, who could be a full-time homemaker during times of peace.

Kushina served as a vital pillar of the village and had to maintain a certain level of combat readiness. In addition to her daily work, she occasionally embarked on missions.

Naruto was now three years old and didn't require constant care. Even Kakashi was no longer solely responsible for his protection. 

Kakashi often took on various challenging missions and had earned the title of anbu black op

Kushina had mentioned that he shouldn't train now and let his body rest. Naruto believed it was wise to follow his mother's advice to prevent him from getting hurt. So, should he read books? 

Unfortunately, his vocabulary was still limited, and he couldn't even read "The Perseverance and Endurance." With nothing to do at home, Naruto decided to go for a walk.

As he strolled through the streets and observed the shops, Naruto couldn't help but think that Konoha resembled a small city.

Villagers were quite friendly to Naruto, given that he was the son of a hero. Some even called him "Master Naruto," but Minato and Kushina quickly corrected them.

Naruto didn't mind, though. He had no intention of being arrogant or domineering just because he was the village Hokage's son.

Naruto continued to wander and eventually found himself outside the ninja school. It wasn't surprising to see the school, but he recognized someone at the entrance and greeted them with a smile, "Third Grandpa!"

In his heart, he wondered why the Third Hokage was here when he could be at home with his wife, considering that both of his sons were busy with their own lives. Perhaps retirement had made him a bit lonely, leading him to the school to serve as a caretaker.

The Third Hokage retracted his foot that had started to enter the school and replied with a smile, "Ah, Naruto, are you out here to play on your own?"

"Yes, Third Grandpa. Why are you here?" Naruto knew that there were likely Anbu operatives accompanying him, but they couldn't show themselves openly.

"Haha, I'm going to give a lecture to the children later."

"A lecture?"

"Yes, Naruto, do you know about the Will of Fire?"

Before Naruto could respond, the Third Hokage continued, patting Naruto's head affectionately, "Where leaves are falling, the fire will continue to burn. The fire will illuminate the village and nurture new leaves."

Naruto thought to himself, 'Ahhh, brainwashing has already started,' but remained silent.

"Haha, perhaps that's a bit advanced for you. Would you like to go inside and take a look?"

"Sure," Naruto agreed, having never been inside the ninja school.

As Naruto followed the Third Hokage inside, the old man continued to impart knowledge, "The ninja school was founded by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. Since its inception, it has nurtured numerous talents for Konoha..."

Naruto listened intently as the Third Hokage shared the history of the ninja school, the heroic deeds of past Hokage, and stories about his parents. 

The old man seemed engrossed and Naruto realized that sometimes he just needed someone to listen to him, whether or not they responded.

Naruto suddenly felt a sense of empathy for the old man. Despite the criticisms he had heard in his previous life, at this moment, the Third Hokage appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary retired old man. 

Days passed with Naruto following a routine of morning physical exercises, afternoon exploration of the village, and a peaceful and quiet life. Two months flew by, and Konoha had transitioned into the chilly month of December.

Unlike the "damp and chilled" winters of the USA,  Konoha's winter was more akin to the "dry and physically chilling of Alaska", Each day required an extra layer of clothing when venturing outside.

Konoha had hosted the delegation from the Land of Lightning, for several days. Negotiations regarding the alliance between the two villages had concluded, and Konoha had scheduled a ceremony for December 27 to celebrate the alliance.

It happened to be the third birthday of Hinata Hyuga, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan.

In Konoha, the third birthdays of children were considered significant milestones, marking their transition to more independent individuals. 

Naruto's third birthday had been more extravagant than the previous two, and the Hyuga family had attached great importance to it.

The family attended Hinata's third birthday celebrations on that every day, even skipping village festivals. On this day, Hinata would be formally established as the heir of the main branch, and Neji, a member of the branch family, would be marked as her protector. 

From that point forward, Neji's life would revolve around safeguarding the main branch's eldest daughter.

The 'cursed seal', also known as the 'Caged Bird Seal', was the Hyuga Clan's technique of protecting their beloved Byakugan while also ensuring that the branch members fulfilled their sacred responsibility as guards of the main house & could even damage their brain nerves, causing death in extreme situations. 

The seal also possessed the power to seal the Byakugan, ensuring that the Byakugan's secrets remained within the main branch.

Curiously, Neji seemed to embrace his role, willingly protecting his cousin. He didn't resent the clan's system and the "caged bird" seal, at least not at this point.

However, Naruto knew from his previous life that Neji's perspective would change dramatically after his father, Hiyashi, died. Hiyashi would sacrifice himself to remove the "caged bird" seal from his nephew, declaring it a personal choice to defy the clan's fate.

People had their own beliefs and choices. In the village, preparations for the alliance ceremony were in full swing, and Naruto spent his days shopping and eating with Kushina.

Meanwhile, the Hyuga clan was busy with Hinata's third birthday celebration, seemingly oblivious to the village's festivities. 

It was a day when Hinata would officially become the heir, and Neji, despite his eventual resentment, seemed content with his role for now.

However, the ninja from Cloud Village had nefarious plans in motion.

The following day, a piece of unsettling news quietly circulated in Konoha: "Shocking news! The kidnapping of the Hyuga Clan head's Daughter!"

The leader of the cloud village envoys had audaciously kidnapped the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, only to be swiftly confronted and killed by the Hyuga family head, Hiashi Hyuga. 

Shockingly, the Cloud Village envoy had turned the tables, falsely accusing the Hyuga family of unprovoked murder and demanding Konoha hand over the alleged murderer.

The news sparked widespread discussions among the residents. Some sympathized with Hinata's ordeal, others condemned Cloud Village ninja for their shamelessness, and some feared that this incident could escalate into a conflict.

If not handled carefully, it could strain the newly formed alliance between Konoha and Kumogakure. 

In response, Minato decided to visit the Hyuga residence, aiming to gather more information and negotiate a resolution.


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