Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 137 Farewell Gift

"It's over!" Liu Yu said coldly, looking at the purple-haired Rain Hidden Ninja covered in blood. It's unforgivable to let her tear open her scars again. After completely dealing with the two, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with fear. This time, I was still careless. I didn't expect that I would fall into the enemy's illusion. Thinking of this, Liu Yu couldn't help but look at the 'Three Days Moon Munechika' in his hand. There are generally two ways to remove illusions. The first is to disrupt the flow of chakra by yourself to break the illusion (such as the chakra accumulated by Deidara in his right eye). The second is to disrupt the flow of chakra by others to break the illusion. However, if there are two kinds of chakra in the body (such as Naruto's tailed beasts, Sasuke's curse seal, etc.), the illusion can also be broken. When Liu Yu realized that he was trapped in the illusion, he tried to solve the illusion by himself, but failed. Since he couldn't do it himself, he could only rely on others. However, Liu Yu didn't have teammates around him this time, and there was no such thing as a tailed beast in his body. It can be said that it is almost impossible for Liu Yu to remove the illusion this time. But there is always a way out. The Sankazuki Munechika in Liu Yu's hand may have sensed the danger of his master, and it began to move on its own, disrupting the flow of Liu Yu's chakra and helping Liu Yu to remove the illusion.

"Does the spirit sword protect the master?"

Looking at the crescent-shaped blade pattern on the blade, Liu Yu asked himself in doubt. Sankazuki Munechika seemed to have many secrets hidden in him!

Shaking his head, Liu Yu withdrew his thoughts and began to clean up the battlefield. After taking back his two short blades, collecting some spoils that would come in handy in the future, and dealing with the bodies of the three people, Liu Yu began to return to the Jewelry Building.

This battle made Liu Yu realize his own shortcomings, and his ability to resist illusions was still too weak. If Sankazuki Munechika had not helped him to remove the illusion in time this time, he might have died in his first mission after becoming a jonin, becoming the first jonin to be killed after the Konoha War.

After returning to the Jewelry Building and removing the shadow clone, Liu Yu collapsed heavily on his bed. Fighting the two didn't take much effort, but everything in the illusion made Liu Yu feel tired.

She didn't want to recall all that.

The capital of the Red Country - Red Rock City.

There are tall buildings here, and the streets are crowded with cars and people. The crowds are like a tide. The shouts and hawking of all kinds are endless. The various commodities on both sides of the street make Liu Yu dazzled.

"Is this the so-called commercial capital? It's so prosperous!"

Looking at the lively scene in front of her, Liu Yu couldn't help but sigh. This is much more lively than Konoha.

"Haha! Miss Liu Yu, you came at the right time. These two days happened to run into the Red Country's biennial jewelry conference. Miss Liu Yu, you can meet jewelry tycoons from all over the country, as well as noble women from all over the country. It's not surprising to meet a few daimyo's wives or princesses."

Seeing Liu Yu sighing at the prosperity of the capital of the Red Country, Bang Rijian on the other side couldn't help but smile and join in.

When they set out this morning, Liu Yu had already told him that she had killed Kado's backer. After knowing that the killer had been solved, Bang Rijian naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, whether it was the betrayal of internal traitors or the appearance of various robbers, Liu Yu easily solved them. Now Bang Rijian is very fortunate that he hired Liu Yu to escort him to the Red Country this time.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the company established by Bang Rijian in the Red Country, Liu Yu stopped and did not intend to follow Bang Rijian in.

"Miss Liu Yu, you..."

Feeling that Liu Yu stopped, Bang Rijian, who was walking in front, also stopped his steps, turned around and asked in confusion.

"Since I have successfully arrived in the Red Country, my mission this time is over. Please allow me to..."

Standing in front of the gate, Liu Yu was ready to say goodbye to Bang Rijian and return to Konoha. Since the mission has been completed, there is no need to stay here any longer.

"Miss Liu Yu, the most important celebration of the Red Country has not started yet! Why not..." Seeing that Liu Yu was about to return, Bang Rijian hurriedly tried to persuade her to stay, intending to let Liu Yu leave after the Red Country celebration was over. "No need!" But before Bang Rijian finished speaking, Liu Yu shook her head to refuse. Perhaps because of the illusion last night, Liu Yu now wanted to find a quiet place to stay alone. "That's really a pity!" Seeing that Liu Yu was determined to leave, Bang Rijian shook his head regretfully. "In that case, I will give Miss Liu Yu a parting gift!" Bang Rijian said, while signaling his assistant with his eyes. After receiving the signal, the assistant quickly handed over a small box. "Gift?" Liu Yu was slightly stunned. It seemed that accepting a gift from an employer was not against the rules, but what gift did Bang Rijian plan to give her? Bang Rijian opened the small box in Liu Yu's puzzled eyes, and a flash of light flashed, and a necklace came into Liu Yu's eyes. It was a purple round gem necklace with a small square sterling silver pendant hanging on it, emitting a pure light, crystal clear color, sparkling in the sunlight.

Looking at the purple gem sparkling in the sunlight, Liu Yu knew that the purple gem necklace in front of him was not an ordinary item, even though he was not an expert. If he took it out to sell, it might be more than the commission for this mission.

"Isn't this too expensive?"

Liu Yu asked slightly nervously, is this the courage of a rich man? Such a precious gemstone necklace is actually given away as a gift.


Looking at Liu Yu's slightly nervous look, Bang Ri couldn't help but smile. Liu Yu had never shown such an expression even when facing the vicious robbers a few days ago. Unexpectedly, he gave this away, which made Liu Yu nervous.

"Don't worry, as a jewelry merchant, these are the things I don't lack most."

"This gem is said to have the effect of helping the wearer restore chakra, but I don't know exactly how. After all, I am not a ninja."

"This thing isn't of much use in my hands. It's better to hand it over to someone who is more suitable for it. Miss Liuyu, you are very suitable for it."

"These two days are the celebrations of the Country of Red. This time I am here. In addition to attending the jewelry conference, the other important thing is to expand my network. I think Miss Liuyu needs to make friends with you."

Seeing Liu Yu's slightly nervous look, Bang Riji smiled and explained his reason. As a self-made jewelry merchant, he has a keen sense of people and objects. He believed that Riuyu's future achievements would be no worse than Tsunade, one of the 'legendary three ninjas'.

"In that case, it would be disrespectful!"

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, Liu Yu couldn't refuse the other party's kindness anymore.

PS: Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone

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