Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

74. Tsunade Senju [4]

Around 13 years ago, Kakashi's house.

A white-haired teenager stood there, crying while washing his hands over and over again, in his eyes, there was endless blood on his hands and every time he washed them away, they would return.

''N-No!'' The white-haired teenager kept muttering as his mind was breaking ever so slightly.

''Why? Why doesn't that blood go away? Why? Why?'' He asked himself as more tears dripped down his cheeks, Kakashi just couldn't let go of his past, his losses, his mistakes.

Despite knowing deep down it wasn't his fault, the white-haired teenager couldn't stop blaming himself as he asked himself.

Are Ninjas worth of Forgiveness?


''Yaaawn... Yesterday sure was a good one, drinking and beating, this reminds me I still haven't beaten that brat...'' Tsunade slowly opened her eyes while yawning before muttering to herself.

Looking for something in the distance, Tsunade thought with a bit as a wave of sadness hit her 'Running away, eh? Maybe that brat is correct, I keep running away from the past... The old man died, if I was there... Maybe things wouldn't go that way. Maybe he wouldn't pass away alone, he would've passed away knowing I was here with him.'

'Reviving the dead... My loved ones should be resting somewhere good, interrupting them surely wouldn't be a good idea.' Tsunade suddenly thought of that before deciding on something, standing up and changing her clothes, the blonde woman went towards Jiraiya's room before knocking continuously.

Haku opened the door and saw it was Tsunade, without second thoughts, the feminine-looking youngster stepped aside and let the blonde woman enter, never would he block the way of that incarnated woman '...She's scarier than Sakura' he thought as fear flashed in his eyes.

''Oi, Jiraiya, wake up.'' Tsunade said while slapping Jiraiya's face till the man woke up and felt the burning pain at each side of his face.

Feeling that the man had finally wakened up, a beautiful smile appeared in Tsunade's face as she said: ''I have a plan...''

Somehow, after seeing that smile, Jiraiya shuddered.

A few hours later, Tsunade could be seen in an open field along with Orochimaru and his ''loyal'' assistant Kabuto, looking at the blonde woman, the Snake Weirdo said with a snake-like smile ''Oh, Tsunade, you did come, eh? Same deal, you'll heal my arm, I'll revive Nawaki and Dan.''

With a look of ''regret'', Tsunade suddenly said: ''Ah, Orochimaru! I would really like that but unfortunately, I can't, you see, my Medical Ninjutsu can't cure someone of their own weirdness!''

'That doesn't seem like something Tsunade would say...' Narrowing his snake-like eyes, Orochimaru thought when suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded behind him.

''Wondering why it doesn't sound like me? Because it isn't me!'' Tsunade said before descending her fist in the ground as it started cracking, multiple parts of it separated, as for the Tsunade that was talking, a puff of smoke was heard before Naruto appeared in 'her' place.

''Yo, we met again, Snake Weirdo! As for you, Kabuto, I guessed you were a spy but man, to think it was true! I guess we'll have to fight, right?'' Naruto said with his trademark smile but even that couldn't hide his cold eyes.

Jiraiya, Haku and Karin also entered the play as the white-haired pervert said while gritting his teeth: ''Orochimaru, you killed our sensei! Have you lost any sense of humanity? I'll have to stop you here and now!''

'She's indeed strong as heck, lucky me that after provoking her, I immediately left, sorry, Ero Sennin!' Even Naruto couldn't help but feel an ounce of pity after seeing Tsunade's monstrous physical strength, that's something he only had when going full strength with Kurama's Five Tails Cloak.

Tsunade was hot-headed at the moment so she went with full strength towards Orochimaru, that could only dodge and in that single instant, Kabuto took his place and with chakra-filled hands, he touched Tsunade's left arm and right thigh as she fell to the ground but not before punching the grey-haired man's face.

''G-Gah! Not the muscles... my nerves?!'' Kabuto exclaimed before mobilizing his Chakra to heal himself and so did Tsunade as the fight went on, he managed to leave a bloodied wound on her arm after a moment of weakness.

Tsunade was paralyzed, blood, her blood, seeing the blood, her past traumas surfaced over her mind.

'A trauma, eh? A psychological shadow activated by the sight of blood, no wonder she ran away, she can't live as a Ninja if she can't endure blood. The only way to solve that is to give her something that can make her mind 'evolve', maybe making her feel safe. I know a way to do that.' Naruto thought before fighting against Kabuto in front of the paralyzed Tsunade.

''Aren't you going to prove that you're not a coward? That you're a worth person?'' Naruto said to the paralyzed Tsunade before doing a Rasengan and hitting Kabuto, that fell to the ground.

'He's regenerating, it's time, myself, play dumb and be tricked!' Naruto thought mischievously as suddenly, Kabuto attacked him with a Kunai, that he stopped with his bare hands.

Blood dripped down his hands as he said ''Then go and do that! Because you're someone that Ero Sennin trusts!'' suddenly, the Kunai mysteriously passed through his hands and hit his shoulder as Naruto fell to the ground 'unconscious'.

Looking at Naruto, Tsunade froze and Orochimaru took the opportunity as his mouth opened wide and a sword cut her chest but at this moment, Tsunade opened her frightened eyes and sent a solid kick to Orochimaru's face.

'Her hands... they're not trembling anymore!' Orochimaru thought as Tsunade smiled before saying: ''You won't come even near that boy, Orochimaru! This is... because he's a member of Konohagakure and I'm... the Fifth Hokage!'' [1]

[1] Hello, I didn't want to go past everything the anime because it would go down the exact path as the cannon except that Karin and Haku would be aiding Jiraiya and Tsunade, as such, I'll end the 'Tsunade Search' arc here and go directly to Konoha and then, Naruto, Jiraiya, Karin and Haku adventures.


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