Chapter 34: Wind, Chains, and Shadows

Looking at the Orcs, he thought, 'Alright, it's time to level up my other skills.'

Until then, he wanted to have a key element. Something he could rely on. That was Precise Throws. However, it would be good if he could elevate the jutsus he had transformed into skills and used in war. This was because he wanted to make his ability more versatile just in case it was necessary.

'These Orcs are huge. Maybe even bigger than the Zombie minibosses.'

Tanaka thought as he observed the Orcs. Some could reach up to 7 meters in height.

Of course, that wasn't all. Besides being tall, they were large in proportion. They looked like a version of the Hulk, full of muscles and bulging veins.

And they were even uglier than Shrek in the face. It was a combination of factors that made them seem intimidating and ugly.

But, even if they were level 80+ or had relatively high HP, Tanaka, who had formed hand seals, murmured in his mind: 'Gale Palm,' struck three of them, killing them instantly.

[Critical Hit!]

[You gained 13,140 EXP!]


"Attack. Enemy!!!" one of the Orcs shouted.

"Brave. Orcs. Kahak!"

"Kiiiik. Block. Magic!"


"Brave. Orcs. Find. Enemies!"

"Kill. Kill!"

The other Orcs, who noticed something, alerted the others and soon they were all on high alert until one of them spotted him and the clones on top of the buildings.

"There. Up. There!" one of them shouted while pointing a wooden mace.

"Tsk," Tanaka clicked his tongue, "Hearing their muttering is incredibly annoying."

After that, he pretended not to hear and began to attack more fiercely, especially the Orcs that started jumping in his direction.

The same was happening with the shadow clones, and in an instant, various holographic strips overlapped each other, notifying him of the gained EXP.


[You gained 1 level in <Gale Palm>! The skill is now level 20!]

[You gained 1 level in <Psychokinesis>! The skill is now level 44!]

[You gained 1 level in <Shadow Clones>! The skill is now level 39!]

[You gained 1 level in <Critical Hit>! The skill is now level 50!]

After Tanaka eliminated 200 Orcs, as expected, none of them dropped any weapons, not even those that were armed. Then the first miniboss began to form from the mass of bodies of several Orcs. The scene was grotesque, with the Orcs piling up and being pulled by a gravitational force into a single point, beginning to transform into something bigger and even more horrifying.

It looked like a scene taken directly from a horror movie. However, upon witnessing this, Tanaka only felt nauseated. It was something different from the ghosts that caused chills down to the very bones.

Forming hand seals, Tanaka created another 48 shadow clones.

While the grotesque miniboss was forming, he converted HP into MP, continuing to do so until his MP was full. Meanwhile, the shadow clones meditated.

With his MP recharged, Tanaka pointed both hands at the forming miniboss and, using Psychokinesis, he made several chains emerge from his lips, similar to the 'Gate of Babylon.' But only chains came out, controlled by him.

Under his command, Tanaka made the chains shoot out and stay just 1 meter away from the forming miniboss.

Since he had 20 chains activated at the same time, he was losing a thousand MP per minute, something manageable. After converting HP to MP and vice versa a few times until both were nearly full, he saw the moment the miniboss finished forming.


Orc Carnage LV90

HP: [216,000 / 216,000]

The moment it finished forming, the chains that had been waiting were surrounded by Psychokinesis, and Precise Throws were activated simultaneously.

The chains, which were moving fast, increased to an even greater degree, reaching a colossal speed.

"Bang! Bang! Bang...!"

In an instant, various parts of the Orc Carnage's body were pierced. Its HP began to drop steadily, and things worsened when Tanaka started extracting the Orc Carnage's vigor.

"Now!" At his command, the clones used the MP Threads and connected to the Orc Carnage, stealing its vigor and restoring their MP.

The Orc Carnage's HP was being drained rapidly.


The Orc Carnage let out a loud scream, but its reluctance, or struggle, was useless while it was trapped by the twenty chains.

The situation was akin to the birth of a dragon that should have had the power to accomplish great things, but as soon as it was born, it fell into a trap and died.

[You gained 218,700 EXP!]

[You obtained <Soul Stone - Rank A> x1]

[You obtained <Recovery Potion - Rank B> x5]

[You obtained <Skill Book: Iron Vitality - Rank A> x1]

[You obtained <Orc Meat - Rank B+> x3]

[You obtained 300,000 ryō]

'Orc Meat?' He felt a bit nauseous just at the name.

Setting that aside for now, he opened the inventory and took out the book. When he tried to learn it, his jaw dropped upon discovering that he needed 200 STR and 300 VIT to be able to learn this skill.


Time passed, and soon he defeated another miniboss and 400 more Orcs, leveling up twice.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the Orcs began to dissolve into a mass of dark green energy, which accumulated at a single point. The scene resembled a balloon being filled with water at high pressure, deforming and growing larger and larger.

And, as he did with the previous minibosses, chains emerged from the air, as if coming from another dimension.

This time, there were 50 chains. Both to evolve the skill and to prepare in case something extremely powerful emerged from it.

<Elite Miniboss>

Elite Mutant Orc LV95

HP: [456,000 / 456,000]

"This is..."

While one of his thoughts considered the creature that had just formed, he simultaneously controlled the chains to pierce all four limbs and arms of the creature.

It was no wonder it was called an Elite Mutant Orc—it was a mutation of a centaur-like species. However, instead of a horse's body, it would be more accurate to say that its lower part had strong, thick limbs like those of an Orc. It had an animalistic head, a mix of gorilla, Orc, and lion with a pair of horns.

And, like the previous Orcs, it didn't possess any standout equipment. Well, not completely—its bracelets seemed a bit special, and its weapons, which were enormous serrated swords resembling the 'Kiribachi' used by 'Arlong' in One Piece.

The beast itself was about 30 meters long and 20 meters tall.

To restrain each limb, he needed to use two chains, then quickly pierced the rest through the creature's body, targeting its most vulnerable points through his technique.



Both the lower head and the Orc's pain roared simultaneously, creating sound waves, but nothing too surprising, just a bit intimidating as his chains were able to bind the Elite Mutant Orc.

"I'm in a bit of a hurry, so... die for me." Saying this, he began to drain the HP of the Elite Mutant Orc while the shadow clones used chains to do the same.

No matter how strong the defense or how high the HP of the Elite Mutant Orc was, once the 'Life Drain' skill was used, none of that mattered much.

The elite miniboss's HP dropped and soon depleted.

[You gained 730,550 EXP!]

[You obtained <Soul Stone - Rank A+> x1]

[You obtained <Recovery Potion - Rank B+> x4]

[You obtained <Skill Book: Iron Vitality - Rank A> x1]

[You obtained <Orc Meat - Rank A> x3]

[You obtained <Devastating Saw Blade - Rank A> x1]

[You obtained 600,000 ryō]

When he picked up the sword, although it was good, reality proved to be as he had imagined. Besides having a level 90 restriction, it also had a strength requirement of 200.

||- Note -||

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