Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

89. Raiga Kurosuki [3]

'Raiga Korusuki, a former member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist... He'll be a good opponent for the brats, principally for Naruto. I bet that brat will ask so that I and Haku deal with everyone else, ugh...' Jiraiya thought while scratching the back of his head.

''Nee nee, Toad, can you let me fight that Raiga Kurosuki? Since he was nicknamed as 'Thunder of the Hidden Mist' and was one of the strongest Shinobis there, I'm sure that he'll be able to keep up with me in my base strength!'' Naruto said with an excited smile, his thirst for battle increasing as the minutes passed.

'This brat... I won't even reject, the last time I did that, he blackmailed me saying that he'll burn anything I talk with the ladies. This little twat...' Jiraiya thought grudgingly, he didn't take Naruto threats seriously last time and ended up getting all of his talks with the ladies burned up.

''Fox, don't be like that. As the Group Leader, I allow you to fight with Raiga Kurosuki, may you have luck and absolutely destroy him!'' Jiraiya said in a cringe manner but his voice was full of seriousness. Haku could barely contain his laughter but after struggling, he finally managed to hold his laughter back.

''Now, listen up because I'm serious... We're going to attack Raiga Kurosuki's headquarters directly so while you deal with him, I'll be dealing with half of his lackeys while Rabbit will deal with the other half.'' Jiraiya said with utmost seriousness. Despite his usual shameless, perverted personality, after going to the underground forces, it was as if he became a completely different person.

Jiraiya nodded after noticing the aura around Naruto and Haku becoming serious before he said: ''We're already near his base, are you seeing this village? It doesn't have a specific name, it's only nicknamed as 'Raiga Village'. Fox, you'll attract Raiga Kurosuki outside the Village while I and Rabbit will deal with the rest.''

The blonde teenager didn't say anything as the air shifted slightly. An instant later, Naruto had already disappeared while concealing his Chakra Signature, flickering through the houses of the Village while occasionally observing the situation of the humans living there.

'They're like slaves... Living in precarity, from their rough hands, probably forced to do a job that their body just isn't strong enough to do...' Naruto analyzed the situation while infiltrating through the shadows. Already detecting where Raiga Kurosuki was, he flickered and within an instant, he was already in front of the man.

However, Raiga Kurosuki seemed to have detected his arrival as a bolt of Lightning was thrown towards Naruto. Barely dodging as he wasn't prepared, the blonde teenager jumped to the side, just to be greeted with a sword slash.


Naruto's forehead had a bit of sweat, due to his carelessness, he almost died. Narrowing his light blue-colored eyes, Naruto ran away towards the Forest that was outside the Village, Raiga Kurosuki quickly ran after him while throwing Lightning towards him: ''You want to run? That won't happen, no one that ever tried to hunt me ever left alive!''

''There's a first time for anything.'' Naruto said in a playful tone after noticing they were both in the Forest.

''There's also a first time for death and you'll be experiencing it.'' Raiga Kurosuki said with a cold smile before raising the two fang-like Swords and bringing them together: ''Raiso: Ikazuchi no Utage! (Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning!)"

Bzzzzzzzt! Rumble!

Sound of Thunder and Lightning rang as a yellow-colored Lightning shot towards Naruto through the air. Sensing the attack immediately after it was launched, Naruto didn't lose time before doing a single hand seal: ''Suiton: Suijinheki! (Water Release: Water Formation Wall!)''

Water erupted from the ground, blocking the incoming Lightning. However, Naruto wasn't done and wanted to dictate the fight rhythm as he quickly flickered behind Raiga Kurosuki and sent a punch enhanced by Chakra.

The long-haired man raised his Swords to block the punch and even though Naruto's fist hit the Sword, he was still sent crashing in a tree. Slowly retracting his fist, the blonde teenager noticed the blood that stained it 'He blocked it by using the sharp part, smart of him.'

Naruto was smiling wildly, a worthy opponent!

''Tanken no Dengeki! (Blitz of Daggers!)'' Naruto raised his hands as exactly twenty transparent blue-colored Daggers appeared in front of him, all connected by invisible Chakra Strings. Waving his hands, they pursed Raiga Kurosuki, who mysteriously could dodged all of the attacks as if he could predict them.

Frowning as Raiga Kurosuki was dodging all of his attacks while approaching him in a quick manner, Naruto was about to retreat when the long-haired man appeared right in front of him!

The sound of sword cutting through flesh was heard as Raiga Kurosuki's sword made a long wound on Naruto's chest. Flinching slightly due to the pain, the blonde teenager grunted while retreating.

After retreating, Naruto started to laugh in a crazy manner: ''HAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally a worth opponent, let's fight! HAHAHAHA!''

His laughter came to an abrupt end as his previously playful eyes became cold as ice, the apathetic expression plastered over his face would scary any sane person. At the moment, Naruto's expression was of someone insane, as if he was a machine without an ounce of feelings.

Raiga Kurosuki felt something was wrong and quickly ran towards Naruto while dodging all of the daggers that were pursuing him. Silently thanking Ranmaru because without the boy, dodging these Daggers would be incredibly hard, he advanced.

When he was just a few meters away from the blonde teenager, he saw Naruto slowly raising his hand and doing a simple hand sign. Feeling a sense of dread covering his whole body, he immediately retreated but it wasn't in time.

Raiga Kurosuki was paralyzed by some sort of liquid, the blonde teenager tapped with the sole of his feet on the ground, sounds of water droplets hitting the ground was heard as a voice devoid of emotions came out of Naruto's voice: ''Suiton: Mizu no Ryoiki... (Water Release: Domain of Water...)"


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