Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 133: Cardo’s back-up plan!

"Mr. Bangri, do you know who you are borrowing money from this time?"

After Tsunade and Shizune walked out of the hotel, Ryūha immediately turned her attention to Kunichi and asked. She thought it would be better to make it clear first. If Tsunade didn't pay back the money by then, she would not be responsible.

"Is Miss Liuyu worried that she won't pay back the money?"

Seeing the solemn look on Liu Yu's face, Bang Riji didn't take it seriously. Instead, he sat down leisurely and continued his breakfast again.

"It's not that I'm worried, it's that she will definitely not pay back the money!"

Seeing Bang Riji's leisurely look, Liu Yu couldn't get angry at his client, so he could only reply helplessly. When Tsunade was traveling around various countries, apart from gambling, the most common thing she did was avoid debts.

"I know!"

Bang Ri took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"you know?"

Seeing that Bangri didn't care at all whether the money he lent could be recovered, Liu Yu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You call her 'Tsunade-sama'. If I guess correctly, she should be Tsunade-hime, one of the legendary Sannin in Konoha! After all, she often borrows money from wealthy businessmen in the Land of Fire. ”

Bang Riji explained calmly. After all, he is a well-travelled big businessman, and he still knows about this woman whose name is famous in casinos all over the world.

He also has many wealthy businessman friends, and he has heard from his friends about this woman from the Land of Fire who has accumulated huge gambling debts.

Just now, he was temporarily restrained by Tsunade's powerful aura and the surge in her chest. When he reacted, he quickly recognized the identity of the person in front of him.

"You know she won't pay back the money and you dare to lend it out?"

Liuyu was even more puzzled by Bang Riji's operation. Since he knew that the other party was a famous debtor, why did he still lend the money out? Was it to show that he had too much money to spend?

"Miss Liuyu, don't worry, even if Princess Tsunade doesn't pay back the money, I won't ask you for debt. If Princess Tsunade really doesn't pay back, the money will be regarded as my gift to make Princess Tsunade my friend."

After finishing breakfast, Bang Ri wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and spoke lightly.


Liu Yu was speechless. Is this the thinking of a rich man? I don't want the money in the two big boxes.

After the group finished breakfast, Bang Riji sent a bodyguard to take Miki Hejian to the government, and then the group set foot on the road to the Country of Red again.

After going deep into the country of Sichuan, Liu Yu could clearly feel that the security here was much better than in the border areas. The villages in the interior areas are not as shabby as those in the border areas, and the villagers are not as alert as they were when they first entered the country of Kawakawa. Most of the people who ask for a place to stay will not refuse.

In this way, the group of people walked slowly in the country of Sichuan, and Liuyu also saw a lot of the customs and customs of the country of Sichuan. Soon, the group arrived at the border between the Country of Sichuan and the Country of Red.

Unlike the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Sichuan, which is full of thieves, the border between the Country of Sichuan and the Country of Red is particularly peaceful. Perhaps due to the developed commerce of the Country of Red, the Country of Sichuan has several towns in this area. Seems particularly developed.

In the evening, Bang Riji and his party arrived at a border town in the Kingdom of Sichuan near the Kingdom of Red. As long as you cross this city, you can reach the country of red.

This time, Liuyu and his party did not stay again, but went directly to a jewelry building under the leadership of Bangrijian Company employees.

Because this town is located at the junction of the two countries and has been influenced by the mercantile business of the Red Country, its economy is very developed. Naturally, Bang Riji would not give up such a large market. He also opened a branch here, and one-third of the goods brought this time will be kept here.

The first and second floors of the building are the jewelry hall, and the floors above are used as staff dormitories and special purposes. Liu Yu and his party were arranged in the third vacant room.

"It's finally over!"

When he came to his room, Liu Yu muttered something in a low voice. Bang Riji's entrustment request is to escort him safely to the country of red, and she doesn't have to worry about the rest. When she reaches the Country of Red tomorrow, her mission this time will be considered completed.

Along the way, Liu Yu had not encountered any enemies other than a few groups of robbers who had stolen money. And every time, Liu Yu would torture the bandit leader to see if there was anyone behind them.

However, Liu Yu was disappointed. Those people were just ordinary robbers and were not specially ordered by anyone. The vigilant Cardo's backhand never appeared, which made Liu Yu wonder whether Cardo had given up on the assassination of Bang Riji.

It is possible that Cardo, a miser, was unwilling to pay the ninja's high commission and gave up on the assassination. After all, his main business now was shipping, and he did not want to have a fatal conflict with Bang Ri in the jewelry industry.

Although the mission was about to end, Liu Yu did not relax his vigilance and began to arrange necessary warning measures as usual. She didn't want her first mission after becoming a Jonin to fail at the end.

After arranging the security facilities, Liu Yu opened the curtains, leaned on the window sill and began to look at the people passing by on the street. Since the mission is about to end, Liu Yu seems to be relatively relaxed now.


At this time, two figures suddenly came into Liu Yu's sight. The two people who caught Liu Yu's sight were wearing taupe clothes and breathing masks.

"It's Amegakure's guy!"

Looking at the two people's foreheads with the famous four vertical lines on their foreheads, Liu Yu frowned.

Liu Yu was very familiar with the chakra fluctuations of these two people, because these two people were the two unknown ninjas whom Liu Yu ignored in the town where he met Tsunade a few days ago.

While there, because Ryuyu was worried that Cardo would send out subsequent killers, he sensed the possible presence of ninjas in the entire town, and it was also because of this that he discovered Tsunade and Shizune.

However, Liu Yu didn't pay much attention to the remaining two unknown ninjas at that time, because the chakra fluctuations coming from them were not strong. If those two people were Kado's back-up men, Liu Yu was confident that he could easily get rid of them.

During the subsequent journey, Liuyu would always sense possible ninjas in every town he visited. Except for these two people who were found in the eastern part of Kawano Country, these two people have never appeared before, which also made Liu Yu slowly forget about them. But unexpectedly, at the critical moment when the mission was completed, he ran into them again.

Liu Yu didn't think it was a coincidence that he met these two guys on both sides of the border of Kawa Country. If the two of them were originally going to the Red Country from the Kawa Country, then based on their ninja strength, they should have reached the Red Country long ago.

But they appeared here, and it looked like they were waiting for them here. Moreover, these two people also had a horizontal line drawn on their forehead protectors. This was a mark of rebellious ninja, but it was in line with Cardo's standards for hiring ninjas.

"Is this Kado's back-up plan?"

Looking at the two of them, Liu Yu thought to himself.


Just as Ryuyu was sizing up the two of them, one of the Amegakure ninjas felt Ryuyu's gaze, stopped and looked up at Ryuyu on the third floor.

Seeing the other party turning his head, Liu Yu turned his head away, not looking directly at the other party.


Seeing Liu Yu turning his head, the Amegakure ninja snorted coldly, then turned around and followed the other Amegakure ninja.

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