Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

17. Years [5]


Note: Hello, everyone! Thanks for saying to me the discord invite expired (which is a curious thing since I made it unlimited but anyway), new link:, thanks for the attention as always! Nyahahaha!



The sound of swords colliding was heard through the field they were fighting, Kakashi had activated his Sharingan and parried with Naruto's attack.

''Your Kenjutsu has improved, good job!'' Kakashi praised as they traded blows, Naruto was on the losing end but purely because his physical strength was lacking compared to the white-haired man.

The blue-eyed boy maintained his silence before retreating while, he gathered Chakra in his sword before doing hand signs at extreme speeds with only one hand and saying in an almost inaudible tone ''Fuuton: Kazekiri no Jutsu! (Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique!)"

Waving his sword, Naruto threw a blade of Wind towards Kakashi, that nodded in satisfaction after seeing the attack that his younger brother sent 'Good improvement, Naruto, managing to use that Jutsu without requiring a War Fan, only a normal sword!' he thought before flickering away as he dodged the attack.

Doing hand signs, Kakashi inhaled before saying ''Katon: Goukakyuy no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!)''

A big wave of Fire came out of his mouth, it was akin to a big Fireball that headed towards Naruto, that thought 'I won't have enough time to do the required hand signs to block it with Suiton... I'll dodge!'

Flickering away in an instant, Naruto sighed after seeing that he avoided the Jutsu but suddenly, the air around him shifted slightly, closing his eyes, Naruto felt that Kakashi was just behind him, turning around, the blue-eyed boy kicked but the white-haired man blocked it.

'Naive...' Kakashi thought before stopping his sword just an inch from Naruto's neck ''You lost, Naruto.'' he said but the boy just smiled slightly and with a puff, he disappeared while leaving Kakashi there, looking around for his traces

'A Kage Bunshin? Testing the waters, good job!' he thought while feeling proud of his younger brother.

Meanwhile, Naruto was hidden behind a bush, looking patiently towards Kakashi, he had hidden his Chakra signature already, they had fought for 10 minutes already, most think that a fight between high-leveled Shinobi take long but it's the opposite, between people of these level, a fight can end in just a single

'As I thought, even though my Chakra reserves are already higher than nii-san, he's just stronger than me physically and his proficiency with Ninjutsu is extremely higher, he has access to quite a few A-Rank Jutsus, his experience is higher than mine, I'll need to do something that can surprise him...'

The blue-eyed boy thought before he took a few Kunai from his pouch, these were different, they had a small part made of wood in their handle, he connected them all through a wire before throwing them towards Kakashi, that noticed the Kunai flying towards him at high speeds, he prepared to dodge but something unexpected happened, just as they were near him, the Kunai suddenly moved and hit each other.

All Kunai fell to a different part of the ground, however, they all fell extremely near Kakashi, that stood there confusedly, he wasn't sure how this would help Naruto, suddenly, he felt the air shifting as the blue-eyed boy appeared just beside him and slashed his sword diagonally downwards.

Just as Kakashi raised his sword slightly to parry with Naruto's attack, the blonde boy suddenly disappeared without a trace, Kakashi instincts alerted him of danger behind him so he quickly turned around while sending a powerful kick.

Naruto had appeared just in the place the Kunai previously was and before Kakashi's leg could reach him, he disappeared again and started picking the Kunai up before throwing them all towards Kakashi, that skillfully dodged ''This Jutsu... isn't it Hiraishin?!'' he said in shock but couldn't say more as Naruto did a basic hand sign.

Blue-colored Lightning gathered on both palms, at first sight, one would notice it as the Jutsu 'Raiton: Kaminari Tenohira (Lightning Release: Lightning Palm)' and so did Kakashi, however, he felt something was different about it, the white-haired man couldn't understand what he was so he prepared himself for what was about to come.

'Hiraishin: Ni no Dan! (Flying Thunder God: Second Step!)' Naruto thought to himself before teleporting just beside Kakashi, that noticed his movement and quickly retreated but still couldn't avoid the incoming attack 'Raiton: Mahi Shokku! (Lightning Release: Paralysis Shock!)' the blue-eyed boy thought before suddenly pushing his hands forward, Lightning flowed out of his hands and went towards Kakashi.

The white-haired man almost dodged it but the attack still hit him and paralyzed his body, by the time he was released, Naruto's sword was already an inch from his neck, the boy smiled happily ''You lost, nii-san!''

Just as he was about to remove the sword from Kakashi's neck, the white-haired man suddenly became a chunk of wood, Naruto couldn't react in time as a sword was already at his neck, sighing, the boy admitted defeat.

''You surprised me, Naruto, what was that Raiton that you used? Also, how did you learn Hiraishin? This was supposed to be hidden from you!'' Kakashi scolded the blue-eyed boy before realizing it ''Oh, you learned it the same way you did with Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, didn't you?''

Smiling slightly, Naruto nodded ''Not my fault I'm so good at sneaking around, besides, it's not like I'm not allowed to learn it, it's my inheritance, after all. But I swear that aside from the Fuuinjutsu that you allowed me to learn, I didn't learn any other technique, I'm waiting for you to teach me them!''

He said before adding ''I'm eager to learn the Rasengan, I'm pretty sure it fits me since I have a monstrous amount of Chakra, just like the Hiraishin fits me, when I use the Hiraishin, it's like the Technique is an extension of my body, not like Chakra, it's more as if it just helps me with something, I'm not sure!''

Naruto was slightly confused since always that he used it to train and now to fight against Kakashi, he decided to brush that aside.

Just then, Kakashi said, his face unusually serious ''Naruto, what I'm going to say, you can't forget, the Hiraishin was the most famous Jutsu from your father, if you ever fight, try not to use it, if someone recognizes the Jutsu, they'll quickly relate you to your father and know your identity.''

He said before continuing ''It's true that you're very strong but if the enemies of your father discover about you while you're not at your full potential, they'll hunt you before you can grow more in strength, just so that you have a comparison, I'm still at the strength of an Elite Jounin yet even after being surprised, I could still win against you.''

''This was a friendly fight between us, if this was a true battle, you would be dead at the moment your enemy had his sword in your neck, so, if you ever meet an opponent that you cannot beat without using Hiraishin and the element of surprise, you can run, as long as you can live, it doesn't matter!''

''Your current strength is just under the strength of an ordinary Jounin, your current strength is slightly above my expectations, you're above the strength of a Chuunin but still under Jounins, this because you still haven't reached your full growth potential which generally starts at 12 year old and generally ends at 17 or 18 year old, some unusual ones only stop at 21, the time where they become complete adults!''

Kakashi said before taking a deep breath, Naruto nodded ''Don't worry, nii-san. I know that I'm strong but not enough, I just need to become stronger!'' he said, his face was also unusually serious.

'My cute otouto is so young yet he's mature enough to understand my point, I'm so proud! My cute otouto has grown up already!' The white-haired man thought while wiping the invisible tears that fell from his eyes before saying ''It's good that you understand that!''

Meanwhile, an explosion was heard at the Uchiha estate, a masked man with long hair and a certain man with a bandage covering his right eye appeared in front of it.

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