Naruto: The Outsider’s Resolve

CH_3.30 (089)

The dual team of eight shinobi made their way through the trade roads, and with no civilian in their company, they traveled at speeds comparable to that of galloping horses. The green scenery of the open domains of the Land of Fire made for a calming sight as they moved forward on their journey to cross one country into another for the purpose of the mission.

Iruka looked at his team of three that ran in front of him. They maintained the three-point formation with Dai in the front and center, Takuma in the middle and left, and Yumiko in the back and right. He glanced at Raiden's team to the side. Unlike him, Raiden was at the head of the formation, with his team following him in the reverse triangular formation.

Even though it hadn't been long since they had started their journey, neither team had broached any conversation with the other. Inter-team communication was vital in multi-team missions such as the one they were currently on for building synergy and cooperation. The silence between the two teams wasn't ideal.

And it wasn't as though they were unknowing greenhorns. Dai had been a shinobi longer than him, Yumiko had three years under her belt, and the Raiden's team was from the same batch and had two years of shinobi experience— only Takuma, the youngest, had a single year as a shinobi, but he expected more from the mature youngster.

'Should I open up a conversation?'

Iruka decided he would do so if they didn't break the ice before long.

An opportunity for discussion came soon when they arrived at a crossroads. Raiden shot him a look, and Iruka nodded in understanding and stepped back, letting the genin take care of the situation. Their job was to guide the genin but also observe how they conducted themselves during this mission.

"We leave NC-44… get on NC-13, and take it until we are on NC-48, which we take to its end, and then get on NC-67 to the border," said Izuno Aya, her tone showing confidence in herself being right.

"That's adding a day of needless travel," Yumiko shook her head. "NC-44 goes deep into the east. It would be better to follow it and then take the secondary routes all to way to NC-67, which will take us to the border as you said."

"I calculated the distance, we aren't wasting any time as you're suggesting," Aya narrowed her cat-like eyes.

"So did I, and I find it to be the optimal route," Yumiko shot back.

The general practice for missions that required extensive travel was to plan the routes before they left the village. Even now, Iruka had the preferred travel route prepared, but they hadn't shared it with the genin. Moreover, none had asked for it from their own side.

Just when it seemed an argument was about to break between the teams, Takuma spoke up.

"We continue on NC-44 for thirty-six hours until we reach the Miya Lake Town and then use NC-21 as a connection to NC-67 to the border." Everyone's eyes turned to Takuma, squatting in front of a map with a piece of creased paper in his hand.

Iruka stepped closer and gazed at the map and paper in Takuma's hand. The map was exceptionally well-made and looked more expensive than the one he owned. As for the piece of paper, it seemed to be an itinerary.

The route that Takuma had planned was different from what he and Raiden had planned. Iruka looked at Raiden to find the other chunin standing near Takuma, frowning down at the map and itinerary.

"Why would you take NC-21? That doesn't make any sense," Aya disagreed wholeheartedly.

"If we divide the travel into three legs. In the first leg, we travel for a day and a half and reach the Miya Lake Town— in the second leg, we travel non-stop, exit the country, travel across the Land of Hot Water, and enter the Land of Frost in one go— we take a rest in the Land of Frost before reaching our destination," Takuma traced his finger over NC-44 until he reached a point on the map. "Our travel budget is limited—"

"What travel budget?" asked Onikuma Yuko, surprised.

"It's on the mission briefing scroll," said Takuma nonchalantly. "As I said, we have a limited travel budget, so we must use our funds prudently. Miya Lake Town has a military garrison that would provide us with free food and lodging as we rest. I've no problem camping outside, but sleeping on a proper bed would be better for everyone. We can use the budget for lodgings in the Land of Frost and simultaneously inquire about the best route to our destination. After that, I'm sure the 'client' would be more than happy to provide food and a place to sleep when we arrive at the destination."

Iruka hid a smile. He was impressed and proud that Takuma had considered the mission budget while planning the route and that he had found a place that would be able to provide them with free food and lodging. He looked at Raiden, who nodded, although grudgingly. Iruka sighed. Given Raiden's reputation, Iruka wouldn't have worked with the man, but he had gotten the mission through his teacher's recommendation. He was still new and couldn't be picky about things.

"We will follow Takuma's route," Iruka announced.

Aya and Yuko looked to Raiden, who grunted an acceptance. They didn't look pleased— as for Aburame Susumu… Iruka could never tell what an Aburame was thinking.

Iruka turned to Takuma and found him staring briefly at the other Raiden and his team before turning away.



Among land mammals, humans were known for their sheer endurance. The reason humans could dominate when so many more powerful and vicious species equipped with killing weapons roamed the lands was due to that endurance. Humans could run for hours while using relatively small amounts of energy, while others got tired far before. The sweat glands and lack of fur on their bodies allowed humans to keep a cool body temperature while exerting effort. As a species, they would chase down their prey until it got tired and strike at the opportune time for victory.

When that same species was introduced to chakra, it elevated that endurance to another level. Shinobi were faster than horses and more tenacious than camels, and while they also used other transportation methods when the need arose, their own two legs were the best and most reliable mode of transportation.

"I can see the town," Dai announced from the front.

Takuma breathed out deeply. They had been on the road for thirty-seven hours, and he felt that it was high time that he made love with a bed. His body could've gone for a couple more hours, but his mind was calling for a shuteye.

The first leg of the journey had gone swiftly with no problems. Apart from the Land of Earth, which was ridiculously rich in natural mineral reserves, the Land of Fire was the second most prosperous nation on the continent due to the vast arable lands. The National Corridor (NC) system laid across the country was a reason and an outcome of that wealth, connecting the country with properly established trade routes. The well-documented corridors were the reason why Takuma was able to accurately estimate the travel time. They had only taken an hour longer than it was supposed to.

If he were to point out a problem, it would be Shimura Raiden. The man had made not one but several veiled remarks about him, Dai, and Yumiko whenever they had stopped along the way, while he had said nothing about his own team taking such breaks. Iruka hadn't retaliated, but he had sharply asked Raiden to mind his tongue.

Miya Lake Town started out as a military rest base in the Second Shinobi War and was then turned into a waterfront town after the war ended. Nowadays, it was used as a rest stop for merchants and trade caravans because of its strategic location near a national corridor. Tourists visited the town because of recreational fishing and boating in the Miya Lake. Moreover, the military garrison in the town was a sign of safety which made it even more popular for merchants and tourists alike.

As Takuma had expected, the garrison welcomed the team with open arms. The presence of two chunin carried weight in the Land of Fire, especially when they were posted in the Hidden Leaf village, and the sole chunin in charge of the garrison was very inviting and had extended his warm hospitality.

"That was good food right there," Yumiko said, stretching her hand above her head as they headed to bed.

Dai nodded as he burped behind his hand.

"The seafood was really fresh," said Takuma, satisfied. The food had a different savor than what he had tasted in the Leaf village— it was a nice change of pace. Unfortunately for them, they would be leaving before the sun rose the next day.

They entered the room appointed to them. The garrison had appointed a shared room with bunk beds to genin while the chunin were given their own rooms.

Raiden's team was already there, and the moment they entered, the room's vibe turned awkward. Six of them had been in close vicinity for the past day and a half, even if it was spent in transit, but except for the little argument that had happened, they had barely spoken to each other. They hadn't shared resources, not even a strip of beef jerky had left one team to another.

Takuma decided they needed to breach the awkwardness so the coming week won't go the same.

"This is my first time out of the village. What about you guys?" Takuma asked after climbing his bunk and dangling his legs off the edge.

He watched as Susumu walked past by not uttering a word. He shrugged and looked at the girls, who were busy making their beds.

"I haven't been outside the village," Yumiko said when Aya and Yuko didn't reply. "It's exciting, isn't it. So many sights to see, places to explore. I wonder what the Land of Hot Waters and Land of Frost will be like. I packed warm clothes for the Land of Frost."

Dai also spoke in his deep voice, "A few times… this time will be my first time outside the country."


Takuma turned to see that it was Yuko who had stifled her laughter. Aya was smiling widely as well.

"Oh, do you have something funny you'd like to share?" Takuma asked, his expression friendly— but inside, he knew they were laughing at him.

"It's nothing," Yuko waved her hand. Aya turned her head away.

"… Wow, you guys are boring," Takuma drawled, all the friendliness draining away from his voice and face.

Yuko and Aya looked up at Takuma and saw his apathetic impression, and as Takuma was sitting at a height, it looked like he was looking down at them.

Yuko frowned. It seemed she didn't enjoy Takuma's expression, "Alright, I will tell you. I found it hilarious that your friends had to step in to save you from embarrassment from getting ignored."

Takuma slowly shrugged, "I mean, that's what friends are for. What else were they supposed to do when I was talking to exceedingly uninteresting people like you. And it wasn't embarrassing for me, you should be ashamed of yourselves for not being able to hold a simple conversation."

Yuko's frown sharpened, and even Aya stepped up as well.

"You're trying to pick a fight here?" Aya asked.

Takuma jumped down from his bed. "I mean, we did radio silence for more than a day, and then you laughed at me when I tried to extend a friendly hand here. I'm not going to apologize for taking offense when my good intentions are giggled away… by a bunch of simpletons."

In the late hours of the evening, the two teams from the Leaf village, who were supposed to be cooperating for a mission, faced off against each other.



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