Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 1012: , bring soil to attack!

"We're going to meet again, Mr. Watermen West."

Outside Konoha, Obito slowly emerged from the void. In the distance, Kushina had entered the altar of fire accompanied by Minato and a group of Anbu.

Through the eyeliner that Bai Jue left in Konoha before, he also mastered every move of Kushina and others, and now is the best time for Obito to subvert Konoha!

"Would you be too reluctant to bring the soil alone?"

Bai Jue also crawled out of the ground, "Namifeng Minato, after all, he is not an ordinary person!"

"Hehe, it is because he is my former teacher that I know more about his power!"

Obito said coldly, "Unfortunately, this is not a fair fight, and I am not the innocent me I used to be!"

"Good luck then."

Bai Jue smiled meaningfully and drilled into the ground again.

Soon, Anbu, who was guarding outside the altar, was attacked from behind, and each of his former companions tore off their disguise and turned into hideous Bai Jue.

Just ten minutes later, Duo Ci, the leader of the dark army, was not spared, and was twisted by Obito himself, unable to even sound the alarm.

In the face of the ability of Obito to incarnate, this powerful Kamijin can be described as quite embarrassed to die.

"They're so weak, Minato-sensei."

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Obito was still expressionless, "I am so powerful now that no one can stop me today!"

"Quick, Minato's son is about to be born!"

Bai Jue skillfully devoured all the corpses, "By the way, the people from Xiao Organization seem to be here too."

"Hehe, let them watch carefully, how did I control the nine tails and destroy Konoha!"


In the dark sealed space, the nine tails, who were nailed to the core by countless wooden stakes, let out an angry roar, and seemed to sense the timing, trying to break free from the chains on his body.

And with its troubles, Kushina's Kushina in the room screamed even more tragically.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Hold on, the head is already out, hurry up and bring hot water over here!" Sarubi Biwako, who turned into a midwife, was also sweating profusely.

Even the original Uzumaki Mito, the seal almost came loose when she gave birth.

Once there is a problem with the strength of the pillars, everyone present will probably lose their lives.

"I'm coming!"

The Anbu ninja who started the attack brought hot water, only Minato was anxious, "Come out, Naruto, don't come out of the nine tails!"


Finally, in the breath of Kushina's collapse, the protagonist of this world loudly announced his arrival.

Minato looked at his son eagerly, with a pinch of sparse yellow hair and three fox lines on his face, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

"Hahaha! It's a big fat boy!"

"Quick... let me see him."

Kushina looked at Naruto in front of him dotingly, leaving tears of emotion.

"Mother and son are safe, the seal of the nine tails must be secured as soon as possible!"

The seal caused by the hesitant childbirth loosened, and Nine Tails was still struggling frantically in Kushina's body, making her extremely painful.

Minato had to temporarily hand Naruto over to Lake Biwa, seal his hands, and engraved his own art on the original seal.

However, it was at this moment that Obito suddenly emerged from the darkness, and the sharp Kunai instantly penetrated Lake Biwa's chest!


Lake Biwa fell into a pool of blood in an instant, Obito pushed Kunai in front of Naruto, and his scarlet Sharinyan stared coldly at Minato, who was stunned in the distance!

Everything is almost exactly the same as the original time and space.

When Konoha was at its weakest, Obito's appearance had devastating results.

"Take your hand off the seal." Obito said coldly.

"Who are you? Let go of Naruto!"

Kushina roared and sat up, while Minato stared at the masked black-robed man in front of him, especially the Sangouyu in his eyes.

This turned out to be a Uchiha clan? !

And the way this guy appeared was also some kind of space ninjutsu.

Seeing that there was no movement outside the house, Minato's heart sank again.

Duo Ci and the others who are guarding outside... must also be miserable!

"Hehe, it seems that you don't care about your son's life or death, Namikaze Minato."

Obito didn't talk much, he directly threw Naruto into the air, and he would stab the future son of prophecy to death with one jump.

How could Minato wait for his death, save Naruto in the nick of time, and stand firmly on the wall.

"The golden glitter really lives up to its reputation, but what are you going to do now?"

Everything was as expected by Obito, Minato's eyes widened, only to see that there was actually a detonating talisman above Naruto's swaddle? !

"You bastard!!"

With a loud "Boom", Minato was blown away with Naruto in his arms.

The space changes, and there is already a mess of Konoha behind the mountain.

In order not to affect Kushina, who is not far away, Minato activated the Flying Thunder God technique in an instant and took Naruto back to the usual training place, and tore off the detonating talisman.

Standing up in embarrassment, Minato pulled out the sawdust shards stuck in his legs, his face turned ashen!

"The other party is obviously very aware of my abilities and doesn't give me a chance at all.

To force me away in this way, so the other party's purpose is actually Kushina... Oops! It's the nine tails in her body! "

"I've been called away from the mountain!"

Launching Flying Thor Minato placed the crying Naruto on the bed at home, "I'll save your mother now!"


Outside the altar of fire, Kushina, who had just given birth to Naruto, was controlled by Obito without any accident. His body was suspended in the air by black chains, and the seal on his abdomen escaped extremely unstable chakra.

Minato was transferred away, and all Anbu was resolved. At this moment, no one could stop Obito from liberating the Nine Tails!

"Stop it now, you lunatic! Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

A trace of orange-red nine-tailed chakra flowed out of Kushina's abdomen, and the latter suffered indescribable pain in the process.

In the sealed space, Nine Tails also clearly sensed the opportunity for liberation and struggled even harder.

With the collapse of the sealed planet, the chains turned into nothingness, and the thick wooden stakes were uprooted. The nine tails finally broke free and roared in the dark space!

"Come out, Kyuubi!"

With Obito's roar, an incomparably huge energy drilled out of Kushina's body and quickly transformed into its original appearance in the air.

The ferocious nine-tailed feet are on the ground, and the body is filled with a destructive aura, as if swearing that his power is unmatched.

Today, however, the Nine-Tails are destined to be just a tragic "tool beast". Before he could get swayed for a while, it was controlled by Obito, and the scarlet beast pupils in his eyes slowly turned into three-goose jade...

"Whitening is weak by three points, and blackening is twice as strong. You can control the nine tails with just a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. You are really a genius, Obito!"

At the altar of fire in the distance, a certain Bai Jue quietly transformed into a Yelong.

He returned to the room where Kushina was giving birth, looked at Lake Sarubi Biwa, who was lying on the ground, and a golden chakra slowly appeared on his fingertips...

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