Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 135 Battle (please order first)

Before Liu Yu could get close, the purple-haired Yuyin Tei Nin took the lead and threw the hook sickle in his hand.


The hook pierced the air and attacked Liu Yu from the right side in an arc. When Liu Yu saw this, he threw the short blades of his hands across each other to resist the hook sickle.

"Ding Dong-----"

The short blade thrown by Liu Yu's left hand accurately hit the hook sickle thrown by the purple-haired Ame Hidden Ninja, causing it to deviate from its own trajectory. The short blade thrown by his right hand pointed directly at the opponent's heart.


The purple-haired rain rebel twitched his right hand, intending to pull back his hook, and at the same time, he turned sideways to avoid Liu Yu's short blade.

The purple-haired rain treason dodges sideways, watching the short blade fly past him. Suddenly, a faint flash of light shone into the eyes of the purple-haired Yuyin Ren. It was the cold light reflected by the thin steel wire under the moonlight.

"not good!"

The purple-haired rain treacherous ninja noticed this scene, and just when he was about to react, the short blade was already under the control of Liu Yu, turning and stabbing the purple-haired rain treasonous ninja in the back.

"Ding Dong-----"

A clear sound of metal sharp objects colliding was heard.

Ruiyu's sneak attack failed. The short blade operated by a thin steel wire was deflected by the shuriken thrown by the Amegakure ninja behind him. Not only that, the opponent also carefully threw a second shuriken to directly cut off the thin steel wire to prevent Ryūha from using it again.

"Don't underestimate each other!"

After helping his companions to eliminate the danger, another Amegakure ninja reminded him solemnly.


In response to the reminder from his companions, the purple-haired Yu Yintei Nin just snorted coldly. After the danger behind him was eliminated, when the purple-haired rain treacherous ninja pulled back his hook sickle, he also carefully cut the thin steel wire behind Liu Yu's other short blade.

"He has a lot of combat experience!"

Seeing that both of his short blades had their thin steel wires cut off, Liu Yu couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, any rebellious ninja who can jump around in the ninja world has two tricks of his own.

"Grass escape, Qianye's ultimate kill."

Liuyu changed his hands into different postures.

In an instant, countless broad blades of grass protruded from the ground. After the grass blades emerged from the ground, the tips of the blades separated under Liu Yu's control and attacked the two people not far away.

"Water escape, water formation wall."

While Ryuyu was forming the seal, the Amegakure ninja on the opposite side also began to form the seal simultaneously to perform defense. Aegakure Ninja spat out a huge stream of water, forming a thick wall in front of the two of them.


After countless leaf tips penetrated the water formation wall, they lost their forward momentum due to the huge resistance of the water.

While Qianye Jisha was being blocked, Zifayu Yintei Nin rushed forward, jumped high, and successfully crossed the water formation wall. While the person was still in mid-air, the purple-haired rain treasonous ninja threw his scythe towards Liu Yu on the ground again.


Looking up at the Goukama attacking from mid-air, Liu Yu changed the seal in his hand. Before the Hook Scythe attack could arrive, the grass blades that had just been summoned were folded together and woven into a shield, firmly protecting Liu Yu in the center.

"Ding Dong-----"

The Goukama hit the Qianye Liudun and made a sound similar to the collision of metal.

"Bamboo Escape, Dragon Tooth Thorn!"

As soon as Qianye Liu's shield was closed, Liu Yu changed his seal style again. Although Qianye Liudun blocks Liuyu's sight, Liuyu can still be familiar with changes in the outside world with his hidden perception ability.

As soon as the purple-haired rain fell on the ground, several sharp bamboos protruded from the ground, and the sharp bamboo tips attacked the purple-haired rain.

The purple-haired Yuyin Ren jumped backwards and dodged several sharp bamboos stabbed from the front. However, before the purple-haired Yu Yintei Nin who jumped backwards landed, several sharp bamboos protruded from the ground and stabbed from behind.

"Ding Dong-----"

The purple-haired rain treacherous ninja pulled the chain in his hand, and the hook was under control to wrap around the sharp bamboo that Liu Yu had summoned before. The purple-haired Yu Yintei Ren exerted another force, and his whole body flew forward under the influence of the chain, avoiding the sharp bamboo protruding from behind.

The purple-haired Rain Hidden Ninja jumped up and stood on the giant bamboo summoned by Liu Yu. Just when he was about to launch his next attack, more sharp bamboos protruded from the ground. For a moment, the purple-haired rain treasonous ninja was in trouble, and he was embarrassed to avoid Liuyu's attack on the sharp bamboo.

"Fire Escape Dragon Flame Sings!"

On the other side, the Amegakure ninja who used the Water Formation Wall saw that his companions were trapped in the siege of Liu Yu's bamboos. He just made a seal and used fire ninjutsu to attack Liu Yu, hoping to relieve the pressure on his companions. He has experienced a lot of battles, and he can tell at a glance that the weakness of Ryukyu Kusanagi ninjutsu is fire escape.

Four fire dragons flew out of the Amegakure ninja's mouth and attacked Qianye Liudun, who was protecting Liuyu.


The four scorching fire dragons collided with Liuyu's Thousand-Yellow Shield one after another. Under the high temperature, the water in the grass blades protecting Liuyu was quickly evaporated, causing large amounts of water vapor to rise. Then the grass leaves lose their moisture and turn brown, and then burn.

Qianye Liudun was attacked, and the sharp bamboos that appeared one after another also stopped attacking.

"Hoo ho!"

After Ruizhu's attack stopped, the purple-haired rain-hidden ninja stepped away from Ruizhu and came to the ground, taking two gentle breaths. When I looked again, I saw that there were more than ten colorful decorations on his body.

"Is it resolved?"

Looking at the burning haystack, the Amegakure ninja who had just performed the technique asked uncertainly.

The fire gradually extinguished and the water vapor slowly dispersed

"Earth escape, the art of beheading in the heart."

Suddenly, two thin hands stretched out from under his feet and firmly grasped his legs. With a sudden force, Amegakure's body was pulled to the ground, leaving only his head on the ground.

Before Zifa Yuyin could react to what was going on, countless tough bamboo stems protruded from the ground and tied him tightly. The purple-haired rain rebel subconsciously wanted to break free, but the more he struggled, the stronger the bamboo stems restrained him. Soon, the purple-haired rain rebel ninja was horrified to find that the bamboo stems wrapped around him began to suck his own chakra.

Seeing that both of them were restrained, Liu Yu appeared from the ground. The nemesis of grass style is fire style. This is something she has known for a long time. Now that she knows the weakness of her ninjutsu, she will naturally not stay under the Chiba Ryukyu shield and get bombed.

"it's over!"

Looking at the Amegakure ninja with only one head left on the ground, Ryūha said softly. He stretched out his right hand and summoned 'Mikazuki Munechika', intending to finish off the two of them completely.

"Do you really think it's over?"

Seeing the approaching cold light in Liu Yu's hands, the Amegakure ninja, who had only one head left outside, did not look too frightened. Instead, he asked Liu Yu in a cold voice.

Riuha ignored the Amegakure Ninja and just kept approaching the Amegakure Ninja. Finally, Liu Yu came to the front of the Amegakure rebel, and raised the long sword high with no expression on his face.

Looking at the sharp blade hanging above his head, a hint of fear finally flashed in the eyes of the Aegakure rebel.


The cold light pierced down.

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