Naruto Time Control

Chapter 282: Level of the Six Paths!

"Damn it..."

The first Raikage tensed visibly, watching Madara's actions.

Although it was unclear what exactly Madara was up to, it surely won't lead to anything good.

They can't let Madara succeed!


Before the First Raikage made a move, the Fourth Raikage was the first to rush towards Madara.


"No matter if you're Uchiha Madara or someone else, be prepared to face the consequences if you dare to hurt my brother!!!"

The fourth Raikage, bathed in Lightning attribute chakra, walked up to Madara in the blink of an eye and punched him with his fist.

Madara looked at him blankly, not even raising his hand to protect himself.


The Fourth Raikage's fist froze in midair before reaching Madara's body. It was as if he had encountered an extremely hard and solid invisible barrier.

The Fourth Raikage felt a shock when he felt someone grab his fist. He resisted with all his might, but he could not shake off this invisible force.


The Raikage roared furiously and kicked in Madara's direction.

But his foot also abruptly froze in mid-air, missing its target.

Crack! Crack! Crack!!!!

The interlocking lightning arcs crackled fiercely on the Fourth Raikage's body, but he still could not advance a single millimeter.

Under the gaze of numerous ninja.

Madara took a step forward, reached out and squeezed the Fourth Raikage's neck, then slowly lifted him into the air and said casually, "Looks like you want to dance too?"


A figure shrouded in black lightning appeared behind Madara and struck him violently.

This was the first Raikage.

Madara threw the Fourth Raikage towards the First Raikage. In the next instant, they collided and fell together.

"Stop him!!!"

The First Raikage, falling with the Fourth Raikage, exclaimed loudly.

With his shout, the Kumogakure ninjas finally reacted, beginning to use a variety of ninjutsu and throwing them in Madara's direction.


Madara stood there, oblivious to these attacks.

The Rinnegan cast an invisible pulse.

Whether it was Fire, Lightning, shuriken or kunai, with explosive seals attached to them, everything froze in mid-air a few meters away from Madara, as if it had hit an invisible barrier.


At this point, the Hachibi's massive body had completely transformed into chakra and was being rapidly drawn into Gedo Mazo's mouth, along with the Kyubi chakra of the Gold and Silver brothers.

Seeing this, whether it was the First Raikage, the Fourth Raikage or Minato, everyone involuntarily felt a shiver run down their spines.

This is bad!

Very bad!!!

Although it was unclear exactly what would happen next, they instinctively felt that it would be something extremely terrible.

The moment the Hachibi's chakra and some of the Kyubi's chakra were absorbed, the chakra of all the Bijuu finally came together.

Gedo Mazo opened his eyes and let out a terrifying roar.


Due to the terrifying flash of chakra that accompanied this roar, the rock was covered with many cracks and shattered, causing Gedo Mazo to collapse downward.

After receiving chakra from the nine Bijuu, Gedo Mazo began to recover at great speed. The lifeless golem became a living being in the blink of an eye.

The body, which previously resembled a hard tree, began to writhe as if it were alive.


Madara smiled slightly and immediately jumped off the cliff into the ruins of Kumogakure, not intending to linger for even a second.

He immediately folded his hands in front of him and a great stream of power burst forth from the Rinnegan.


Gedo Mazo, still in the process of recovery and spewing a large amount of chakra that terrified everyone present, headed towards Madara.

The Jubi's gigantic body turned into a stream of chakra and entered Madara's body.

After a few moments, the Jubi disappeared completely and Madara slowly stepped forward.

The black hair waving in the wind began to turn white rapidly from the roots, and the red armor of the Age of the Fighting Kingdoms fell to the ground, replaced by the white robe of the Six Paths formed from chakra.

Black magatamas appeared on the cloak.

In the air behind him, black spheres began to appear one after another, until their number reached nine.

Madara extended his right hand to the side.

One of the Orbs of the Quest for Truth shot out towards his hand and began to rapidly change shape, soon becoming a black staff.

Madara closed his hand over the black staff.

Ding, ding, ding.

The black rings located at the top of the staff collided with each other, emitting a soft sound that spread silently throughout the battlefield.


Uchiha Madara stopped and gently placed the staff on the ground.

A silence ensued.

As he watched the changes happening to Madara, whether it was the Fourth or the First Raikage, everyone present suddenly tensed.

Instinctively they felt terror.

Minato looked grimly at the staff in Madara's hands.

Almost immediately he came to the conclusion that this staff was formed by the fusion of at least four chakra attributes.

But what's much more important.... This strange statue seems to have absorbed the chakra of all previously captured Bijuu!

Combined with the newly absorbed Hachibi chakra and a portion of the Kyubi chakra of the Gold and Silver brothers, almost all the power of the nine Bijuu was gathered.

And this power was now absorbed by Madara.

"This is bad..."

Minato felt a shiver run down his back.

Although it's unclear exactly what state Madara was currently in, what he managed to feel was absolute horror, far beyond any ninja!


At that moment, the Fourth Raikage recovered from his shock, unleashed arcs of lightning and charged at Madara with a furious roar.

Pushing his speed to the limit, the Fourth Raikage appeared above Madara in the next instant and kicked downward with all his might, aiming to crack his skull.


Madara seemed to pay no attention to the Fourth Raikage at all. One of the truth-seeking balls quickly flew up and formed a small dome over his head.

The Fourth Raikage's fierce blow landed directly on this dome.

There were no loud noises.

Upon contact with the dome, the Fourth Raikage's leg began to rapidly disappear, starting from the foot and ending at mid-thigh.

The Fourth Raikage's eyes snapped open, showing a sharp shock. In the next instant, he tensed violently and with a loud roar, turned his body to the side, interrupting the collision with that terrifying black dome.


The fourth Raikage collapsed on the ground next to Madara.

Madara still paid no attention to the Fourth Raikage and didn't even counterattack, but instead raised his hand in front of him, clenched his palm into a fist and whispered, "Finally!"

"This is the power of the ... Sage of the Six Paths?"

At this moment, Madara clearly felt the seemingly endless amount of chakra and power that was like an abyss inside his body.

In Madara's indifferent and unperturbed eyes, a hint of emotion finally appeared, it seemed that his power was limitless and his chakra was inexhaustible.

This is the power of the Sage of the Six Paths.

A power that is above the whole world!

Everything had been carefully planned during the time of Rinnegan's awakening, and now, finally, this moment had arrived.... No one else can stand in his way!

This is the end.

The whole world belongs to him!

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