Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 126: The first mission after becoming a Jonin

After Liu Yu became a jonin, she didn't have much free time left. Soon, Liu Yu welcomed her first mission after becoming a jonin.

The fundamental reason why the Ninja World War broke out was because of the issue of interest distribution.

In addition to the subsidies from their respective countries, the only source of income for the major ninja villages is the commission tasks issued by the client. It can be said that the number of commission tasks determines the development potential of a ninja village.

The more commission tasks there are, the more income the village will have. The village can use these incomes to expand the enrollment scale of the ninja school, or adopt more war orphans to expand the power of the village.

The stronger the village is, the more commission tasks the village can obtain, and the more income it will get, thus forming a virtuous circle.

In later generations, one of the reasons why Luo Sha chose to cooperate with Orochimaru's Sound Village in an attempt to destroy Konoha was that Konoha was too strong. The powerful Konoha even made many people from the Wind Country run to Konoha to issue commissions.

In this case, the daimyo of the Wind Country also cut the funds given to the Sand Village, forcing Luo Sha to use the Sand Gold Technique to seek development funds for the Sand Village.

Only by attacking Konoha can the Sand Village get a chance to develop. However, Luosha's goal was not achieved, and he was killed by Orochimaru.

As the winner of the Third Ninja World War, Konoha saw a huge increase in the number of clients who entrusted Konoha with commissions after the war.

Coupled with the commissions that had to be temporarily backlogged due to the war, it can be said that Konoha has been particularly busy in the past few days, and a large number of ninjas have been sent out to perform tasks.

In the case of a shortage of manpower in the village, Liu Yu, who has just become a senior ninja, will naturally not be left idle. However, because Liu Yu is already a senior ninja, she will no longer team up with Asuma and Hong to perform tasks. This time, the task will be performed by her alone.

"Is this the client of this mission?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of her who is dressed in gorgeous clothes, of medium build, and has a pair of thick eyebrows, Liu Yu thought to herself.

Liu Yu was looking at her client, and her client was also looking at Liu Yu. Seeing that Liu Yu was a little girl, she was very surprised.

"Ah? It's this little girl? Are you sure?"

Looking at Liu Yu's childish appearance, the client's face was full of distrust, and he hurriedly pulled over a staff member to ask.

"Mr. Bangri, please don't worry, Miss Liu Yu is our Konoha Village's jonin, and she is fully capable of protecting your life and the safety of your goods."

The staff at the task distribution office seemed helpless. The task clients were all ordinary people, and they naturally didn't know that ninjas cannot be judged by age. Although Liu Yu was very young, Liu Yu was indeed a formal jonin in Konoha.

"Jonin? Are you sure? Is your Konoha's jonin this little girl?"

Hearing the receptionist's explanation, the client still looked unbelievable and refuted loudly.

In his opinion, a jonin should be a mature and promising person, not a little girl like Liu Yu. A little girl like Liu Yu should now do the task of catching cats and pulling weeds. Letting such a little girl escort herself, there is no sense of security at all.

Hearing that the client was still so ungrateful, Liu Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the whole person exuded a faint murderous aura, locking the client in front of him.

As a famous assassination family, the Kusa Sen clan is very particular about the control of murderous aura. As the patriarch of this generation of the Kusa Sen clan, Liu Yu has been able to control his murderous aura very well. Liu Yu's murderous aura is only aimed at his client, and other people in the hall did not feel anything unusual.

Locked by Liu Yu's murderous aura, the client, who was called Mr. Bangri by the staff, was immediately stunned. The cold waves coming from behind him scared him so much that he dared not move.

"Mr. Bangri, don't worry, I will ensure the safety of your person and goods during the mission."

Standing behind the client, Liu Yu said coldly.

This sentence sounded fine to others, but when it fell into the client's ears, the client couldn't help but shudder.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt your ability. I believe you have the ability to protect my life and the safety of my goods."

Frightened by Liu Yu, the client knew that Liu Yu was not as harmless as she looked. He also knew that his words of underestimating the other party had angered the other party, so he quickly apologized and expressed his belief in Liu Yu's ability.

Seeing that the client no longer entangled with this issue, the staff member couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This little girl!"

As the person in charge of issuing tasks, the third generation old man naturally noticed Liu Yu's little action. Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head, and then raised his pipe and took two puffs.

Soon, Liu Yu followed the client to start her first mission after becoming a senior ninja.

Liu Yu's mission this time was a B-level escort mission. The mission details were to escort a jeweler and his goods from the Land of Fire to the Land of Red, and deal with robbers along the way and ninjas that might be sent by enemies.

The destination of this mission is the Land of Red. This Land of Red is a small country between the eastern part of the Land of Wind and the western part of the Land of Rivers, which means that this mission will cross the Land of Rivers.

The client of this mission is called Bang Rijian, a self-made jeweler. Through his hard work over the past few years, he has accumulated a considerable fortune.

Although there was a little conflict at the task commission office before, after getting along with each other for the past two days, Liu Yu found that this Bangri was actually a very nice person. The staff he works for are very kind, and he is also a good bodyguard. He takes everyone to eat and drink along the way.

If it weren't for the mission authorization letter stating that he might encounter a killer sent by his enemy, Liu Yu would almost feel like he was on vacation this time.

"The country of red?"

Liuyu sat on the top of the carriage transporting goods, looking thoughtful at the scenery passing by around him.

So far, in addition to the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Grass, I have also been to the Kingdom of the Moon and the Kingdom of Tang. As for this so-called Kingdom of Red, this is my first time to go there. Regarding this red country, Liu Yu had no impression either from the memory of his previous life or from the geographical knowledge he had learned in this life.

Before setting off on the mission, the information he received was only useless information such as "The Country of Red is a small country between the east of the Country of Wind and the west of the Country of Sichuan."

“Mr. Bangri, may I ask, where is the ‘Red Country’ the destination of our mission?”

After thinking about it, Liu Yu decided to ask. This country had traveled all over the country as a businessman, so he should have a good understanding of the customs and customs of various places.

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