Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 103: , the location of Longdi Cave

For the first time, he killed a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse and devoured the power of the Yasha instructor. Ye Long's whole body was lightly flickering with red light. The surging power strengthened this strength and spirit, giving Ye Long a great sense of satisfaction.

"What a powerful wind escape! I think I seem to be faster and more flexible!"

The strengthening of each attribute's control power will subtly improve the body. If a person has all the five attributes, even if he does not practice physical skills, his body strength will be very high.

If you can master the yin and yang escape, your body will naturally be stronger, and neither mental will nor chakra and resilience can be compared by ordinary people.

Of course, this is also the premise of controlling these powers. Obviously, Ye Long has a shortcut. Although it is slow, it is getting stronger almost without limit!

"Damn, how dare... how dare you use us as cannon fodder! After I go back, I won't be able to spare the guy who gave the order!"

After listening to Ye Long explain the cause and effect, Nightingale ruthlessly tore off her mask, her chest heaving violently with anger, and she cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.

Ye Long explained this mission once, and everyone knew that he had become a high-level cannon fodder. If it weren't for Ye Long's ability to run, even Shangren would have died!

Ye Long didn't say that he killed Instructor Nightingale, everyone just thought that he and Tru Xun died together.

Kuai Dao didn't say anything, but his eyes became colder and he held his own knife tightly.

"Thank you, boss."

In the end, Kuai Dao only said that as a civilian ninja without any backer, many things can only be suppressed in his heart.

The Overlord sighed, facing the truth of the mission of the man and the woman, he was shaken by his belief in becoming Anbu and honoring his ancestors, but the mission was also for Konoha, he is a hero, isn't he?

"Thank you for saving me."

There is no need to say too much between ninjas. At this stage, it is precarious, but with his character, he must have written it down.

"Then let's go back soon?"

Shinichi Hinata, who has always been naive, seemed a little irritable and had too many things to say to her family.

At this time, everyone was in a bad mood. They joined Anbu earlier than Ye Long. It was like a relationship cultivated in the army. Everyone knew each other and trained together. Although they were not a family, most of them recognized each other.

Who knew that a so-called trial mission would wipe out everyone? The robes of a few hours ago are still in ashes, and the cruelty of the ninja once again stabbed their still young and sensitive nerves.

Looking at the corpse of Instructor Yasha, the originally powerful and arrogant quasi-shadow powerhouse, and the broken corpse of their so-called "target" Tru Xun in the pit next to him, one could not help but feel a sense of sadness.

Although this task may not have been assigned by Instructor Yasha, as a teacher in a certain sense, this kind of behavior that makes them die is really unacceptable.

Even if they were told in advance why they died, they might be able to face it calmly!

Thinking of this dark mission, a thought popped up in their hearts.

Even a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse, without a background, is probably just a **** of a superior. I don't know when it will become a worthless victim, no matter how decent it is in life, it will be hard to survive in death!

If you don't want to become a numb weapon and fight in the dark, accept the fate that is arranged one day, and die in obscurity, then you can only try your best to become stronger, at least you can live more pursuits and die more valuable!

"Go and seal up their bodies and take them away. We leave here, Kiriyin and Iwanin don't know what's going on, but they shouldn't be too far away from us, so they must leave immediately."

Ye Long felt a slight vibration on the ground, and he knew that both sides had used powerful ninjutsu without feeling it.

However, Ye Long didn't plan to pick up the leak. The enemy he didn't kill would have no effect on Ye Long's devouring. Ye Long didn't want to be self-defeating.

The group left in a hurry, and after three hours they found a hidden place to hide.

After the desperate battle before, everyone was exhausted, and after carefully arranged the early warning and protection measures, they began to rest.

Ye Long was also exhausted, leaning on a huge rock to rest, closing his eyes and thinking about the next countermeasures.

Suddenly, a kind of spiritual power invaded his mind, and Ye Long was startled and heard the voice of white scales deep in his mind.

"Boy, isn't it bad? You have grown to this level so quickly."

Bai Lin's arrogant voice was still so old-fashioned, Ye Long felt a little nervous when he remembered that there was a guy in his body monitoring him, even though the other party was just a burst of energy.

"Have you been watching me?"

Ye Long asked in a low voice.

"I've been watching you all the time, hehe, I have no time to spare."

Bai Scale's voice was a little lazy, "I can only feel when you use your phagocytosis ability. I just look at you occasionally. Why should I pay attention to you when you are living well?"

Bai Scale's tone doesn't seem to be fake. Thinking that Ashura and Indra's Chakras are almost unconscious, and Bai Scale has never interfered with him, Ye Long feels much better.

"Actually, your endurance is really strong. Once an awakened guy got this ability, he tried his best to kill people, and finally became bloodthirsty, and soon became extremely powerful."

"Then that guy committed suicide, didn't he?"

Ye Long said as a matter of course.


Ye Long was already familiar with the example of how he felt invincible after gaining power and started to show his indulgence.

Not to mention the other world, the world of light and fire, isn't Payne just such a guy?

When he got the eye of reincarnation, he felt that he was the son of destiny, and that he was a high-ranking god. He wanted to make the whole world feel pain and achieve the so-called purpose of peace, but he didn't know that he was just a chess piece, and there were many people stronger than him.

Ye Long's blood-devouring bloodline can't actually become stronger quickly, including the blood-colored brilliance he obtained from the enemies he killed, all of which need to be developed in a vulgar way, and now his real strength is only the relatively powerful Jōnin.

Moreover, once this bloodline ability is discovered, it will inevitably become the target of public criticism. Ye Long does not have the powerful strength from the beginning like Nagato to protect himself.

It is very important to lay a solid foundation for the growth of a ninja. Nesting in the Anbu training, although the number of people killed is less and the promotion is slow, it is also to prepare for the future war.

"Then why are you here this time?"

Ye Long asked. In the past, Bai Scale only communicated with him after he was in a coma or when he fused the power of blood, but this time the power he swallowed was not special, and Bai Scale only communicated with him in his mind.

"Your current strength is almost enough. The first soul split should go smoothly. You can go to Longdi Cave to find that snake."

After Bai Lin finished speaking, he passed a piece of information into Ye Long's mind.

In the depths of the deep forest, in a dark and damp, incomparably huge cave, stands countless huge and strange palaces, and countless snakes meander in it, like an evil hell.

A huge snake appeared in Ye Long's field of vision. Orange hair with golden pupils, a green opal on the chest, a purple ribbon as a forehead, an army green horn-shaped ornament on the front of the forehead, a red night pearl on the top of the head, and a stick on the mouth. Pipe, extra long body and two golden rings on the tail.

This is the legendary White Snake Immortal. The terrifying and vast natural energy is unfathomable, and Ye Long feels terrifying just by looking at her.

The White Snake Immortal in the image seemed to be thoughtful, glanced at Ye Long, and the golden snake pupil revealed a faint smile!


Ye Long was taken aback, and the image disappeared.

"The back of the the location of the Dilong Cave, so it is."

Ye Long opened his eyes and stood up silently.

The location of the Dilong Cave is very mysterious. As a white snake clan specializing in the cultivation of immortality, what they need is not only a place with abundant natural energy, but also need to "harvest the spiritual energy of the world and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon."

According to information from White Scales, moonlight is good for the cultivation and growth of White Snake.

Although the moon and the earth keep turning, in fact, a part of the moon will never face the earth. This is the back of the moon.

This side is actually full of pits and pits, blocking countless meteorites for the earth, and the Dilong Cave is not here.

The back of the moon is an approximate coordinate, which corresponds to a country on earth that receives the most moonlight, and this country is the country of the moon!

Ye Long came to the country of the moon, and his strength was sufficient, so he triggered the appearance of the white scales.

"Is the ability to split the soul the power of the curse mark? But the curse mark is impossible to appear at this stage."

Ye Long murmured to himself, "Anyway, the White Snake Immortal will definitely be able to answer many of my doubts, and I can also learn powerful magic arts."

Ye Long quickly collected materials from the local area, summoned and cultivated a ninja snake.

This little cyan snake swam into the grass and disappeared, and soon it would turn into a huge monster, and then lurked in the safe ground to wait for Yelong's call.

"Now I have to go back to Konoha first. To solve this matter, I will use my psychic escape to return to the Moon Country and look for Longdi Cave."

After three hours of recovery, Ye Long felt that he had 70% to 80% of his strength. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. In order to prevent Lord Gen or Danzo from getting the news and stumbling them, Ye Long let out a loud roar.

"Assemble, go back immediately, and go straight to the main entrance!"


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