Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

2. Naruto Uzumaki [2]

2 years passed since the people from the village started to hate me, people said I was smart because I started to talk and walk when I was 5 months old and 7 months old, they all loved me, I liked the orphanage before that happened, but.. why did they start to hate me? I didn't do anything!

I'm just 3 years old but I can notice the difference between me and the other kids, they find things like fart and sweat things fun but I only see it as stupidity, I got to know that I'm very smart compared to people that age, I started to hate humans, hate them for what they did to me.

But I didn't hate them all, not all of them were bad! I met a kind old man, he said his name is Hiruzen Sarutobi, after a few weeks, I discovered he's the Hokage, I wonder why the Hokage himself would be so kind to me, it's different from those that had that strange, bad aura around them when they looked at me, I got used to calling him Grandpa, it was one of the few moments I felt... alive, the few moments I felt like I wasn't a monster, I felt that I was human.

It's raining today and the matron kicked me out of the orphanage again, I got used to the extreme pain they did to me, when I turned 3 years old, the regeneration went up, probably because of 'Chakara', something like that, I had stolen books and read them for a bit, I even got to know some of the important people of the past.

I admired one of them the most, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, I don't get why I admire him, his face just feel... familiar to my own, it was as if he's my... family, it didn't take me long before realizing something, he is my family, why did Grandpa hide this from me? I didn't know it but I can see Grandpa loves me, he's not doing it with bad intention.

I'm just... tired, the pain and hate that was targeting me for no reason, I'm hungry, I don't have anything to eat most of the time because I can only eat with Grandpa two days a week, the days he's free from work, I have to endure all the pain and hunger during 5 days, my regeneration also makes me extra hungry.

Just as I was walking through the streets of the village, I smelled something good, it attracted me as I saw a sign that said 'Ichiraku Ramen', even if the owners of it were going to hit me as always, I could at least try, right?

Popping my head from the side of the stall, I looked over and saw a bowl filled with a strange food I've never seen, smokes rising from it, then, the eyes of the owner met with my own, I felt scared, was he going to hit me too? For looking at him with my eyes?

What I was expecting didn't happen as the owner looked at me with kind eyes before saying ''Boya, come here, you must be hungry, right?''

I looked at him before pointing to myself, the owner nodded as I went with trembling steps, ready to run if he tried to do something ''Here, this is Ramen!'' he said while putting up a bowl on the table, I had to jump to sit on the chair before looking at it.

My stomach growled as if it was trying to tell him and the young lady at the side, she was similar to him, probably his daughter ''Thanks!'' I said with a smile, I couldn't smile genuinely when it wasn't to my Grandpa so I trained it, I had to act in a childish even if I was mature compared to others, then, I started to devour the food, hot as it was.

This... this is delicious, how can something be so good? This is even better than the fish that Grandpa always grilled, so delicious!

I started to devour the strange food named 'Ramen' and before I knew, the bowl was empty, then, I realized something, I don't have money, looking at the old Owner and his daughter, I said, accidentally stuttering ''I have no m-money to p-pay...''

''Don't worry about this...'' The owner daughter, that I'll call young lady, put her hands forward, towards my face, I unconsciously flinched, closing my eyes, I waited for the slaps that I always received, even if I was accustomed to the slaps, to the punches and to the cuts I received, I didn't like it.

However, the pain I was expecting didn't come as the young lady started to pat my head, opening my eyes, I noticed that her eyes were filled with sadness and sorrow after noticing that I flinched... I did a mistake, now she won't let me eat here anymore, right...?

Looking at me with warm, gentle eyes, the young lady said ''You're just like her...''

Something snapped inside me as I realized, by her, she could only mean my mother, I looked expectantly at her, my hopes rising ''Y-You know my mother?!''

Not only the young lady but also her father was shocked, as if realizing they made a mistake, this could only mean they truly know my mother ''Please tell me who my mother was, I know my father, he's the Fourth Hokage, I'm like a copy of him even if he's dead, at least my mother should be alive, right?'' I said, despite knowing the sad truth, my mother wasn't alive, if she was, I wouldn't be in the orphanage.

The old owner sighed before saying ''My child, I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it but today food will be free, what do you think?'' I felt sadness devouring my mind, why? Why can't he tell me about it? I... I don't deserve even to know my mother? What did I do to deserve such pain? Why people hate me?

Even with those questions and the growing hate towards the bad villagers that treated me like this, I still smiled, there were only three people that were kind to me since I could think about it, Grandpa, the old Owner and his daughter, I felt a bit happy ''Ok, thanks for the food!'' I said before going away, the rain soaking my clothing with its cold water.

I went to the orphanage and sneaked in a small room filled with dust and then, I went to the tattered bad, it was uncomfortable but it was still something, I then nodded to myself, I'll talk with Grandpa.

With tears dripping down my cheeks after accepting the truth that my mother isn't alive, I closed my eyes, sleeping.

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